Chapter 3

525 Words
Carrie, instead, decided to go for a walk to clear her head as it was hard to think with the busy activity and noise from Mike and his friends who were watching the football game since they arrived. It was nippier than the day before, Carrie thought, as she wrapped her cloak tighter around her. A half hour into her walk, it started snowing, so Carrie turned around and started back to the cabin, hoping she’d make it back before it got worse. Mike couldn’t concentrate on the football game. Carrie didn’t notice, but he noticed Carrie slip out thinking she was unseen. It had been an hour and Carrie hadn’t come back. He was getting worried as he looked out the window to see the snow coming down harder than ever. “Guys, I’m heading out to look for Carrie.” Mike told the other guys, but they were too engrossed in the game to hear what he was telling them. Putting on his coat, Mike headed out into the snow to look for Carrie. He tried to follow any tracks Carrie might have left in the snow, but the snow was coming down so hard, he didn’t see any. As he trudged on through the snow, Mike saw no sign of Carrie. After 15 minutes, he was becoming worried that Carrie was stuck somewhere—cold and shivering. Mike hoped he found Carrie soon before she froze to death. Soon, Mike got a glimmer of hope when he saw a shack ahead. Hoping Carrie found shelter, Mike walked toward the shack. As soon as he reached the shack, Mike opened the door to find, to his relief, Carrie sleeping on a cot. He felt Carrie’s body, which was cold. Wrapping a blanket that he found nearby, Mike bundled Carrie up and carried her back to the cabin where he could get her warmed up. His friends were still watching the football game, oblivious to the snow storm that was brewing outside when Mike arrived with Carrie wrapped in a blanket. Mike laid Carrie on her bed and stripped her clothing off and put a warm nightgown on so she could warm up before frostbite set in. After bundling up Carrie in her blankets on the bed, Mike left Carrie to sleep it off as he joined the guys in watching the game. But the snow storm was getting worse; Mike switched the TV to the weather channel to get the rundown on the storm. While watching the weather, Mike’s friends got worried they would be stranded, so they decided they should go so they could get home to their families. As Mike wished them a safe travel, Mike checked in on Carrie—who looked as if she was doing alright—before he slipped off into his own room to sleep it off. The next morning, Carrie was up before Mike wondering how she got back to the cabin. The last thing she remembered, she was sleeping in the tiny shack. As she looked out the window, the snow dropped about 5 feet of snow during the night. They were snowed in!
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