Chapter 6: Beloved

1473 Words
Laura's POV I wasn't sure how long I cried. I was too embarrassed to even come out of the bathroom. I was worried everyone might hear me if I was in my bedroom. I think I mostly just didn't want to hear my parents knocking or a certain someone. After a while, it felt like I couldn't shed any more tears. I was tapped out mentally. I headed to my closet to grab some clothes to take a quick shower. I felt gross and sticky, and I knew my eyes had to be pretty swollen. I just felt like I could still smell Charles on me, and I wanted it off of me. After spending way longer than I needed to in the shower, I got out not feeling much better. I let my guard down. I believed him. My heart wanted to believe him. I just can't believe I fell for the stupid werewolf prince. I look at the clock to see that it was nighttime. Everyone was probably asleep by now. I was beyond starving , even with everything going on. I think I mostly just needed some comfort food. I grabbed my robe to put on over my nightgown and my fuzzy pink slippers. I wasn't too worried about running into anyone, and if i did, it wouldn't be anyone important. My parents never, and i mean, never stayed up late. They are stuck to their schedule like clock work. It actually was really annoying growing up. I cracked open my door slowly, hoping not to make any noise, just in case some odd reason someone was in the hall. After the coast was clear and i didn't see anyone, i crept out of my room to the end of the hall to take the back staircase. My dad was second in line and worked with the covens leader. Whoever i take as i mate would become second in line. Because of some old rule that's never been changed, I wouldn't be able to take over the position. Im guessing that's why my dad wanted me to meet that guy yesterday. Lucky for him, he just ended up being my beloved. I knew i was going to get a lecture as soon as i saw my dad. I embarrassed him. He never took that well. Im just glad i never told him about Charles. I knew he would hate it, but i also knew my mom would have had my back, and he would have come around eventually. I guess i dont have to worry about that now. The halls were quieter than usual, giving me an uneasy feeling. I saw a small light on in the kitchen. I didn't think much of it. I just assumed someone forgot to turn it off. It happens more often than you would think. It's just part of living with so many people. The man from outside was sitting down at the kitchen island in a pair of sweatpants eating a bowl of ice cream. He was shirtless, which shocked me. He obviously wasn't shy, clearly. I started to stutter. He clearly saw me. It didn't feel right turning around and running away again. He didn't deserve that. For all i know, he could be the nicest and sweetest man out there. "Im sorry. i didn't think anyone would be down here. I came down for a snack." He stood from the stool. He had far more muscles than your average warlock. He seemed to work out and take care of his body. He surprised me by grabbing another bowl of the shelf and scooped me some ice cream. "It's okay. I think it's safe to say this kitchen is beyond big enough for the both of us." I took a seat awkwardly across from him and slid the bowl across with a spoon. I took a bite, realizing the flavor was butter peacan and is my absolute favorite kind. "Thanks, this kind is my favorite." He smiled, making me weak in the knees. "MIne to." After a few bites of ice cream and a few awkward glances at each other, i decided to try to break the tension. One that im very aware i caused. I took a deep breath. "Listen, im really sorry about before and running away. I was just really shocked to find you." "Yeah, i gathered that." He took a long pause before he cleared his throat loudly. "Is there someone else? Is that why you were so disappointed? I mean, that is why you ran away, right?" Yikes, he was jumping in right with the questions. I guess i did set myself up for this by bringing it up. "There was someone else. That's no longer the case." He seemed surprised. "DId it end because of me? I mean, did you just end things?" "We did just end things, but it was before i knew about you. That's honesty why i acted the way i did. Im just a little broken right now." He scrunched his eyebrows, trying to cover up whatever emotion he was feeling. "Are you going to reject me?" I didn't even think about that. "Oh, um, do you want me to?" "No, i dont, but i also dont want to be a second choice or someone you just settle for. I want you to be with me for all the right reasons." That comment surprised me. Something im realizing he is just full of. "Im not sure what i want. Finding you just happened so fast. I haven't even had a chance to wallow and process my breakup. Im not saying i want to reject you or not make things work with you. Im just saying i need some time to just let everything set in." He acknowledged me by nodding. "I understand. I know many warlocks and witches dont wait for the beloveds anymore. I just want you to know that im in. I want to make things work with us. How about we take things slow and just get to know each other. If you get to know me and realize that im not the guy for you, i'll walk away peacefully." It doesn't bother you that i was just in a relationship less than twenty-four hours ago?" He put his dead down and gave a nervous smile. "I'd be lying if i said i wasn't jealous. I just can't act on it. It was before you even knew about me, and it's not like im a saint. Mine are just further in the past." I felt the jealously creep in on me. I knew i had no right, and honestly, it was a little odd feeling. I was just ready to fully commit to Charles this morning, and now i was feeling jealous over a man i just met. He sure is dreamy, which isn't helping. His dark hair and dark eyes just lured you in. He is very attractive for a warlock, and i felt myself getting sucked in already. "Okay, im good with getting to know each other. Just try to be patient with me if you can." He was looking into my eyes now instead of shying away like he was before. "Is you ex going to be an issue? I mean, will he come here for you?" I let out a small laugh. Even though he wouldn't find it funny, i just couldn't help myself picturing Chalres trying to find this place. "No, he won't be coming here. He's the one who ended things with me.... He's not a warlock." He seemed even more surprsied than before. "He is a human?" Well, this got even more uncomfortable if that was even possible. "Uh no, he isn't a human." He started to stare at me like he was trying to figure out the pieces. His eyebrows raised, and his face got a little red. "You were dating a mutt?" "Uh, yeah, i was." I knew he might not be okay with it, but what i wasn't expecting was him to become as pissed off as he was. He stood up abruptly, knocking the chair behind him in the process. He shook his head at me and stormed out of the room. I honestly had no idea he would be so pissed off. I wasn't about to lie to him about it. Maybe i should have waited until we got to know each other a little better first. Now, i may have just lost my prince and my beloved all in one day. I placed my bowl in the sink and walked back upstairs. I lost my appetite all over again. What sucks the most is I don't even know his name. I'm not sure if my dad mentioned it, but right now I seriously have no clue.
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