Chapter 10: Telling my mom

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Laura's POV I stood outside Charles's grandparents' cabin, just staring at the damn thing. I was stunned over what had just happened. I never expected to be a gifted witch. I never heard my family mention that any of them had the gift. I know it was talked in a hush tone, if at all. It was like some unspoken rule we all lived by. I just assumed that if someone in my family could teleport that they would give me some kind of warning that it might be a possibility for me. I guess that silent rule was taken seriously even for them. It's funny how this place meant so much to me a few days ago. Now, it was just an awful reminder of what will never be. I lost my first love, my beloved, and about got attacked by rogues. This string of bad luck im on really couldn't get any worse, could it? I was trying to decide if i just wanted to stay here for the night or try to teleport back home. Walking was just not an option for tonight. If walking is what i had to do, it was better to wait until morning. I slowly walked up to the front porch and twisted the door handle. It was unlocked. I guess i didn't lock the door when i left. I just assumed Charles would have come back after me, and who knows, maybe he did. I stepped inside to see that everything was left the same. Even the blankets were a tangled mess. My chest physically hurt. I picked up the pillow that Charles would lay on. It still smelled of him. I guess i shouldn't be too surprised. We were just here. For whatever reason, it felt longer than what it actually was. I decided to just stay here for the night and head home in the morning. Im sure no one even knew that i was gone. I found one of Charles's t-shirts that was left behind and slipped it on. I tucked his pillow between my arms and snuggled into bed. My emotions were everywhere. I was feeling every which way. I felt the tears start to pour down my cheeks, and i just cried and cried until the sun started to rise, and even then, i never stopped. I was exhausted. I decided to head home. Im sure if they haven't noticed that im gone by now, then it wouldn't be long before they did. Im sure my mother would come to check on me. I stood out of bed and walked out the front door. I turned around one last time to take it all in. I knew i could never come back here. I couldn't keep putting myself through that kind of pain. It wasn't worth it. Charles found his mate, and he's happy with her. I just need to find a way to make myself happy. Even if that meant i would be alone. I closed my eyes, hoping that this would work. I pictured my bedroom at the coven, and when i opened my eyes, i was there. It didn' t look like anyone had been in my room. Maybe i got lucky, and no one has come to check on me yet. I slipped out of Charles t-shirt and placed it in one of my drawers in my dresser. Im sure it seemed pathetic that i was keeping it. I just couldn't find it in me toss it out. It was the only thing i had left of him. I did love him, and i didn't want to forget that. I tried so hard to play it off like it was some summer romance, but it wasn't. It was way more than that. I stepped into my shower, cleaning off all the dirt and scrapes that were on my body. Luckily, the scrapes were on parts of me that could get covered by clothing. I didn't want anyone asking questions. I didn't need another lecture. I wrapped myself in my fluffy robe when i heard a knock on the door. I tried to cover as much of my body as i could with it. I peaked around the corner to see that it was my mother. I could tell she had a mix of feelings. I guess i looked far worse than what i realized. "You want to tell me who the boy is and why you ran a way from your beloved?" I sighed and put my head down. I knew these questions were going to be brought up. I just was really hoping she would let it go so i didn't have to answer them. "He's no one. He's nothing to worry about, and i ran away because i was overwhelmed. I still am." She pushed my door open, not giving me the choice whether she came in or not, and sat down on my couch in my bedroom. I watched her pat the seat next to her, knowing i didn't have another choice. "I know my daughter. I know you had your heart broken, and as much as it hurts me to know that someone did this to you. Im sure yours is hurting that much more. Laura, i know what it's like to feel like your heart is shattered into a million pieces. I know you would like to think i've only been with your dad, but i've had my own heart broken before. So i know how you're feeling. I just wish you would talk to me. Im sure your dad would come around if he's a good enough warlock. Your dad is just looking out for the coven, and Zayden really is a wonderful guy." So that's what his name is. I liked the way it sounded. I shook my head back to reality and to process what my mom just said. "I really do appreciate you telling me all of this. But it would never have worked out between us. It just wasn't possible." She rubbed my back. "Sweet heart, im sure your dad could talk to his coven and make some sort of arrangements if that is who you truly want to be with." Shit, she really was going to make me tell her. "Mom, that's not possible because he's not part of a coven, and im starting to think that dad never would approve. I thought maybe that you guys would with time, but maybe that is not the case." She looked shocked. "You met a human. He doesn't know about you, does he? That could be seriously dangerous for our coven. Especially since you guys broke up." I shook my head. "No, i don't think you have to worry about that. He's not a human." She stood off the couch. "What are you trying to say, Laura?" Well, here goes nothing. "His name is Charles Winters. His grandparents have a cabin out where i was staying. We met in town, and one thing led to another, and we fell in love." She instantly sat down on the coffee table. "The werewolf kings, son? You fell in love with a wolf?" I felt the tears moving forward again. I was hoping I cried everything I had in me out. Apparently, that is not the case at all. " I didn't know who he was at first. I fell in love with him for who he was. I mean, i knew he was a wolf i just didn't realize he was the prince, and he didn't tell me until later on. I was fine with it being some fling.... He convinced me that it was more. That he would take me as his queen, and if they didn't aporrove, he would run off with me. As you can see, neither of those things happened. He found his fated mate, and he chose her. I was stupid and naive to believe that he would love me more. Well, anyways, obviously, he doesn't. He just had to change my mind about us before breaking my heart. It just happened right before i came home. That's why i was so upset, and that's why finding my beloved was so shocking." She pulled me into a tight hug. "Im so sorry, sweetie. Just know you are so much safer away from him. They would never let a witch be the queen of werewolves. Your life would be constantly at risk. He did you a favor by letting you go." I never thought about it that way. Was Charles just protecting me from his kind? Was that the real reason he ended things with me? I guess the silence took over us longer than i realized because my mother spoke again. "Charles found his mate, sweetie, and you found your beloved. Maybe things are just working out the way it's supposed to." I laughed. "My beloved doesn't want me either. I told him about Charles. Well, that i was dating a wolf. Not the part of him being a prince. He stormed off last night when we were trying to talk. We were going to try to get to know each other before i wrecked everything by being honest. I didn't want to hide it from him. Anyway, he took off, and we haven't talked since. Im not sure what im supposed to say. I refused to apologize for falling in love. That is just something you can't control." She pulled me into another hug. I knew she was trying to hide how disappointed she was in me, and if i didn't know her well enough, i would have never noticed. "Just give him some time. He may suprise you and come around. Im sure it was quite a shock for him. It would be for anyone of our kind." "Yeah, im sure that's it." I felt bad lying to her. I really have no hope that he will come around. if he reacted like that over me hooking up with a wolf, just wait till he finds out it was the prince. Im sure he would have questions if we were to work things out, and like i said, i wasn't going to lie to him.
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