Episode 8

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 8 – We're in this Together Constantine’s P.O.V I stormed into the house angrily. Elizabeth was getting on my nerves with each passing day and I couldn’t bear it any longer. I walked past Andrew, who attempted to engage me in a conversation. I wasn’t in the right state of mind to talk. I needed to cool my head and the only thing I could think of was to down my sorrows in a bottle of alcohol or turn my bedroom upside down. Both seemed like a good idea, so that was what I did. “Why won’t your daughter stay dead?” I yelled at the picture of my elder brother Michael on the wall. I slammed my fists on the desk, and the documents went flying up in the air. My heart was beating faster than that of an angry werewolf seeking food and satisfaction. “Dad. Is everything alright?” I turned to see Carlin standing by the door. She looked hurt by what she was watching me go through. But when you’re an overly proud father like I am, you find it hard to admit to your children that you are not ok. “I’m fine, baby girl. What are you doing here? I thought you had a business interview or something?” I asked her. I wanted to shift the topic away from me and focus more on her. She knew what I was doing, but she didn’t seem bothered at all. Carlin had always loved being under the spotlight and having all eyes glued to her. “Apparently, Elizabeth already secured the deal with the advertising company. She offered them twenty million dollars for a two-year publicity of Rose Corp.” She had an expression of sad confusion on her face as the words came out of her mouth. Turns out I wasn’t the only one Elizabeth had ruined their day. She had done the same to my daughter and I hate it when people toy with my daughter. “What of your Uncle Bertrand?” I asked in a calm, measured voice. Carlin was just about to answer when the door to my bedroom was pushed wide open and Bertrand walked in. “We have to talk, Constantine,” his voice was heavy with emotion. He stared at Carlin, who refused leaving the room because of his presence. I figured he wanted a private discussion with me, but that didn’t seem so possible with Carlin in the room. “I can see your daughter is as stubborn as ever,” Bertrand lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Hey. I’m not stubborn. Besides, what could you possibly want to discuss with my dad that isn’t Elizabeth and her cocky brothers?” Carlin bickered. There was silence among us for a moment as the three of us considered our next words carefully. We couldn’t also risk any Andrew over hearing our discussion since he was still around. “You have to stop this now,” Bertrand declared without possibly thinking twice about his words. “Stop what? You really have to be clear when you’re talking to me, little brother” I ran my hands through my hair as Carlin stands beside me. I was anxious. Bertrand had never walked up to me in such a perplexed state. “Whatever it is you’re planning to do to Elizabeth and her brothers. Stop it right now!” I moved my lips slightly to show a smile. I can’t believe my brother was about to chicken out of our plans just when things were getting started. “Uncle Bertrand, we’ve come this far together. What could make you scared right now?” his sudden softness bothered Carlin. Bertrand never really cared about anyone. He as much as didn’t care who was in charge of the Rose Corp. I could only get him on my side because our Elder brother had refused to lend him some money after his gambling habit had gotten him into a debt of two million euros. “Look Bertrand. I think you’re having a fever or something so why don’t you go to room, take a shower, lay on your bed and take a refreshing nap,” I suggested, but he wasn’t listening to anything I had to say. “Constantine. There’s only one end to this story, you’re either going to die in the process or end up behind bars for the murder of Elizabeth’s parents,” Bertrand didn’t seem bothered by the presence of a military general in the house as the words left his mouth. “Shut up Bertrand! The last thing we need is for Elizabeth’s cold-hearted brother to hear us confess to the murder of their parents.” I hushed him with my words, but all he did was smile. “You still don’t get it, do you?” Bertrand flashed his lovely teeth at me and I knew that whatever it was he planned on saying right now, I would not be thrilled with it. “There’s no us in the murder of Elizabeth’s parents. Their death was you. I’m leaving this place before things get messy and I suggest you do the same,” he nodded his head towards Carlin. I can’t believe my little brother was just turning his back on me and also advising my daughter to do so. “So, you think you can just have a change of heart and travel and somehow you actually believe that you’d be off the hook” A petrified smile forms on my lips. It was time to put my little brother in his place and remind him of just how much involved he was in this scandal. “You seem to have forgotten that you drove them to their death, little brother. Or the fact that you threatened to kill Elizabeth yourself. You also linked Carlin to the mafia she hired. So, beloved brother, you and I have a lot in common right now,” I said with a cunning smile. “Enough of all this, both of you. We can’t be acting this way when we have all eyes on us right now,” Carlin mumbled, and for the first time, she was actually saying something reasonable. Bertrand was quiet. I guess my words did the trick. He should have never thought of crossing me. “You are the devil himself” Bertrand cursed and walked out of my room without looking back. Carlin was pale. I didn’t mean to get her involved in this mess, but she was the only soul I could trust. Even though she failed the one job I had asked her to do. We needed to think of a plan and as soon as possible, too. Elizabeth can’t be one step ahead of us once more. “I need some fresh air, Daddy.” She runs out of