Chapter 11: Mother

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Charles POV I was well aware i was acting like a complete d**k. I just didn't like Raya being pushed on me. I saw the disappointment on her face when i told her we wouldn't be sharing a room. Did she really have to get back at me by telling my mommy? Could she seriously not handle it herself? Why get my mom involved? She knew my mom would take her side. She did this on purpose, which was pissing me off. I wasn't ready to have her clothes in my room. I just wansn't there. I just got out of a relationship with the women i loved and wanted to be with. I know i said i would try with Raya. I just wasn't to that point yet. I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting a few days to wallow. How could i try with someone else when the wounds were still so fresh? I just dont understand how my mother could expect so much from me. After i acted like a child and tossed all her clothes and shoes out of my bedroom, i took off. I wanted to confront my mother about this. I wanted her to stop pushing and let me cope. You can't just stop loving someone in the blink of an eye. I shouldn't be expected to do just that because im the fricken prince and the future of this palace. I should be allowed time. It's not like im asking for a year or fricken months. I think i just need a few days to let everything really sink in. I knew why i was doing this. I knew why i couldn't be with Laura, and i knew i would come to terms with that. Everyone just needed to give me some fricken time. I knew it was getting late. I just didn't care. I knew she would be in her bedroom at this time. I knocked on my parents' door way too loud. If we weren't on the top floor with our own suites, i knew i would be making quite the scene. I also knew it would have mortified her. My dad answered the door with a confused expression. "Trouble in paradise already?" I knew my mother didn't tell him the details about Laura. Im not even sure if he knew about her or how i really felt. My mother loved her secrets just as much as she loved getting her way. I think i startled him the way i was speaking to him. I wasn't one to disrespect my father. i've personally seen what he's done to pack members and prisoners when they disrespected him. Im not sure how far he would take it with his own child. I had a difficult time opening up to him.The truth is i dont know my father all that well. Growing up, he was always busy, and i spent most of my days with my mother or the nanny. "Where is she?" He took a step back. "Who, son? Your mother?" I felt like that was kind of a stupid question. "Yes, who else would be in your room?" I could tell he didn't like that response. "I need to talk to her. I need to ask her why she's pushing Raya on me so much? I told her i needed time." The poor guy looked so confused."You need time to be with your fated mate?" My mother came out of the bathroom in her robe. "That's enough, Charles. Dont drag your poor father in the middle of this. He's far too busy running a kingdom and all to deal with such silly things. Let's go for a walk." My dad looked like he wanted to ask what this was all about, but he never did. He was by far the most p***y whipped man i have ever met. He would do anything my mother told him to do, i swear. He moved out of the way so that we could walk past him through the door. Part of me wanted him to stop us. Just like part of me wanted him to question her about what is truly going on. I knew better. I knew he would never go against her word. I just wish one of my parents would just understand me and support that i don't want to be with Raya. But most of all, i wished they would support that i wanted to be with a witch. I was half expecting my mom to go all crazy like she usually does when she doesn't get her way. Especially since i embarrassed her in front of dad. I think she hates that the most. Instead, she was calm and collected, which was making me even more nervous. She must be pretty pissed if she was this calm. She looped her arm through mine. "I don't see the point in you trying to involve your dad in our business. " "Mom, that's the issue. It wasn't our business. It should have been mine and Raya's. You shouldn't have gotten involved and moved her new clothes into my room when i wasn't ready. You crossed a boundry. You wanted Raya here, and she's here. Now what happens behind those close doors is really none of your damn buisness. You caused more problems between Raya and i than good." "Oh, son, but it really is my business. What will the kingdom say if they see Raya without your mark? They will start to question you and your father if they see that. Is that what you want to do to your poor father? They kingdom will need an heir, and if you take too long after meeting your mate, they will all know something is wrong. How you handled things with Raya will represent us. Just like you wanting the little witch would. We can't have the wolves question our intentions. They need to know that we can still rural. My son will not be the reason why we lose the thrown. Am i clear?" I gave her a small nod. "Yes, ma'am." She nodded back at me. "Good, good." She went to turn away when she stopped. "She will leave you if you dont start treating her better. Is being alone really the better option? What will people say when they learn that your fated mate was the one to reject you. They will question what it is wrong with you. Is that really what you want? I keep asking you that, but that's only because you really need to think about what im saying. I see Raya questioning herself and why she's here. She's miserable, Charles. Just remember she's inocent in all of this. It wasn't her fault her fated mate fell in love with someone else. Do you honestly think that's what she was hoping for when she met you? I dont think it mattered who her fated mate was or what status he had. She would have been happy regardless. You took that away from her. So stop treating her like she's the bad guy in the story. She never had a choice. You chose to love someone other than your mate. Dont let Raya suffer for it. It wouldn't be fair." She walked away knowing that she was right and she really was. If it was up to me, i would have rejected her instantly and ran back to Laura. But that wasn't the case. I made the choice to be with Raya of course with the help of my mothers influence, but i was the one who still made that choice and now i needed to deal with the consquences of that and well that was Raya. I told myself i would just avoid her until i got over Laura. My mother was right. i shouldn't be treating her poorly when it truly wasn't her fault that i was in love with someone else. I just needed to sit down with her and explain what i needed for now and hope that she would stick around until then. I headed back up to our suite. I was hoping she was still awake so i could get this conversation over with. She had to still be putting her clothes away. I did make quite the mess. I would probably need to apologize for that. I hated when i did stupid s**t on impulse.
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