Chapter 5

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Each day snowed in at the cabin brought Mike and Carrie closer. They were forming a friendship, but each was still denying any attraction to the other. Mike was getting cabin fever being stuck inside the cabin. He suggested they both take a small walk to clear their heads. Reluctantly, Carrie agreed to a small walk. The walk was good for Carrie, but was afraid to admit it. She didn’t want Mike thinking she enjoyed being alone with him. There was something about Mike that Carrie wanted to get to know. She was intrigued by him. Mike was thinking the same thing. He was glad his friends had left, not just for their safety after the snow storm, but if they hadn’t left, he would not have this time alone with Carrie. He had to admit, that they didn’t get off on the right foot, but after he found her alone in that cabin after she had taken off for a walk—Mike was generally worried for Carrie. Mike was glad for this time to get to know Carrie. The walk was doing some good as the cabin fever that Mike felt was released as he and Carrie explored nature. They even went back to the shack where Mike had found Carrie sleeping and cold. Something happened at the shack that neither Mike nor Carrie expected. Mike and Carrie were about to leave and head back to the cabin, when Mike nonchalantly placed a tender kiss on Carrie’s lips. Shocked by the kiss, Carrie pulled away from Mike, as much as she liked it. She had to regroup and think about what was happening. Mike, although a little hurt, let go and the two of them walked back to the cabin in silence. Mike didn’t know what Carrie was thinking but decided to give Carrie the space she needed. Carrie went to her room to be alone so she could think about what was happening between her and Mike. This was just supposed to be a short reprieve from the daily grind. Not a romantic interlude. And Carrie despised Mike at first. He seemed like all he cared about was football with his buddies. But when he came looking for her, that’s when things changed. Carrie was seeing something new in Mike. And then the kiss happened. While Carrie was in her room, Mike was preparing some dinner for the two of them. He wanted to go to Carrie, but thought it as best to let her be, despite how much he was attracted to her. Mike didn’t have to wait long when Carrie emerged from her room. The aroma of Mike preparing dinner aroused Carrie’s senses and she came out to see what he was making. Mike outdid himself with dinner—Fish Tacos, a Marinated Cucumber-Tomato Salad, Key Lime Pie with Champagne chilling in a bucket on a set table. “You forgot one thing.” Carrie said as she went to the cupboard and brought out two candles and candleholders and set them in the center of the table and lit them. “Ambience for a romantic dinner.” Mike was taken aback by Carrie’s actions being the way she pulled away from him. It gave Mike for a chance with Carrie. He pulled out a chair for Carrie to sit in hoping being a gentleman would see him as generous. It worked as Mike was slowly crumbling the wall Carrie had built around her. Carrie was learning to trust again and open her heart to the possibility of romance.
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