Chapter 8: Waterfall

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Laura's POV I wasn't sure what to do at this point. Do i go after him? Or do i just give him some space? I really wasn't expecting a reaction like that. How do i beg for forgiveness for falling in love. I never thought i would have to do something like that. Truth is, i was thinking that maybe this would make it easier in a way. I wasn't sure if i could love him. At least not how i loved Charles, but part of me really wanted to try. I walked up to my room slowly. I wasn't tired now. That feeling was long gone. Now i felt wired and honestly kind of spastic. I got to my door and realized i didn't actually want to be in my room. I grabbed a pair of comfy boots and slipped them on instead of slippers, and headed outside for a walk. There was a full moon tonight, and the stars were extremely bright. It felt like i was walking for hours. I had no sense of direction and honestly was probably getting beyond lost at this point. I just didn't care. It felt like everything was falling apart. My whole life just seemed so different now. I let my guard down to just get crushed. I was officially that stupid girl who fell for Prince Charming, the prince of wolves. Whatever you wanted to call him, i was wrong to fall for someone who wasn't my beloved. I should have waited. I just never thought i would have been one of the lucky ones. I was walking deeper in the woods than i ever had been. I grew up here. You would think i would have aventured out a little more. It just wasn't me. I didn't care to be out in the middle of nowhere. I liked the city. I love the lights and the noise. I always thought i would leave here for good. It just wasn't realistic. My dad was second in line here. Which meant i was next in line as their oldest child, much to my brothers dislike. He was always so odd. I knew my dad would blow a gasket if the title went to him, and i just couldn't do that to my father. He is a good man, and I was the golden child up until today. I knew my dad had to be pissed off at me for running away from my beloved and suitable partner in his eyes. He may not forgive me for this if i can't get my nameless beloved to forgive me. I just dont think i should be asking for his forgiveness for falling in love.To top it off, I really need to figure out what his name is, like soon. I was now in the pitch black. The thickeness of the trees covered the night sky, causing total darkness. It was kind of creepy. As a witch, you would think i would be able to handle the creepness better, but here i was completely freaked out and, of course all the noises I was hearing wasn't helping the whole creepy feeling i had. I turned in circles, realizing it was too dark to know the direction i came from. I can't believe i was seriously this stupid and naive to do something like this and alone. I should have known better. My dad always drilled to us the dangers that lured in the woods. Between vampires, demons, other witches and warlocks, and of course wolves. I decided sitting still probably wasn't the best option, so i kept moving. I really didn't know what the right thing to do was if you go lost in the woods in your own fricken backyard. After walking for, who knows how long i finally reached a clearing in the woods. At this point, i didn't even want to think about the countless scratches and bruises that were probably all over my body from running into s**t. I couldn't help but think about my mother and what she would say if i ever made it back to the coven. Im sure some comments will be made about my appearance. She cared about looks more than most. I came out to see that i was close to an edge of a cliff. The full moon gave me somewhat of the view of what was around me. It was gorgeous. You could see the mountains in the distance and what seemed like some sort of river benneth the ledge. I looked out the corner of my eyes to see some sort of trail. This means someone has been out here before. Against my better judgment, i decided to follow it. I mean, i was already lost. It couldn't get much worse than it already was. Im just hoping someone will notice that im gone by morning and come looking for me. Seriously, it's not my brightest plan or moment for that matter. The trail was steep but doable. It didn't take long to reach the bottom. I was in shock for what i saw. There was seriously the most beautiful waterfall I've ever seen. How did i never know about this? I mean, seriously, other witches had to know about this being out here. It was far too beautiful not to be seen. I felt like something was pulling me towards the water. It was tinted blue from what i could see. Im sure it was far more beautiful during the day. I dipped my toes in the water, and it was like bath water. I got overly excited and stripped down to nothing. Maybe this was what i needed. A night swim complelety alone. I dived under, and when i came up, i admired the beauty even more. I noticed wildflowers on both sides and mountains seemed closer than before, just over the waterfall. I felt weirdly safe here. It was calming. Part of me didn't want to leave . I got to thinking that maybe if my beloved