Chapter 6: Unnamed

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Chapter 6: Unnamed Holding up my breath as I got sucked into his deep stare, I felt torn between feeling good and uncomfortable considering it was my first time feeling like this, yet being reluctant to snob him. I stood there, not even minding Mae. D*mn, you hot creep. "Really?!" Mae exclaimed, making me jolt back into reality—phew, that was close, I almost got stuck in his gaze again! What the heck, I've been spacing out too frequently since I bumped into him. What's wrong with me?! D*mn this man's going to be the death of me if I don't get my grip together sooner— "And I live just above you if you're on the fortieth floor." He said, still smiling at me, making it known that he recognized me from earlier. With just after that, I couldn’t keep an eye contact anymore. Not sure what to react to his friendly but overwhelming presence. I lost guard for a second and almost lost my balance because of Mae's persistent nudging. With an open opportunity in front of her, she abruptly put more pressure on my side, trying to push me harder. And when her efforts paid off, because I could turn and go back, she immediately said— "Oh my! What do you do? Oh! Sorry for being nosy! You know? I just want to know you better—I mean, for my friend!" With eyes wholly glued on him and mouth grinning with pure mischief. She acts unaware of what she's doing as a reason for her segue to push me closer to him. What do you mean to me?! I had enough encounters with this guy, ugh, seriously! Thoughts were running wild inside my head while I stood firm not to let our bodies touch by Mae's relentless push. With the unbearable pressure and humiliation, I glared at Mae. This is ridiculous! I exclaimed inwardly when all of a sudden, just a few centimeters away from him, a subtle smell brushed through. The scent was so familiar that it brought me back to a nearly forgotten memory. A fresh, citrus, with a hint of lavender scent, the same fragrance I smelled when that happened before I stepped out of the elevator earlier. Because of that, it didn't take seconds for me to feel the creeps I also had felt in that situation. Recognizing the scent, a lump in my throat formed as I realized how odd the encounter was despite the kind smile I last saw before he vanished as the elevator closed shut after that. Stone cold, as realization washes on my shoulder, I stand frozen in between Mae, who's beaming with bright questions, to this unknown suspicious man. What the actual f*ck. I thought, thinking of why he did that. Time slowed down—not in the romantic way I’m expecting it to be but it slowed down when I struggle to accept that at this point, I am ninety percent sure that I wasn’t imaging things to begin with. "I'm an architect." Then, without any trace of pressure, he responded with an angelic and charming smile, enough to convince Mae that he is perfect from her amused expression that looks back at me with an approved sign written all over her face. Nonetheless, it wasn't enough to shutter my suspicion that this man was indeed a pervert. I had thought of smelling him, but I did not do it because I knew it was not right and not appropriate. I might have been a pervert and on the same boat as him, but I didn't think of jumping off from it. Even so, the action says it all. "Oh! An architect? Oh, my! Isn't this destiny?! My friend here is also an architect!" Mae excitedly said, glancing back and forth at him and me. As if she just formed an unbreakable illusion, called destiny—ugh, really, Mae? With a conclusion in mind that I wouldn't trust this guy, I calmed down immediately and regained my poise. Confidently stepping aside, I look at Mae's eyes, telling her not to push me anymore or I'd kick her ass hard after that. Getting the signal, she gripped her lips sealed and stepped back a little, giving my personal space back. I stepped away further from him with the spare space given back and confidently looked at his expecting gaze with a generous smile and said. "Ah, no, not yet. But I will be." Then, a hint of amusement flashed through his eyes. So fast that I thought I was imagining things. But I know what I just saw. What in the d*mn thing, what's with this guy? The least thought of him being a potential colleague and source of information regarding architectural firms disappeared quickly, just as fast as his amusement left his eyes. Anyway, the city's big, never mind getting entangled with this creep. Then, a firm I saw on the internet before coming here appeared in mind. That's right; I'll send my resume there since it's the most eligible company here. Not to mention, it ranks up to one of the top firms— "What do you mean not yet?" He asked in an intriguing tone. Making me all flustered suddenly. "Ahh, uhm—"trying hard to find a word, looking straight at his deep black eyes—with a compelling gaze that doesn't allow me to think twice of doubt. I caught myself thrown out when Mae jumped her weight on me, which threw me in his open chest. Bumping hard on his chest—officially making a physical contact with him, I got stunned when I realized that I was never been this close to any man in my life until now. And when I heard Mae snickering from behind, I quickly wanted to step back and hit her now, but then my bracelet accidentally got tagged in his coat. Mae—this is so immature! "Opps." He said and untagged my bracelet calmly. And because of the close gap we have, the closer I can smell his scent. There’s no mistaking it. Confused, I looked up to him. Are all perverts supposed to act this innocent in front of their prey? I thought as distrust builds greater within. While he still smiles genuinely as his strong hands wrap my shoulders, carefully assisting back. "Sorry, thanks." I mouthed, to putting a distance from us, getting near on Mae's side. Well, I guess it's alright for now. Besides, it's too late to act tough now. —ugh, I can't believe I got swayed just because he's handsome. Next time, if I ever catch him red-handed, I swear I'm going to beat the hell out of him— Then, my thoughts stopped when we hit the thirtieth floor. I'm not the most meticulous person, but ever since we got in, the elevator has been popping open on every floor without anyone waiting or going inside, and when I look at the elevator buttons on the right side