Chapter 9: Grown men

1600 Words
Raya's POV Im not sure when i managed to fall asleep. It seemed impossible for most of the night. I was constantly tossing and turning. There were a few times when i thought about sneaking out and leaving this place. I just didn't know where i could go. I knew i couldn't go home. Charles would come looking for me there. Well, maybe not Charles, but i knew the queen would. She seemed more interested in me working things out with Charles than he did. I showered and got changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a black turtleneck sweater. I didn't have anything much nicer than this. I'm sure it would be deemed unfit, especially for someone mated to Charles. I felt the pressure of it all, and it seemed to be more overwhelming every second that i was here. I walked out of my bedroom to see that i was competley alone. I guess i really shouldn't be too surprised. It was nearly eight. I thought maybe i would have caught him before he left for the day. I knew he was here at some point because i could smell that he was in the common area not that long ago. I looked around, hoping there would be some sort of note from him. I wasn't sure what i was supposed to spend my day doing or if i was even allowed to leave the room. Like I expected, no note. I opened the cabinets to our kitchen, which seemed to be pretty much bare. I was lucky i found a filter and some coffee. I brewed a pot and took my cup to the terrace outside of the living room. It looked out to a small river. I felt out of place here. I didn't belong. I couldn't spend the rest of my days sitting here and doing this. It wasn't who i was or who i wanted to be. I was more determined than ever to leave here. Maybe Remi would still let me leave with him. I knew i wouldn't be welcomed back to our pack if i left the prince. I would be an embaracement to him and the rest of the pack. The knock on the door took away any courage i had about leaving. I opened the door to see the queen behind it. I wasn't sure what to do. Do i bow or bare my neck. I decided to just show my neck. She looked at me like i was a bloody i***t. She shook her head in disbelief. She looked me up and down and gave me a dissaproving look. "Is that the best you have, dear?" Embarrassed didn't even begin to describe what i was feeling . Why did she even want me to accept Charles. I clearly wasn't good enough for him. I was plain and nothing special. I was apparently just the better option over a witch. "This is it." "Well, i guess that shops is the first place we go. We can't have you walking around looking like this. We dont want to embarrass Charles." I wanted to blurt out that i didn't think Chalres gave a damn about what i looked like. I probably could wear a trash bag, and he still probably wouldn't notice or care. "Whatever you think is best." I hated how she smiled over what i said. She liked having the control i could tell. She didn't waste any time with any small talk. She went straight for the juicy stuff. "So, how was your first night with Charles?" I was caught off guard and wasn't sure if i should be honest about it or not. I mean, this is his mother for crying out loud. Im not even sure if this would be something i would talk to my own mother about. "Oh, we both went straight to bed. We were both exhausted from traveling." She gave me a questioning look. "Traveling? Your pack isn't that far. Im sure that was not the issue. Raya, what color is Charles bedroom?" Everything was white, so i just took a wild guess. "White?" It came out more like a question. "You didn't sleep in Charles's room, did you?" Shit. He must be lucky enough not to have a stupid white bedroom. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to lie to the fricken queen. I sighed in defeat. "No, i have my own bedroom." She looked pissed. "Why exactly do you have your own bedroom?" "Oh, um, Charles and i thought it was best for the right now to sleep in our own rooms." She could see right through me. "Im sure that it was more Charles than you, am i right?" I started to stutter. I mean, what could i say without throwing my mate under the bus with his mother and i dont think that was anyway to get him to trust and open up to me. Im already starting to think that it will never happen, and this would definitely not help my case by any means. Luckily, she never pressed the matter any further. We got down to the shops, and she just started throwing clothes left and right for me to try on. None of them were me. But i think the me i once knew would have to disappear if i stayed here. The old me would never fit in. I guess if i wanted things to work out with Charles, then i would have to change. I let the queen decide on everything i took home. I didn't understand why i needed forty bras, but that what i went home with. The queen insisted on coming back up with me and a few omegas to get everything put away. I should have known that she would be up to no good. She instantly started putting my new things away in Charles bedroom and not the one i was given. I couldn't even cross the threshold. I just stood outside the door feeling unomfortable. I shouldn't even be surprised that she was doing this to me. I was trying to metnally prepare myself for Charles's freak out when he realzied his closest was full of my s**t. I dont even think im allowed in his room to take everything out. Which meant i would have to wait until he got home to ask for permission. This was beyond mortifying. I wasn't sure what the queen was trying to do, but this definitely wouldn't bring us closer if that was her goal in this. I sat on the couch awkwardly and waited for Charles to return. I was starving, but i would be damned if i let Chales walk in and see that without me explaining what happened. Maybe this way, the raft of him wouldn't be so bad. It was nearly nightfall when he finally returned to our suite. There wasn't even the tiniest of excitment when he saw me. I felt like even his wolf wanted to reject me. His voice was grumpy and cold. "I figured you would be in bed." I wanted to roll my eyes, but i held myself back. I reminded myself that i was trying not piss him off right now. The chances of him flipping out were pretty high when he learned what his mother had done. "Well, it's still pretty early, and i needed to talk to you." He seemed irratated. "About what?" I was getting pissed. He was my mate, and he was seriously acting annoyed to have to talk to me. He was the one who asked me to come back here. If this was how it was going to be, i just needed leave. "Your mother took me to get new clothes." He didn't even let me finish my sentence. "Okay, that was really nice of her. You should appreciate the gesture and now sound pissed off over getting a new wardrobe. Could you sound any more selfish." I raised my voice a few notches. "I am very appreciative of the new clothes. YOUR mother figured out that we weren't sleeping in the same room and she put my clothes in YOUR closet. I didn't want to go into YOUR room without permission to get my things and take them to MY room. Now, can i please go into YOUR room and get them?" Now he was fuming with rage. "You just had to tell her, didn't you? You're not going to muniplate me or my mother just to get into my bed." Oh my goddess, is he serious right now? "Charles, i really dont give a s**t about you and your royal d**k. The last thing on my mind right now is getting in your precious bed. Now, can i get my stuff or not?" He stormed off to his bedroom and opened the door. Instead of handing me my stuff nicely, he just started throwing it out of his bedroom onto the ground and couch. I couldn't believe a grown ass man was acting like this. Between him and his mother, i just kept getting more and more mortified. After he finished throwing my stuff out, he stormed out of our suite. I have a feeling it was to go hunt down his mother down. Part of me was hoping he would send me back to my pack. Charles or the king were the only people who could make my alpha take me back. Im sure i would be treated like s**t, but it had to be better than this.
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