Chapter 7: Gazes

1960 Words
Chapter 7: Gazes The next day, I made sure to arrive here early at APEX’s building and I arrived exactly at—“Seven o’clock am, huh?” Standing in front of the building, looking up at it as I savored its industrial modern architectural design, I fell in love instantly. Feeling on cloud nine, I still can't believe how coincidence brought my feet here. Having a condominium I've always been dreaming of and getting recruited into one of the firms I've set my eyes on just as soon as I moved here in the city. Ah, sure, things are running smooth. I just hope I really get hired. Passing the resume is easy, but getting referred to and recruited by someone working here isn't, yet here I am, lucky enough to meet that man. Hmm, the fiftieth-floor hottie, huh? Yeah, he's hot. But definitely strange. Also, I can’t keep calling him that now, considering that I can’t avoid him, especially now that, if ever I get hired, it’s only natural that I meet him at work. And if I get hired, there’s a high chance that it’s because of his referral. Huge firms like this work like that—well it’s not easy to accept it since when I was still studying, it has always been on my mind that I could conquer anything if I am that, if I have this or that with me—but being like this or that doesn’t really help after finishing college. Because in reality, I—almost no one can’t go up without any connection to what’s on the top. “Ha…” Sighing on the sad reality no one prepared me for, anxiety builds up a little as I remember that I still don’t know his name yet. I can’t keep going on like this with ‘Mr. fiftieth floor hottie—what if I accidentally call him that? I can’t offend him—ha…this is frustrating, why we didn’t ask his name when we had the chance — ugh, I don’t even know what his position is here at APEX— then all of a sudden, I felt the weird sensation on the back of my head again. Reminding me of what happened when I first met him at the elevator yesterday. Brushing my hands on my nape, as I also remember how fast he conceals a reaction with a smile as the door closes that time. Staring blank at the building’s front door, I immediately pulled my mind back from deliberately thinking of what happened since I had already decided to overlook it. Anyway, I don't care. As long as I get the job, I'll just make sure to get out of his way. I thought, eyes fixed on the firm's exterior amidst the busy crowd passing by me here on the pathway. As expected of APEX, they're big time! Seeing the building in person certainly levels up the impression. I need to do my best to get hired. Feeling nervous, I recall all the research I did last night. The firm's known for being one of the top-tier firms! Just after a year of service, and d*mn, impressive isn't enough to compliment that feat. Just what sorcery did they do to make it big in just three years? "Hi!" I snapped back from the mesmerizing view of the building's exterior when a familiar voice called me—waving out his hands in the air as his face lightened to greet me from the building's entrance. I waved back and walked towards him. Then, he runs down from the porch's steps to where I am and walks at the same pace as me. Greeting him with a smile, I remember how stressed I was when I ended up texting him out of the office without asking his name. I was so embarrassed to ask his name through text that, in the end, I acted as if there was nothing wrong and chose not to ask and decided to just ask him in person, since that's probably the best and less awkward way—or is it? "Hi, good morning! You came!" Did he say, beaming with his smile—ugh, really? Why are you so full of energy early in the morning? With that smile, you can probably replace the sun—perfect for this type of weather. Noting the exaggeration, I try to keep up with his energy. Smiling back, "Uh-yeah? Well, because I need a job" I said, trying to cope up with the atmosphere he brought. Because obviously, I need money, and money doesn't just grow out of trees. "Yeah, yeah, we all do. Let's get in? It's getting windy here outside." He said, opening the glass door, and as soon as we stepped inside—no, maybe before we stepped inside. I started noticing we were getting quite a lot of stares from almost everyone here in the lobby. Although, I’m not sure if it’s only natural because I’m a new face here or because of him— I thought, observing the eyes of the people looking at us, that either they were passing by or talking with anyone, they would stop and look at us, They would look first at him, then their eyes would automatically come at me. I expected people would find me unfamiliar and look at me briefly, but those gazes we were getting were different from what I was expecting. Somehow…it feels uncomfortable, especially when I did not expect everyone to look. Walking towards the elevator, I glanced up at him, contemplating asking why everyone was looking at us. But, I stopped and just faced forward and decided to just shrug it off. When I started seeing some group of people, he tried greeting him, but he just looked at them, and in an