of the doors, in front of us, there I could see all the buttons in light. Looks like we will reach the ground floor a lot longer than expected since we will have to wait in every floor for the doors to close before we can go down in each every door— Strange…I thought, looking up to the CCTV inside the elevator as its door closed shut again. "Ah! Right! She's still an apprentice—but she’ll be an architect soon! Oh! Speaking of! Where do you go to work? You see, my dear single-since-birth friend here happens to be on a job hunt right now so—"Mae said, emphasizing the single-since-birth part, grabbing my attention away from my analyzing the situation. Finally, snapping my patience. I glared menacingly at her. "Eh? Hehe—" Mae, stepping back, giggling when she understands that she'll not make it out unscattered if she pushes my patience more. Then, when we reached the twenty-ninth floor— just as I expect, it opens again without anyone going in. As if someone from every floor pushes the buttons— What?...hmm, is there some mechanical issues going on? But if there were, they would put up a hold and warning sign. Ugh, I can't wait to get off. With him in the same room, it feels longer and suffocating. I thought, indulging myself in thought when, suddenly, his tone disturbs me when he responds to Mae— "Really? What a coincidence, our firm's hiring a junior architect. If you want to check the office, its APEX design and build firm near Starbucks, you can just pass your resume there personally—Of course, with your portfolio." With what he just uttered, the job hunting urgency peaked right through me. Without a hint of distrust that had been hogging my senses, I glanced back at him. Is this what they call a blessing in disguise? Knowing it’s hard to find a hiring company—If things go well, I will have no issues and hassle in landing a job here. Not to mention, that firm is the same firm I have always been thinking of! I thought, looking at him as if there was a ray of hope coming out of him. When Mae noticed the swift change in my mood, she got it on again and said. "Ah, and!—"but was immediately ignored— "Here—ah wait just a minute." He said, grabbing his pen from his coat's pocket and a piece of paper from his pants bag. "Here, you can contact me through this. Sorry, I don't have my business cards with me right now." After scribbling his number, he handed me the paper. I instinctively accepted, looking at him as if someone divinely, forgetting the elevator incident—rather choosing to forget what happened for the junior architect position. A…job, a job! I thought, thinking no matter how reliable my credentials are, I can’t deny the reality that it's a struggle to find a job this instant. And this kind of opportunity only passes by once in a blue moon, and before I know it we’re already on the second floor—about to land on the ground floor. "It's alright…" I said, after staring long on his number, contemplating on trusting him as I eventually made my decision on just trusting him on this referral. "Ah, then see you?" He said just in time the elevator dings open at the ground floor, walking out still smiling at us as the light from the sun shining through the lobby's windows shines on him coincidentally making it looks like he’s radiating—looking some sort of an angel—darn it, now I’m not even sure if I was really just overthinking. I thought to myself after seeing him off like that. I mean, how could a man beyond my league do that to me? Just look at him Alice! Ugh, he’s too out of my range. Just from his look, a 10 is still an underestimation. Sighing out of relief, I looked at him, determined to overlook what happened, since I was not even sure of what happened. Anyways, I'm convinced now! This man right there is the answer! I said to myself, looking at his back with ‘APEX design and build’ tagged on his head while crossing out the pervert tag on him, then I found myself and Mae looking at his back in awe, but in this case it was for a different reason. "Yes, sure thanks…" I uttered, ultimately swayed until he was out of sight. "Uhm, are you guys getting out?" Someone who just entered the elevator asked us, eek! Getting back to our senses, we instantly dashed out of the elevator. "Hey, Alice…" Mae said, putting her hand on my shoulder, looking at me with glimmering eyes. "Is he finally the one?!" She exclaimed, and just by looking at her face I already knew what’s in her head—brimming with romantic fantasies. "Seriously? Yeah, he's handsome and somewhat kind but—wait, a minute." When I realized I missed one of the critical things I should've known first before knowing his number, I stopped. "Yeah?" Mae asked, and then I looked at her, tilting my head. "What was his name again?" I asked blankly, as I couldn't remember asking his name, nor him introducing him to me. "Eh?" She uttered in disbelief when she realized it too, still looking at me, mouth parting in incredulity. "……" And for a moment, we stood there in the lobby, stoned on our feet, looking at each other, dumbfounded. "Waaaah! How could we forget to ask that?! Ugh!! Hottie, come back!" Mae whines, breaking out the silence, as both of our stomachs continued on grumbling. She was about to run and follow the guy out of the building, fortunately I grabbed her firm shoulders and stopped her. “Ah! Right! You ask him!” She said, pointing her fingers at the piece of paper that guy gave me, as she seemed to forget how hungry we were. And knowing where this conversation would go, no matter how curious I was about that guy’s name, I heaved a heavy sigh and walked out of the building. “Let’s get something to eat first, his name won’t change, but our reservation might,” I said, getting her back to her senses. “Oh—hey! Don’t forget, okay? Argh, I can’t believe we didn’t ask—hey, Alice! Wait up!” Mae said, but I couldn’t care less as his words spoke louder inside my head. "Really? What a coincidence, our firm's hiring a junior architect. If you want to check the office, its APEX design and build firm near Starbucks, you can just pass your resume there personally—Of course, with your portfolio." “Guess I have to work with him if things go smoothly.” I mumbled, worrying more about trying to think of how I can cope with him than how the interview will go when I arrive there.
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