Chapter 4

684 Words
Carrie couldn’t believe they were snowed in with 5 feet of snow outside. And it was still snowing! And if that wasn’t worse, she had no service on her cell due to the storm. Carrie turned on the TV to get a weather report only to get a grim forecast the weather for the next week—snow! Snow! Snow! By then, Mike had woken up to join Carrie in watching the weather report. “What are we going to do?” Carrie worried. “It’ll be okay.” Mike reassured Carrie. “We’ll get through this.” But Carrie wasn’t so sure. How was she going to explain being snowed in and not being able to come in to work tomorrow? Her supervisor would never understand her plight? She’ll be fired for not being able to show up? It was only supposed to be a few days and she would return back to work. But this storm changed all that! All was okay at the fashion house as Carrie’s supervisor told to be careful and get back as soon as she could. He told her not to rush and to be safe. They would handle things at the office until she was able to return. Mike had the same reaction when he called the office as his co-worker wished him well and a safe return and told him not to rush back too. With everything out of the way, it was just Carrie and Mike alone and snowed in the cabin until they were rescued or the snow went away. There seemed to be no sign of plows to plow the road. At this moment, Mike and Carrie didn’t know how long they would be stuck in this cabin. Mike did the next thing within his control—he decided to make some breakfast for him and Carrie. “I’m going to make some breakfast.” Mike told Carrie as he headed into the kitchen, as Carrie got up to help, but Mike told her to go into the living room and relax. He would let her know when breakfast was ready. Carrie tried to take her mind of the storm by getting some sketches done, but the storm had drained inspiration from her. No wonder she needed this time? She was so drained, she couldn’t even design! Carrie had fallen asleep when Mike came out to tell her that breakfast was ready. Carrie sat down across from Mike’s seat, while Mike served each of them a plate of waffles, poached eggs, bacon, toast, and milk and orange juice. Breakfast was quiet between Mike and Carrie as neither knew what to say. Finally, Mike broke the ice by asking Carrie what she did for work. “I’m lead designer at a fashion house in the city.” Carrie replied. It hit Mike who Carrie was when she told him what she did, “You’re Carrie Yates! Of Yates Clothing for Women!” “The one and only!” Carrie said now that her cover was blown. She had hoped that no one would recognize her on this getaway. Mike didn’t know that that was what was really bothering her—her identity being discovered. She had to pretend to be worried about losing her job. “Wow! I’m snowed in with a fashion designer!” Mike said. “Well, you know who I am. What about you?” Carrie urged Mike to tell her about him. “I’m the architect for Rainier & Associates.” “Now that’s news! You’re an architect working for the firm that’s designed and built most of the business here in the city.” Carrie said impressed. “Yep! So now that we’re both fairly famous people, what do you like to do for fun in your spare time?” “I like to read in my down time.” “Wow! A fashion designer and a reader!” Mike and Carrie finished breakfast getting to know each other. Each showed the other the designs they worked on. Carrie forgets all about the storm and enjoyed Mike’s company.
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