Chapter 7: Palace

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Raya's POV I followed Charles to his SUV. He didn't once wait for me to catch up. I was kind of hoping he would be a little jealous of Remi, but that doesn't seem to be the case. He seemed completely unfazed by the whole situation. He climbed in the other side of the door and shut the door. Apparently, he was never taught any manners growing up or how to be a gentleman. I was starting to wonder if maybe Remi was right. We haven't even got to the palace, and he already seemed to be unkind and more distant than i imagined. He wasn't acting like a mate should or even trying. I took a deep breath and decided he just needed time. I pulled open my door and slid into the seat next to him. He didn't even look over at me, just staired at the window. I saw his reflection in the window, and he seemed to be lost in a daze. His mind was somewhere else or perhaps on someone else. He looked sad and broken. I felt a slight sting in my chest. I debated opening the car door and rejecting him. It felt like he wanted an out. Maybe i could be the bigger person and give it to him. The car started to move forward, and i decided it was probably too late now. Maybe he will be different when we get to the palace. The car ride was, of course, silent. It's not like it was a long one. We could see the Palace in a far distance from our pack. I guess part of me hoped he would start up a conversation. It didn't look like that would be happening now and possibly not anytime soon. He defiantly was the silent type. The palace was even more beautiful up close. I couldn't believe that i would be living here. Charles started to head inside, leaving me behind once again. His parents headed back a few mintues before we did, so i was assuming they were already inside. I let out a deep breath and followed behind him like a lost puppy. I felt pathetic. We stepped inside, and it was far more beautiful than the outside. It was done very elegantly in white, and i mean everything. I felt out of place and kind of trashy. I felt all eyes on me as i followed Charles up a set of marble stairs. Most of the looks were of disgust and by nearly every female here. Im sure they were all wondering what a girl like me was doing following the future king up the stairs. He never gave me the respect of being able to walk next to him, to show them all who i belonged to. This was so humilating. Maybe that's exactly what he wanted. After getting to the top floor, in complete silence, i might add, so much fricken silence, he showed me to his wing of the palace. He opened a door to an all white room. "This is where you will be staying. My room is down over there if you need anything. I'll have someone show you around in the morning. Thers food in the kitchen if your hungry. If you dont mind, it's been a long day, and i just want to go lay down." I felt confused by this. "I thought we would be sharing a room? We are fated mates." I knew i was sounding kind of desperate. I just wanted to be treated like his mate. Even if it was just a little. "Raya, i just met you. I just need some time. It wouldn't feel right sharing a bed with you when i dont love you." He's right. We did just meet. Why did that comment hurt more than it should have. "Right, you're right. I'm sorry. Good night, Charles." He never sayed good night back. He just left and shut his bedroom door loudly. It wasn't loud enough to be a slam. It was just loud enough for me to know that he was clearly upset. I closed the door to my bedroom and felt the tears start to shed. I don't think there was a single thing in here that cost less than everything i was wearing. Even the door knobs looked expensive. This wasn't me. None of this felt right. I opened the door to my closet and placed my dinky luggage inside it . What i owned wouldn't even cover one of the shelves in here. It was bigger than my entire bedroom and bathroom at my cottage. Being fated mates with a prince was supposed to be some sort of fairytale. A dammsel in distress that needed saving. I guess technically, i never needed saving. I was really conent with my life. Now i feel more lost and insecure than i ever have. I opened up my bag to pull out a pair of pajamas to come across a piece of paper that i didn't put in there. I recognized the handwriting. It was a letter for Meghan. Raya, sorry, i couldn't say goodbye. My dad basically had me under the lock-in key the whole day with the prince coming. I can't believe your mated to the prince you lucky b***h. Call me when you can. love, Meghan. The tears picked up. I couldn't help but wonder if she would even want to talk to me after how i talked to her brother. I knew they weren't the closest, but they did try. Why did it feel like meeting my mate was the end of my life and not the beginning? Why do i feel trapped. I dont think leaving here would be as easy as coming.
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