Chapter 6

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Kathryn's Point of View 2 years later I slowly get out of the car and stretch while I stare at the house infront of me. Home sweet home. I turn back to my car to see Amy getting out aswell. "I am not going to miss these long drives." She says with her hand on her back as she stretches. I laugh and walk to the backseat and unbuckle Colton. Putting him on my hip. I smile down at him. "Hi sweet baby!" He smiles back at me putting his little hands on my face. "Mama!" He squeals in delight when I kiss his neck. "Come on. Lets go see our new house." We walk to the house and unlock the door. Everything has already been brought over and put in their place. "I love this place. I still think it's beautiful." Amy says touching the fireplace. I nod and put Colton, that started squirming in my arms, down on the ground. "I know. It was only the second house we looked at but it immediately caught my attention." "Have you seen him yet?" Amy looks at me questioningly. I shake my head. "No. I haven't. Luckily." "You know it will happen at some point right?" "Yes I know." "What are you going to do when you do run into him?" I shrug, watching my little boy play in the living room. "I don't know. But I have no intention of engaging with him in any way." "That won't be possible and you know it. You are in contact with his parents." "I know. But he doesn't know that. Doesn't need to. He might not wanted to be apart of our lives but they do. I have absolutely nothing to say to him." "Kathryn.." Amy comes to me and tries to touch me. I take a step back and shake my head. "Just don't Amy. I don't want to talk about him. I've wasted enough of my life and time on him." "I get it okay. He let you down. More than once. But there might be an explanation." I looked at her irritated. "Why are you suddenly advocating for him?" I asked her suspiciously. Amy sighed. "I spoke to him last week." I narrowed my eyes at her. "You told him I was coming back didn't you?" Amy nodded slowly. "Yes I did. He saw me shopping for toys for Colton. Kathryn... He swears he has been trying to find you these last two years. He said he didn't get your message. The one you sent in the hospital.. I.." I cut her of shaking my head. "No, stop. I know he got it. It said read. And he replied. If he wanted to find me so badly he could have reached out to you." "He says he knew I would never give up your location. He hired an private investigator. Kat, I believe him." "Amy stop! I don't care. I don't want to know. I honestly don't believe a word about any of this. He didn't even tell his parents about Colton. I am not putting myself out there again. Plus he has moved on. You know this. He and Rachel are together now. I know that is why he never bothered to come for us. She was always just right there, ready to jump in and take him away. Eventhough he always swore they we're just friends.." "I know you don't believe any of this. But he also said their not together. He hasn't been with anyone since you left." I snort at her derisively and roll my eyes. "Even his mother said they are together. Can we just drop it now? It doesn't matter anymore anyway. I don't want or need him or his excuses in my life." Amy looked at her. About to say something else but then just closed her mouth and shook her head. We stand there in an uncomfortable silence until we hear a knock on the door. We both turn to look at the door to see Elijah's mother, Heather, standing there smiling at us. "Hi girls. Can I come in? I brought some food" I smile and nod my head at her. "Yes of course come in." I watch her walking into my house and head straight for Colton, after she kissed both me and Amy on the cheek and handed over the food. I look at them interacting and smile. About 4 months back, I was getting a few things for Colton when someone bumped into me. She immediately started apologizing, bending down to pick up the clothes I dropped, I smiled and said it was fine, but when she came back up and our eyes locked my smile froze on my face. She looked at me delighted. "Kathryn sweetie! I can't believe it's you!" My heart started hammering and my eyes darted nervously to the shopping cart where Colton was sitting. She frowned and followed my gaze and before I could do or say anything she gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth while her head whipped back to look at me. I knew why of course. There was no denying it as Colton was an exact copy of Elijah. "But how.. when.." She stammered, seemingly not really knowing what to say. "Is this why you left?" Realization suddenly dawned on her. "Oh god, does he know?" I stood there just staring at her not knowing what to say. "Kathryn did he know? Is that why you left?" She demanded. I nervously swallowed the knot in my throat and nodded my head. I saw the painful expression that crossed her face as she closed her eyes, shaking her head. She stood there for about 2 minutes before she opened her eyes and looked at me again. She gave me a soft smile. "Come. I think we need to talk." I was about to shake my head to deny but she waved her hand at me. "No young lady. We are talking. Now." I let out a sigh, knowing it was no use arguing and just followed her to the coffee shop. "Start talking." She said as soon as our order was placed down. I sighed again playing with Colton's fingers holding him tightly against me.. "I don't really know how to begin." She took a sip and gave me a small smile. "Well at the beginning is usually a very good start." I gave her a small smile back and then I told her everything. Even about reaching out to him in the hospital. She reached over and squeezed my hand. "I am so sorry. For all of this. We had no idea. I swear, of we did we wouldn't have let you go through all of this alone." She looked at Colton. I saw the yearning on her face. "Do you want to hold him?" I asked sofly. She looked up at me surprised. "Can I?" I saw hope flash in her eyes. I gave her a small smile an nodded my head. "Hey Cole, this is your grandma. Say hi." I said handing him over. He went easily, being a very social little boy. He looked at her before putting his little hand on her cheeck and smiled. "Hi!" I saw the tears gathering in her eyes. After that she and her husband came to visit a few times and eventually convinced me to move back home. And well here we are. Home sweet home..
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