The death note

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ADELE’s POV “What are you looking at?” Armando asked, but I just quickly changed the direction of where I was looking at. I walked around the party with Armando, and he kept introducing me to his colleagues. I noticed a woman staring at me from the curtains, and that creeped me out. She kept staring at me without even blinking, but I could only see her face. I decided not to pay attention to her, she might be one of Armando’s workers or something. “Armando, you promised to bring my family to me, once I get married to you, so, please, where are they?” “You disobeyed me, so for that, you won't get to see them until tomorrow” “I disobeyed you, how?” “I want a straight answer, Adele, did you or not did you not try using your phone to call them earlier?” What?! How did he know about that? Or is he trying to pull my legs, and get the truth out of my mouth? I won't fall for it. “No, I never tried to call them, because you said I should not, so why would I?” “Ladies! You all lie so much! I will ask you one more time, and if you lie again, then you won't see your family for a whole week, but if you tell the truth I might be kind enough to invite them to this party, so, Adele, did you try calling your mother on your phone?” No way this man was watching me, or was it Brenda who told him? How did he know? I should probably say the truth, oh s**t! “Yes, I tried calling them on my phone, but that's only because I have been worried about them” “See? I hate liars so much!” “How do you even know about it? Are you watching me?” “No, I'm not, you told me yourself just now?” “What? You had no idea? You made me tell you the truth?” “The first and most powerful way to get a person to speak the truth is by threatening them with what they love the most, and it always works like magic” “Well, you have not been completely honest with me anyway, so, you saying you hate liars when you are one, is very funny to me” “What! Did you just call me a liar?! You seem to have lots of guts..” “That is enough! Your guests are watching you both” Armando's mother quickly interrupted our conversation, as she saw how angry Armando was getting. He looked me dead in the eyes, then he walked away, and a very big sigh of relief left my chest, as I smiled at his mother. “Adele, if you are trying to get something out of a man, you need to do it calmly, you don't raise your voice or try to annoy him, especially a man like your husband” “I just need to know where my family is, please, mother in law” “Enjoy the party, Adele, your family will join you soon” She rubbed my shoulders, and then she left. I stood there in my beautiful dress looking completely lost. I saw the same lady who was staring at me earlier, going upstairs, and I don't think anyone aside from the family or the workers was allowed to go upstairs, but I didn't have enough strength to even say anything to her. I just looked and smiled at the guests. I was standing in the middle of the sitting room with the chandelier just above me, the music was so loud that it was hard to hear anything else. The waiter came with a drink for me, but he also gave me a small piece of paper, but I wasn't sure what was in it. I opened the paper and it was a short note;” Run away or you will die!” Immediately I saw that I tried looking for the waiter that handed it over to me, but I couldn't find him. I quickly told Armando to follow me to the room, and he did. We got to the room, but if I could say anything, Armando looked at me with a smirk on his face. “Are you in a hurry to have a taste of me? After the party, okay?” “What! No that's not it! Not at all! I need to show you something that a waiter handed to me downstairs, a note” “A note?” I brought out the paper and handed it to Armando, without checking. “This paper is empty” “Empty! What do you mean empty?” “See for yourself” I quickly collected the paper from him, and honestly, there was nothing on it, the writing was gone, and the paper looked plain and neat like it had never had anything written on it before. I was so shocked that I almost dropped to the ground, my stomach made funny sounds, and I didn't know how to explain it to Armando. “Armando, I don't know what is happening, but there was a short note on this paper when the waiter gave it to me, I don't know how.. What is.. What is going on? .. I am not lying.. I was” “It's fine, Adele, maybe you are just too tired so you are seeing things, but don't worry once the party is over, you will be able to rest, okay?” “Someone is trying to make me look crazy, Armando, I am not lying to you” “Did someone else collect the note from you before we got here? Or did someone else see it?” “No! No one did, that is what is making me more frustrated!” “Hey, calm down, you are with me, and you are fine, no one dares come close to anything that belongs to me!” Armando held my waist, and he kissed my lips. Honestly, at that point, I guess I needed that closure from someone because I was going mad. I held Armando’s neck, even though I wasn't sure what I was doing. I gave him full access to my mouth, he pressed his tongue into my mouth, and I gave in. He carried me to his desk and used his lips to caress my neck while choking me, while his other hand was trying to go underneath my dress. But someone pushed the door open without even knocking, and for the first time, I was angry that the door was not locked from the inside. I quickly pushed Armando away, and I jumped up from the desk. I was so ashamed to even look at Armando’s face. I swear that I hated this man five minutes ago, so, why was I letting him choke me? The lady who came into the room quickly ran and gave Armando a big hug, and it was not a normal hug.
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