instant, they slightly bowed their heads and continued what they were doing. Hmm, think about it, this guy must be seriously one with a higher position. We would not get this much attention if he wasn’t. Well, he must be. After all, he can't just live luxuriously in a penthouse just by being someone in the middle—huh? I stopped walking when the crowd who were waiting in front of the elevator immediately moved sideways just as soon as they noticed us behind—making way for us to the elevator—looking like they'd let us in first before they did. And I may look calm and collected outside, but I’m definitely shocked right now. Is this a special treatment—what is this—no, the real question here is what he is? A king or something? Looking at him whose eyes is only looking ahead to the elevator’s door, not even greeting anyone here—or are you just a big jerk? Seeing him not looking at or ignoring the people around us, I immediately put a ‘Jerk’ tag on him and not just a moment after, the elevator door finally came down to the ground floor. “Oh, shall we?” He then said when the doors opened, empty. “Ah, yes.” I said, following on his back as we went through the people and just when we stepped inside the elevator, he didn’t even bother telling them to go in but instantly pushed the button up. And as the doors closed, I saw the people who were looking down, looking up at us with curious gazes. What just happened? For a second, they don’t look pleased—they don’t look like they had let us use the elevator first because of curtsy, but because of… Looking for the word to describe it, I sneak a glance at him who’s right now at my side. Intimidation? “Hmm? Yes?” Noticing I’m looking at him, he turns his head to me and tilts his head, smiling kindly at me—in this situation it looks like he’s babysitting me—ugh. “Oh nothing! I-I a…” What the heck, I just got caught looking at him. Say something! “Uhm, thank you for today. Without you I would probably have lost my way.” Liar, I’m not stupid to be shy about my way here and not ask for directions up here. “Oh, it’s nothing. I just want to make sure you get here without any trouble.” He said, flashing me with his smile that convinced me with assurance—and it’s terribly working. Finally getting out of the elevator, he looks at me and smiles reassuringly again. Giving a smile back, I couldn't help but feel like I missed something too. Ah! His name! Ugh, we made it this far, yet I still haven't asked his name!—I thought, feeling torn as I kept on following him from behind. But when I finally made up my mind and was about to ask, someone approached us. "Good morning, architect Lennox!" A man, probably in his forty's, greeted him while passing by and stopped in an empty cubicle, humming while carrying rolls of blueprints. Oh, looks like I don’t have to ask anymore. So, Lennox is his name, huh— I paused when I caught a glimpse of him glaring at the man for a mere second. So fast that it slipped swiftly from his face, he then turns his eyes on me and smiles gently. What did I just see—then another memory came in my mind when I saw how fast the amusement vanished from his eyes yesterday at the elevator when we were with Mae, it’s as if he was thrilled for a second there. I knew it, just like yesterday, I wasn't imagining things. With just what I saw, a feeling of uneasiness knocks again, but louder this time. Acting unaware and unfazed, I smiled back at Lennox when he looked at me. And when he turned his gaze around towards the hall, I sneaked a peek at the man who had just greeted him. But he doesn't seem to notice Lennox's glaring eyes and continue what he's doing. Well, not a surprising thing to miss it, for it needs keen eyes to catch how fast his expression leaks and hides. I thought, not regretting keeping an eye on his facial expression. Lennox then glanced back at me, showing me a smile. A smile, I thought a cover-up to check on me. I smiled back, not leaving a hint for him to know what I had just seen. Surprised but not expecting anything to get rid of my suspicion of him now, I headed on following him again from behind. Indeed, the first time was bothering. But I'm well aware and mentally prepared for what may come from now on. After all, no person would follow a suspicious person for such a mere invitation. The reason I'm here is just to get hired, through him or not. I'll make sure to get into this company. I’m here now, so I should better get what I came here for. Determined, despite the risk of being involved with some odd pervert, I gulped followed all the hesitation down and relaxingly follow him. Keeping in mind that I have what it takes to fight back if he ever tries anything funny. Right, and after all, perverts aren't the only ones to look out for— You, who keeps feeding his dreams, You, who drives him to the extremes, I wish you good luck...that is, If luck itself would suffice. Suddenly, a stanza from the poem I last read popped out in my mind as an understandable nervousness washed over me in an instant. What the—why did I think of that?
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