Chapter 8

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Elijah's Point of View I stand there very confused as I watched her drive away. I have no idea what she was talking about. I never got any messages from her. If I did, I definitely would not have responded the way she said. And about the investigator.. What she said made sense. Why didn't he do just that? Follow Amy or track her credit cards? I frowned shaking my head. I would need to get some answers. From him.. And her. I walked back to my truck and got in. Heading for my parents house. Suddenly mom's behavior makes sense. If Kat told her what she told me, my mother would choose to side with her and keep me in the dark. Seeing as Kat believed I abandoned her more than once, my mom probably did too. Which in hindsight was my own fault as I never told her about trying to find them or even about the baby. As I stop infront of their house I sigh as I look at it. Time to face my parents. I slowly get out of my truck and walk to the door. I knock once before I twist the knob and go in. "Mom! Dad! It's Elijah." My mom comes out of the kitchen and smiles at me. I can see it doesn't reach her eyes and I know she is disappointed in me. I hug her close to me. "I saw them." I state as I let her go. She stepped back and frowned looking away. "I'm not sure I understand. Who did you see?" She feigned ignorance as she moved back to the kitchen. I followed after her. "Kathryn and our son mom. I know you know." Saw her stiffen before she nods. "Colton." I frown. "What?" "His name is Colton." "Colton.." I test the name. "Yes. Colton Black." I look up at her in surprise. I did not expect that. "She wanted him to have his father's name. Even if you didn't want him." She says coldy. I sigh. "Mom.. We need to talk. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but please just listen to my side." She looked up from the carrots she was cutting and just stared at me a while before she nodded. "Fine. We can talk in the living room. Your father is in there." I nodded and followed after her. I sat down looked them both in the eye and told them my side. I rubbed my hand down my face as I finished telling them my side. "I know I messed up. And I should have told you. I'm sorry." Saw my mother frown at me. "What?" I asked annoyed, seemed she didn't believe me. "What about the message?" Again with the message. "What message? Everyone keeps talking about a message and I have no idea what the f**k everyone is on about." Saw my father scowl at me as well now. "No need to curse. She showed us the messages. Yours as well as hers." I run my hand through my hair and sigh. "Why won't anyone believe me. She has never contacted me. I haven't spoken to her for the last two years until today." I saw them both looking at me skeptically still. "I know after everything, you don't have any reason to trust me, but today was the first time I have spoken to her since she left. I swear. I don't know what is going on. But there is a very big misunderstanding somewhere. I would never say that to her, especially since I was already looking for them by then." "You said you hired a private investigator?" My father asked. "Yes, I did. He wasn't much help though, for some reason could never find her." I sigh. "Where did you find this investigator?" "Rachel suggested him." Saw my parents looking at each other briefly. I frowned. What was that look? "Rachel suggested him? Don't take this the wrong way, but why on earth would she help you find Kathryn?" My father asked. My mother nodded in agreement. "She hated her. I imagine she would have been very pleased when she hear that Kathryn left. That meant she could have you all to herself." I frown. "It's not like that. She knew I was hurting and that I still loved her." My mother shakes her head. "I honestly don't know how you are still this blind to who and what she is. She is a terrible person and never does anything for anyone if she can't get something out of it." I frown disaprovingly at my mother. "That's a bit harsh don't you think?" She shakes her head. "No that is putting it nicely. But of course you would always protect her." "I am not protecting her." My father sighs. "Son, just think about it for a second. The investigator she suggested, never found Kathryn, it wouldn't have been hard to do if he really tried. And the messages. Kathryn sent one to you the night Colton was born. Got a horrible reply, as you know. You claim you have no knowledge of this. So of it wasn't you. Who had access to your phone to do that?" I frown at my father thinking what he means when realization struck me. "You mean Rachel?" I shake my head. "No why would she do this? We are friends." My mother snorts. "Seriously Eli! That woman never wanted to just be your friend. She tried to get between you and Kat ever chance she got." "What are you talking about?" "She told Kat on more than one occasion that you are hers. That you were just playing around with Kat until you got it out of your system and then you would come back to her. She also claimed that you wanted to marry her and not Kat and that you have said it to her in so many words." "I never said that. I've never even implied that I wanted to be more than friends." "So jumping into her bed was what? A misunderstanding?" My mother glared at me. I looked at her shocked. "I. What. How did you know about that?" My father smirked. "Oh she told everyone about it. Even Kathryn knows." "You told her?" My mother shaked her head. "No.. She got a picture of you two in bed together. " "What? When?" "When she was still in the hospital with Colton. Along with a message. 'I've always warned you he was mine. You didn't want to listen. He's over you. So leave us alone.' I believe it said, or something like that. Everyone in town believes you two are together because she keeps hinting at it. You're the only one that's still under the impression that you are just friends." I rub my hand down my face. "I don't even know what to say. We are not together.. I made one mistake with her and I told her that it was a mistake. She tried hinting at it that we should try to make it work I rejected her more than once and she stopped. I just assumed she finally accepted that there would never be an us... Oh god. This is so messed up. How do you even know this?" I pace around the living room running my hands through my hair. "Kat came to me everytime she had an altercation with Rachel. Asked me not to tell you but wanted some comfort." I turn to look at my parents. "What do I do now?" "Well you need to tell that crazy woman that you are not in a relationship with her and never will be and that she should leave you alone. And then you have to get Kathryn to listen to you." I rub my hand down my face. "What if she doesn't want to hear me out?" "Give her time but make it clear you are not going away. Take it step by step." My father says. "Are you saying I should court her?" I asked with a small smile. He nodded. "That is exactly what I mean. Court the woman, send her flowers. Bring her gift. Be there for her and Colton. Make her fall in love with you again." "You think that would work?" My mother nods. "I am sure it would, she still loves you. I am sure of that. She is just afraid of getting hurt by you again." I shake my head. "I will never hurt her again. I love her. And I want them both in my life." My mother smiles. "Well that's great to hear. But you really need to sort things out with Rachel first. Just to ensure there aren't anymore misunderstandings." I nodded. "Yes. I will get on that as soon as possible. And then I am getting my family back." "Just be careful with Kathryn yeah? She is really fragile. And really angry. " "Oh trust me. I am more than aware of how pissed off at me she is. She ripped out of my hold in town, doesn't even want me to touch her. Also told me we have nothing to talk about, and that I had no right to call Colton my son." My mother sighed. "Which is understandable. She thinks you abandoned her and got together with Rachel." I sighed. "I definitely have my work cut out for me then." My father nodded. "You most definitely do yes. But she's worth it right?" I smiled at the both of them. "Oh she's most definitely worth every minute of this."
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