Chapter 2

581 Words
Carrie liked the cabin, but staying there with another man…well that was another story. Could she dwell here for a couple of days with a virtual stranger in the same place? But Carrie didn’t get the chance to find out when the doorbell rang and several guys came in with munchies and beer. Mike had invited his friends to watch the football game. Carrie couldn’t think with all the noise, so she told Mike she was taking a walk. “Ok,” Mike told her, as he went back to watching the game as he popped open a beer and grabbed handful of chips and joined the guys. The walk in the clean, brisk air was refreshing. It felt good to be up here in the countryside. It was just want Carrie needed after working long hours at the office. The daily grind of work was really getting on her nerves. Carrie couldn’t believe it took her getting mad at a customer to realize she needed a break. Thank goodness her supervisor understands and gave her the needed time off to recoup. Carrie vowed she would never allow herself to get that worked up at work again. After a 30 minute walk, Carrie made her way back to the cabin where Mike and his buddies were still engrossed in the game. So Carrie went to her room to be alone in silence. But she wasn’t expected to find one of the guys rummaging in her belongings. “What are you doing in my room?” Carrie asked the man. “I thought I lost something.” the man defended himself from what he was really doing. “I’m pretty sure it’s not in my things!” Carrie told the man. Mike heard the commotion from the living room and went down to see what was going on, “Is anything wrong?” “I found your buddy going through my belongings!” Carrie informed Mike. “Is this true?” Mike asked his friend. That’s when Mike spied a knife his friend was hiding behind his back. When Mike went to retrieve it, his friend grabbed Carrie and held the knife to her throat. “One move closer and she’s dead!” Mike’s friend threatened. “Take it easy. Just give me the knife.” Mike tried to diffuse the situation, as Carrie was scared of what Mike’s friend would do as Carrie’s life flashed before her eyes. Before Carrie knew it, Mike had his friend in a chokehold and was calling police. Though it was only minutes, it felt like hours to Carrie as she feared for her life with the blade of the knife against her neck. As police were carting Mike’s friend in the patrol car, Mike asked Carrie if she was alright. But trying to be brave, Carrie told Mike she was fine…though she was still shaking inside. But Carrie wasn’t fine. She was scared! Carrie wanted to tell Mike how she was feeling, but she didn’t want to come off as helpless. She instead, she bit her tongue and pretended she was okay. But Mike could see that Carrie wasn’t alright. He wanted to comfort her, but stopped him from doing so. He didn’t want to intrude on Carrie’s privacy. So he left her alone, hoping she would know to turn to him if she did need him. But Carrie didn’t have any intention on letting Mike comfort her. She was far from letting him in.
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