The mother

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ADELE’s POV “Who am I? Don't you think that is rather a rude way to speak to your mother-in-law?” “Mother-in-law!?” I was filled with so much surprise, she definitely looked so much like Armando, but never did I expect her to be his mother! She looks so young and girlish. “Yes, I am your husband's mother, so pay your respect, lady” “Pay my respect, how?” “How do you pay respect to your mother?” “I always say my greetings to her, and now I have not seen her since I got married to Armando, could you, please, speak to him for me? I really need to speak to my family” “Do you know the easiest way to get under a man's skin? You need to play dumb with them, play dumb, so you will make them feel superior over you, once that is done, you can have your way with them” “What do you mean? Armando promised me that he..” “He promised you what? That he would bring your family to your feet once you arrive here? But he hasn't, right? My son is a man who loves it when his women obey him, so get dressed, and meet us outside” “His women? Does he have other ladies?” “My dear, you are married to a mafia, jokes on you to think you are the only woman in his life” She walked away, while I was still staring at her, then she stopped. “Oh, yes, you don't have to wear the red dress if you don't want to, I will have Brenda bring in something else for you to wear. Dress up, and come downstairs like the queen that you are, because even though Armando might have some other ladies in his life, you are the one that he is married to, and you are my only daughter that I have, so walk on those stairs like the queen of the house that you are” Armando’s mother, Mrs. Alessandro is definitely the woman that she thinks she is, she has so much aura and speaks with so much confidence. I got into the shower, and I am sure that I stood for more than 5 minutes just staring at how big and beautiful it looked, but my joy was cut short when I heard the door open, so I quickly showered, grabbed the towel, and I walked back to the room hoping to meet Brenda, but instead it was another lady. “Hello, you must be the new bride” “Well, and you are?” “Why don't you take a guess?” “Well I met his mother, so I'm not sure who you are, if you could give me a hint?” “I'm the one that keeps your husband’s bed warm at night” When she said that she laughed loudly, but I didn't find what she said funny, so I just stared at her. “What do you mean by that?” “I was only pulling your legs, I am his sister” “Armando has a sister? I never..” “A half-sister” Armando walked in, and the stare that he gave to the lady who claimed to be his sister was very intriguing, that I had to look away. “She is my half-sister, and I don't even know why she is here, in my room, you mind telling me why are you here? You should be in your room getting ready for the party, what are you doing in my room, Nadia?” “Why do you look so serious? It's not like it is the first time that I would be in your room, right? I thought you liked me coming to your room. Or do you only like it at night?” Nadia walked out of the room angrily, and I could not understand what was going on between them, but her body language showed a lot and the thing she said earlier about warming his bed? She was not joking. “Towel? You are still in your towel? Why are you not dressed?” “I was waiting for Brenda to come with my new dress, sent by your mother” “My mother is here?” “You don't know that?” “Just get ready, and come downstairs in thirty minutes, don't make me come back for you, Adele” He quickly walked out of the room, and Brenda came in with a black dress. It was more of a white and black marble color dress, but I loved it. I was still mourning Alexander, so it would be best to wear a black dress. How can I be mourning a husband and celebrating getting married to another on the same day? I thought to myself. I wore the dress and Brenda brought in some ladies to apply makeup on my face. When I finished getting ready, I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked like royalty. I looked like a queen trying to get her kingdom back, the thought of it made me chuckle a little. Brenda brought in black heels for me to put on, and the heels were the perfect match with my dress. When I stepped outside the room I could all the eyes on me. I looked at the stairs and Armando stood at the end of the stairs waiting for me. When I stepped on the first stair all I could say in my head was “Please, don't fall, please, don't fall, walk majestically like a queen” I took it one stair at a time without looking at anyone’s face I just kept walking it, and when I got to where Armando was, he pulled out his hand for me to hold, and I did with a straight face. Everyone there applauded loudly for us. It was not a regular party, and it was so obvious. The party screamed class and luxury. When I looked around I noticed that all the men had the same style of dressing and tattoos, they were all definitely into the mafia thing just like Armando. What does being a mafia even mean? Armando took me to his friends to introduce me to them, he held my waist, and he kept caressing my back with his hands. I looked at Armando’s side frame and he had a tattoo of a dragon attacking a lady on the side of his neck. I could tell that it was a lady because of the hair on her head, the tattoo was very descriptive.
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