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ADELE’s POV I was struggling with this person's hand. I wasn't sure who it was, but it was a strong and strong hand. I used my teeth to bite his finger with all my strength. “You crazy girl,” The man said. He gave me a big slap on my ear, but he still didn't let go of me. He held my neck, took out a pocket knife, and placed it by the side of my neck. You had better shut up at this minute! You crazy girl” ALEXANDER’s POV “Andrea, I'm so furious I got married to that dumb woman” I said angrily to Andrea, my girlfriend. “I know that Alexander, I am more furious you got married to her but I'm so sorry babe, I understand it's all my fault, only if my fans would understand that I'm in a relationship but you know how the industry is right. They cancel once they know you are in a relationship or anything like that, so Alexander for now just bear with her. I beg of you, huh?” “It's fine, Audrea, I understand everything, and everything happening now is definitely temporary, once you are ready to come out to the public about our relationship, I will get rid of that annoying lady” “Where is she anyway?” “Like I even care” I said angrily to Audrea, I really didn't care where Adele was, I didn't like her one bit and I hated poor and helpless people like Adele because They are very quick to betray anyone once they see money. I have had enough encounters with people like Adele so I know once they meet someone with money they are always ready to bow down to them but once the money is gone they disappear too. “Alexander, you know I can't sleep here tonight, right? I have an early morning flight, I'm sorry babe” “I know Audrea, I know, it's fine, you can go now because the more I keep seeing you the more I will want you to stay” She walked towards me and kissed me on my lips. I grabbed her by the waist and didn't want her to go because I wanted to spend the night with her so much. “Alexander, let go, (laughs) You are so naughty, aren't you tired? You have been scrweing me since I got here, you almost forgot it was your wedding day because you were busy eating my brains out”. “I don't regret any of it! You know I did everything because of my mother, right?” “I know that, Alexander” Audrey finally left, I went to my room and I didn't see Adele. Out of humanity, I called her phone and it was inside the room. I called her friend, Amelia, and she said Adele left the room about 30 minutes ago, and she got worried and started panicking. I didn't really care that much but my mother came out too and she put a lot of pressure on me to find my wife. My mother was sick so I didn't like her worrying about anything. Adele’s mother also woke up and it was a big drama. We all went downstairs and called out her name and they were all panicking. Then one of my guards came to us and said he saw Adele being dragged into a car but he was upstairs then so before he could come downstairs the car had left and he thought it was me so he didn't bother alerting the others. And I angrily slapped him very hard on his face not because I was angry that he allowed someone to take Adele away but because he just gave me a lot of work tonight because I knew I wouldn't sleep till Adele was back Adele's mother quickly grabbed my hand and begged me to bring her daughter back, they all started crying already including my mother. And I was very angry. I had just got married to her but she was stressing me out already. “Y’all just go back inside the room, I will go out with my men and bring her back, I promise you I need y’all to go back to your rooms, please” I joined my hands together and begged them sincerely, I needed them to leave so I would know what to do because they were all stressing my life out. I was so frustrated. “Not my ideal wedding night, but it's fine” I said to myself and frowned. They all went back upstairs but Amelia insisted on going with me to find Adele and I didn't argue with her. “Where do we even start from?” Amelia asked me. I looked at her angrily and rolled my eyes. “Finally someone asked a sensible question, you all have been telling me to look for Adele but where do I even start? I don't even know where she is?” “You know what, Mr. Alexander I think one of your enemies might have taken my friend away, you both just barely got married and she's already facing problems so you shouldn't be the one complaining!” She said loudly to me and I got so angry I would have seriously slapped her if she wasn't a lady. I thought about what she said and I immediately called the commissioner of police and asked him if Armando was still in the cell, and he confirmed that Armando and his boys were still locked up. “So it's definitely someone else?” “What?! Someone else?! You mean you have so many enemies you are not sure which one took Adele away?” “Do you mind? I'm trying to think, so I would really appreciate it if you could shut up” “What?!” “I said shut up!” I said very angrily and I walked into my car. I wasn't a man who kept enemies but most people I did business with enjoyed coming back to taunt me. And for the most ridiculous excuse at that, it was always “We did business together but only yours is progressing, and mine isn't” It is always the same excuse. Just when I was thinking about who might have taken Adele away. A call from an unknown number popped up on my phone and I knew it was the person that took Adele away. “Alexander Arnold” A tiny feminine voice came from my phone. “A woman?!!!” No way a woman kidnapped Adele!!! No way!!! Why would she allow a lady to kidnap her? When she could have easily burst the woman's head. “Alexander Arnold!” “Who is this?” “You don't even remember my voice? I'm so sad, we used to be so close and in love but you don't even recognize my voice anymore, I don't blame you so forget about that but don't tell me you really married this lady?!!” “What lady?” “I saw on television that you got married today! Stop playing with me, Alexander “ “Oh, yes I did, but I can't find her, I'm guessing she's with you” “You are not wrong, if you want her then you need to come get her, but you need to come alone!!!”
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