Chapter 3

1075 Words
Kathryn's Point of View The tears I was holding back raced down my cheeks as I heard the door slam shut. He just left, without a second glance. My shoulders shook as my sobs wrecked my body. I knew this was going too happen.. Why am I crying? Because still I had hoped that maybe he'd want this, us, but I honestly didn't think it would hurt this much. I slowly slid down the wall, holding my stomach. I am alone.. I don't know what to do or where to start. But I can't give up. I need to be strong for this baby. He or she was relying on me to take care of them.. I bit my lip, trying to stop the tears and took a deep breath while rubbing my stomach. "Don't worry baby. Momma is here. I am gonna take care of you and even if it is just me I will make sure you know what it feels like to be loved. It's you and me against the world now. We will be okay. I promise." I mumbled while rubbing my stomach. I got this. I know I do. I am a strong independent woman. I won't let his rejection change me. ‐---‐------------------------------------ I have no idea when exactly I fell asleep as I spent the whole night tossing and turning. Contemplating what my next step was going to be. At the same time everytime I heard something I sat up, hoping it was Elijah coming back to say he's sorry. But he never did. No messages, no missed calls just.. Nothing.. I thought we were stronger than this. Eventhough we've been together for quite a while I knew he wasn't ready to have a baby, neither was I. But I didn't do this alone, we made this baby together. I could forgive him for asking who's baby it was but flat-out refusing responsibility after I have assured him that he's the father. That I can't let go. He didn't even try.. It's not fair. I shouldn't be the only one to face the changes and consequences of our actions. I gave him all night to come to his senses. To take responsibility. But now it is time to forget him and move on. For both my and the baby's sake. We don't need him. We will be alright on our own. My stomach started rumbling and I realized I never ate anything last night. I rubbed my stomach. "Sorry baby. Momma forgot. I will feed you now." I slowly got out of bed and went to do my bathroom routine before I went to my kitchen to make some breakfast. I was waiting for the toast when I heard a knock on the door. Hoped flared through me and I rushed to the door, opening it quickly. Only to be filled with disappointment when I came face to face with Amy. "Oh, Ames it's you." I gave her a weak smile. "Where you expecting someone else? I came to check on you. How did it go last night?" She brushed past me into the apartment. I closed the door behind her before I slowly turned around. I'm not sure what she saw on my face but she came rushing to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Oh sweetie! Are you okay?" She looked at me concern written all over her face. "No.. Not really. But I have to be." I tried to be strong, but my voice broke and I felt the tears pooling in my eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" "Yes.. I really need to talk with someone else. I was just busy with breakfast." She nodded. "Okay, I'll help you and we can talk while we eat." An hour later we were sitting on the couch, each with a mug of hot chocolate.. "When I heard you knocking this morning I thought maybe.." My voice broke and she wrapped an arm around me. "You thought it was him? Coming back?" I nodded, swallowing the invisible lump in my throat. "Yeah.. It's stupid but I thought you know just maybe." "I'm so sorry sweetie, I really had hoped it would work out for the best." "Maybe this is the best you know. I don't need someone in my life that doesn't really want to be there. That doesn't really want this baby. We will be okay on our own. And I will make sure this baby knows what love is. We will be fine on our own." Amy nodded. "Of course you will. You are an amazing woman, and I just know you'll be a great mum to this little one. And you are not alone. You have me. Always." I smile at her. "I know. Thank you." "Anytime. So.. What is the plan going forward?" "I am going to accept the post offered to me in Stellenbosch." "I thought you turned it down?" "I did, but they phoned me yesterday, before I went for the test, and offered it to me again. They told me to take the weekend and really think about it. They will call me on Monday to hear my final decision." "Oh wow. That's great. And the timing couldn't be better." "I know right. This is exactly what I need. A new place. With no connections to or memories of him. A clean fresh start." "So when would you go?" I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I need to hand in my resignation and I need to pack and find a place there. But I want to move as soon as possible." "I'll help. Maybe we should go up there for a few days and look for a place? I have a few days leave coming up?" "That would be great. I honestly need a vacation right about now." I say getting excited about the idea. "Then it is settled. We will put in a few days leave and go up there to look for a place for the two of you and to just wind down. I am so excited! This is going to be great!" I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Yes it is. I can't wait!" Amy smiled at me and put her hand over mine before squeezing it encouragingly. "You'll be okay. We will get through this together. This is the start of something new. And it is going to be great! You'll see."
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