my room and I’m left alone with my dark thoughts. The thoughts of the endless ways I could get rid of Elizabeth without being a suspect. I needed to act fast or I could lose everything that I have worked so hard to get. Andrew’s P.O.V I was getting ready for my first day at the Puerto Rico Military Office after dropping from the battlefront. My superiors weren’t so happy about it, but I couldn’t stand by and watch Elizabeth get into this fight with my uncles all by herself. Luke had travelled to Mexico for a surgery. Apparently, there was a lady pregnant with twins but only once came out and the other, well maybe he wasn’t ready to leave the womb yet and it put the mother in a state of trouble. I was heading to the door when I bumped into Carlin. “Watch where you’re going, Mr. General! Just because you have a title in the office doesn’t mean you can move around as you please,” she protested, dashing down the hall and out of sight. From the look of things, she was coming out of her dad’s room and it seems they had a heated discussion, if you ask me. I would have stayed to find out more, but I was already running late and my team was waiting outside the house for me. “Sir!” they saluted as I made my way down the grand staircase outside our house. “At ease, soldiers,” I replied. I took a deep breath to observe my surroundings when my second in command, Landon, came down from the car. “General Andrew,” he saluted before pulling me for a hug. “Major Landon. It’s good to see you outside the battlefield and boy, am I glad that you are still in one piece,” I teased and we both chuckled. I met Landon in Texas during a military coup. They had set us up and Landon was the one who rescued my team and I. “You know you don’t have to be here, Major Landon. You were up for a promotion after this mission.” I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled widely. “I pledged my loyalty to you, General Andrew. Which means wherever you go, that’s where I and the team go. Right, boys?” “Yes, Sir!” my team chorused in response to Landon. Having them by my side always gave me hope, and I knew that together, we could succeed in any mission. “Let’s go then,” I smiled as we all got into our various cars. The Military headquarters was almost an hour's drive from the house, but when you’ve got a speedster as your combat driver, the longest journeys appear so short. We go to there in thirty minutes' time and unlike in Texas, there was no army awaiting my arrival. I guess it’s because I’m the eight General in their midst and when you have a lot of Generals among you, sometimes the arrival of a new one isn’t always so exciting. We alighted from the car and marched into the headquarters. There was a young, elegant man waiting at the desk, and I presumed they assigned him to direct me to my office. “Soldier, how can I locate the Army General’s office” I called out to him, but everyone in the office gasped at my words. My team and I weren’t so sure of why everyone looked so surprised at and I didn’t actually want to find out. “You must be General Andrew, and I’m guessing the man behind is your second in command; Major Landon,” the young man greeted and only then did I take notice of his badge. “General Scout!!” I gasped as I stared at my new superior, who I had just insulted. “I apologize for my attitude, sir. You just looked too…” “Young??” he laughed, and I felt my bones ease at the sound of his laughter. “I get that a lot of all the new recruits in the office. No offence taken but just in case of next time, never belittle a fellow soldier by his appearance,” he smiled “Yes, Sir!” I replied. “Come on, let’s head to my office and have a proper discussion. Your team can mingle with the rest of the soldiers,” he said in a calm yet authoritative voice. I followed into his office, and it was decorated by a beautiful display of guns on the wall. He sure had a fancy taste in weapons of war. “So General Andrew. I already know that you didn’t just come down here because you wanted to get away from the dangers of battle. But what I don’t know is what exactly made a high-ranking officer come down to his home town where his rank is of little value,” he said. To think that he had just said my rank was of little value pained my heart, but who was I kidding. He was right. “Well, then Sir. I don’t think there’s no any need hiding the truth from you” I took a deep breath and stared at him for a moment, thinking of the right words to say and how to say them. “General Scout, I came home to request that the death of parents, Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Mondragon, be re-investigated. We have reason to believe that they were murdered and not by a car crash, as everyone believes.” General Scout was quiet. He didn’t seem pleased with what I wanted to do, and I hoped it was just my mind playing tricks on me. “So, you want to use your power and position to reopen a case that was closed a year ago after no evidence could be brought forward to prove that the Mondragon family was murdered” he stated, doing his best to sound neutral the entire time. “I’m sorry General Andrew, but I can’t do that. This discussion is over. You can return to the reception; an officer is waiting there to escort you to your office,” General Scout affirmed and pointed towards the door. “General Scout, I am your fellow officer and I am asking you for a favor and you just turned me down. I feel you’re hiding something, so I’m going to ask you right now. Whose side are you on?” I demanded, but it only annoyed him the more. “Look General Andrew, I won’t have you walk into my office and raise your voice at me. I am a soldier and I do not pick sides. So now, LEAVE MY OFFICE!” he yelled and my heart went cold. I saluted him and walked him out of his office without saying another word. I needed to have my parents' murder case reopened, and I had to do that soon.
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