didn't want me, i could build some sort of cabin out here and put a protective spell around it. I could live at peace out here and alone. I dont think you get a third chance at love. Maybe being alone and out here was the next best thing for me and everyone else, for that matter. Maybe my dad would understand. I heard deep laughter coming out of the woods. I sensed wolves. I started to panick thinking i accidently crossed on their territory, but i remember my dad saying there wasn't any even remotely close to us. Maybe he was wrong? If he was, i was in deep s**t. I knew how possessive wolves got over their land. In my opinion, it was a little ridiculous, but i guess if a wolf came across our coven, we probably would react the same way. Five stark naked men came out of the woods and walked into the wildflowers. The blondish man kind of shocked me. He wasn't terribly looking. His voice, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. It was sketchy and full of evil. "What's a pretty little witch like you doing out here in the woods all alone? Dont you know that big bad wolves lure in these woods? We like to call this place the no mans land." Yup, it's official. Today couldn't get any worse. "I just came for a night swim. I dont want any confronation with anyone. We both can just do our own thing. I dont mean anyone any harm." He laughed again. "You think you can harm us? Your one witch, against five wolves. You wouldn't stand a chance. You're still on the younger side. I'm sure you dont even know how to use all your powers properly yet. Am i right?" Shit, i didn't mean to insult the damn wolf. He wasn't exactly wrong. I wasn't paying attention to my mother as much as i should have when she was trying to teach my countless spells. I was distracted. I let myself get in this love bubble, and i wasn't able to see anything beyond that. Now it seems kind of pointless. I should have done what was important for me and my future. I let a guy get in the way of that, and now i might die because i dont know how to defend myself properly. I promised myself that if i made it out of this alive, i was going to learn everything my parents wanted to teach me and more. I wanted to become powerful and feared if needed. I took way too long to answer. I think that gave it away that i was completely defenseless. He gave me a snarky grin. "I thought so." He licked his lips, making me dred what was about to come. "You look awfully young. I bet you haven't been touched by many men." He stepped closer to me. I can't believe the first time i decided to skinny dip i get caught by fricken rogues. They had to be the rogues. Pack wolves dont talk like this. At least, i dont think they do. There was water between us, but it was still too close for comfort. He started to snicker. "Hmm, it seems you've already been with a wolf and recently. I can smell him on you. At least we know what the little witch likes. Maybe we can give a little taste of more." What the actual f**k? How the hell could he smell Charles on me still? I showered. I scrubbed my skin raw to make sure i got the smell of him off of me. But then again, im not a wolf. Maybe their sense of smell is better than what i thought. I guess that is possible. I started slowly swimming backward. I didn't want to make it too obvious. I knew i didn't stand a chacne running away from them. They probably could easily outrun me in human from. I was short and not exactly in the best of shape. I knew i didn't have a choice as the water was getting more shallow that i would have to stand up and expose my naked body to them. I didn't have another choice. I was curver than most, and as soon as i stepped out of the water, i felt their stairs. They disgusted me how much they were enjoying this. He gave me another nasty grin. "Get her boys. We each will have our turn." That was my cue, and i started running straight up the trail that i came down on. I didn't look back. I just kept running. I knew i had somewhat of a head start since they had to cross the water. I could feel them moving in. I was never going to make it back to the coven in time.I had no idea where it was. I was scared. I couldn't stop thinking about what they were going to do to me when they finally got their hands on me. I kept puhing forward. Charles came to my mind instantly and the wonderful memories at his grandparents' cabin. How safe i once felt with him. I felt them just feet behind me now. I was running out of time. I let the memories flood me, and all i could think about was how desperately i wanted to go back there. I tripped and tumbled to the ground. i wasn't really sure what it was. It was too dark to tell when i felt a weird feeling overcome me. I closed my eyes and prayed that i would be able to handle the pain that was about to be placed on me. I heard that mans awful voice way too close for comfort, and then it slightly faded. I felt a sickly feeling, and when i opened my eyes to see what was taking them so long to grab me, i was outside of Charles's grandparents' cabin. How the f**k did i get here? I was confused, but at the same time so relieved to be here.
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