Chapter 7

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Elijah's Point of View I sigh as I stare up at the dark ceiling. I had that same dream again. Reliving that night I walked out on her. I am ashamed to admit it, but it took me a whole month to realize I made a huge mistake. When it finally dawned on me that I was an i***t I went after her, but it was already to late. She had moved and nobody knew where she was. And if they did, they didn't want to tell me. I hired a private investigator. But the man could seemingly not find her. Rachel, my childhood friend, kept telling me to let it go. To forget her and move on. But I can't. I cringe as I thinks of Rachel. One druken night, after the investigation once again came up empty, I made a huge mistake and got into bed with her. I told her afterwards that it was a mistake but she wouldn't let it go. Kept trying to convince me we should be together. I knew everyone in town thought we were together even if I denied it, she kept hinting it. The more she insisted the more strain was put on their relationship. And over the last two years her comments about Kathryn kept getting nastier and meaner. I have told her a few times to stop talking about her like that. But then she cries and tells me how much she loves me and that she just wants me to be happy and I feel bad for her, like I always had since we were kids and just let her back in. I run my hand down my face and sigh. Thinking about what Amy said when I ran into her. She is coming back. No, they are coming back home. I just don't understand. How is it possible that after two years the man still couldn't find her. Yet as I understood my mother just accidentally ran into her one day and eventually convinced her to move back home. I sit up in my bed slowly, looking at the time on my phone. 5:30 am. Might as well get ready for the day. Speaking of my mother, she ran into them four months ago. And she didn't bother to tell me anything I thought annoyed. Granted I didn't tell them about the baby, or that I was looking for them. But still. What confuses me the most though is the fact that she hasn't even confronted me about anything. I knew Kathryn would have told her everything that had happened but surely she knows me and would want an explanation. I look at myself in the mirror and shake my head. I have to head into town today. It has been two weeks since she came back. I haven't approached her. Giving her some time to settle in. But maybe I'll be lucky today and run into them. I smiled at myself, filled with hope of running into them. -------------------------- Kathryn's Point of View We have been here two weeks with no sign of him. I felt relieved. I didn't want to face him. I know I keep telling everyone I'm over him but to be honest... I don't think I'll ever really get over him. I hate him... And I don't want him anywhere near us but I still love him even after everything. I sigh as I look at my little boy sitting next to me coloring. We got quite a few stares when we came into town. Alot of people were excited to see me back. Then surprised to see me here with Colton and then completely dumbstruck the moment they connected the dots. It was a small town I knew the news would spread fast. That I was back, with a boy that looked exactly like Elijah. I took a sip of my coffee, when suddenly it felt as if someone was staring at me. I moved my head slightly and my breath got caught in my throat. There he was on the other side of the room. I felt my heart constrict as I look at him. Memories of that night flooded me as I snapped my gaze to my boy. I grabbed some money from my purse put it on the table and grabbed Colton a little abruptly. He started pushing at me, wanting to continue coloring. "Mommy!" He whined. "I'm sorry baby. We have to go. We can color at home okay?" I said rushing out the door. I heard him call my name and footsteps running after me. I walked faster, holding Colton close to me, why the hell did I park so far away. I huffed annoyed. Just as I was about to reach my car the footsteps caught up and a hand clamped around my arm. Spinning me around to face him. I ripped away from him and basically hissed at him. "Don't you dare touch me." He stood there shocked at my reaction, putting his hands up in surrender. "Sorry I didn't mean anything. I just.. I hoped I would run into you, I wanted to.." "No." I cut him of and moved in the direction of my car again. "Kat, come on!" Hy grabbed for me again. I pushed his hand away. "I told you not to touch me." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Fine just.. please stop running away. I just want to talk." His eyes went to Colton, for a moment I saw something on his face that I couldn't quite place but I didn't like it. I pushed Colton's face to my neck, hiding him from Elijah. Saw him frowning right at me, didn't like it that I hid my son from him. "Kat.." "No. I am not interested in anything you have to say. Amy already told me all the nonsense you spouted at her. I don't care and I don't believe any of it." "I swear I came back for you. It took me a month to realize what I had done but you were already gone when I realized I was an i***t. I hired someone to look for you but he could never find you.." "Bullshit." I cut him off. "If you hired a professional, you would have found me. You could have followed Amy, or try to track my credit cards. And even if it was true, which I sincerely doubt, I sent you my location and told you about giving birth. You made your feelings quite clear with the message you sent back." He frowned down at me. "What are you talking about?" I snorted at him. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I gave you a second chance to come for us. You told me you wanted nothing to do with us, that he wasn't yours and to leave you the hell alone because you had moved on. So I did." He looked at her flabbergasted. "Kat, I swear I have no idea what your talking about." I just shook my head at him. "It doesn't matter now anymore anyway. It's done. We don't have anything to talk about." "But our son," "No." I cut him off again. "You don't get to say that. He is my son. You lost the right to call him that the minute you abandoned us a second time." I turned around and headed for my car, buckled Colton in and drove away without giving him another glance. I felt tears trickling down my cheeks. I didn't even realize I was crying. I wiped my cheecks quickly. He looked so sincere, standing there telling me he tried. And a part of me wanted to believe him, the part that still loved him. But the other part that resented him told me not to fall for his lies. Not to get trapped and just end up hurt by him again. I was going to listen to that part. It made everything a whole lot easier if I hated him.
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