Chapter 2 - Early Guest

1346 Words
Kathryn's Point of View Walking to my apartment I was so lost in thought I didn't notice the familiar car in the parking area. I kept having the conversation with Elijah in my head over and over. Considering the different scenarios. As I reach my door I realize I can't find my keys. I look back the way I came, thinking maybe I dropped them on the way, but soon realizing I never took them out of the glove compartment in my car. Sighing I bent down to get my spare key under the flower pot, my heart starts to thud wildly as I realize it is not there. I lift all the pots next to the door searching for the key, but I come up empty handed. I knew this was a stupid place to hide the key as anyone could steal it, but since I lived here no other person had used this key. Except for Elijah.. Why was he here already? He had access to my apartment and was allowed to come and go as he pleased. But the realization that he was here already made my heart thud even louder. Great I guess I don't have time to sleep on our pending conversation. I rub my sweaty hands against my jeans while I swallow the invisible lump in my throat. Reaching out for the door but immediately pulling my hand back. "Come on Kat, you can do this." I pat my cheeks before taking a deep breath and reaching out again but before I could open the door it is opened from inside and I see Elijah's handsome face. "Surprise!" Elijah says with a smirk. I couldn't help my eyes roaming over him. The wavy dark brown almost black hair; the smoldering brown eyes that capture you; the smirk that makes girls flock around him. His arm was leaning on the door frame and he was only wearing shorts. "Are you coming in or are you going to just keep checking me out out here?" I give him a small smile, restraining myself, and slip past him. I hear him let out a breath before the door closes. "Are you okay? I can help your bad mood and make things better." He smirks at me again. Tempting, but I need to be strong. "We have to talk Elijah." I told him after I put my stuff on the kitchen counter and turned around to face him again. "Can it wait? I came here earlier than planned to surprise you, and not to just sit here and talk." He came closer, slipped his arms around me before pulling me close to him and nuzzling his face in my neck. He started kissing my neck. Biting my lip I try to stop myself from giving in to him. But then his hands move and he cups my breasts and starts kneeding them while still kissing and sucking my neck. For a moment I give in. "I love your big breasts, can I taste them while you talk?" "Elijah! Stop!" I gasp, clutching his hands from my breasts and securing his arms by his side. "Please. We need to talk." "What is going on? Why are you like this today?" He pulled away from me frowning. "Are you breaking up with me?" He backed away slowly and slumped his ass on the couch. "No, It is not that, but we need to discuss something important." "Come here." He pats his thighs. "Come to daddy and tell me what is bothering you." "Really, daddy?" I scoff. Chuckling he holds his hands up in surrender. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." I rolled my eyes at him before crossing my arms over my chest. "Can you be serious for one second? I really need to talk you." "So talk. I am not stopping you." He headed in my direction and before I could stop him he wrapped me in his arms again and lifted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist before my back slammed against the wall and he smashed his mouth against mine. I moaned loudly, snaking my arms around his neck kissing him back. He started grinding his erection into me. "I missed you, it has been a long week." His voice came out raspy sending shivers down my spine. He groaned trying to capture my lips again and I knew it was now or never. I tilted my head to the side. His lips landed on my cheek, but he continued kissing and nibbling my cheek to my neck. "Put me down.. Please.." I said in a soft hoarse voice. He still continued grinding into me and kissing and sucking my neck. I put my hands against his chest. "Stop! I said put me down, please." He slowly let me down and pulled away from me. "What is going on with you." "I told you we needed to talk. There is something important I have to discuss with you." He let out a sigh and raked his fingers through his hair. "Fine, what do you want to talk about?" "I'm...." I looked at my hands still against his chest and take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." I look up at his face the moment he let me go as if I burnt him. "Who's the father?" My heart constricted as I saw the look on his face. I was dumbstruck. I did not expect that question. "What do you mean?" "Just what I said, who's baby is that? Is it mine?" He asked stepping back even further away from me. "Of course it is yours! How can you ask me that?!" My chest heaved and I felt the tears welling in my eyes. "I don't know.. Maybe.." He stopped talking. His jaw tightening as he runs his fingers through his hair again. "Maybe what? Maybe I have been f*****g around on you?" I asked, bristling in anger. "Well.. I don't know what you do throughout the week when I am not around.. I mean.." He didn't finish his sentence as I lifted my hand and slapped him. Hard. "Don't.. You know I would never do something like that. This baby is yours" He started pacing. "But how? How did you get pregnant?" I gasped. "Are you f*****g serious right now? Do you need me to explain to you, in detail, how s*x works?" "You don't understand my f*****g question. How did you get pregnant? Why aren't you on birthing pills?" He wasn't raising his voice, but this is not the same Elijah, this one wasn't sweet talking me. "I am! I did take it. I've been on them for years. You know that." "Then how are you pregnant." His voice was cold, it sent a chill down my spine. He was making it sound like I did something terrible to him. "I don't know. But it happened. I am pregnant. With your baby." He was shaking his head. "No." "What do you meand no?" "No. I am not ready for a kid!" He said in a cold voice, still shaking his head. I felt my heart stop as I stared at him. Tear pooled in my eyes before I blinked them back. My mouth opened but I couldn't get anything out, so it closed again and I looked away, trying to compose myself. "Are you sure it's mine?" My eyes snapped back to him. I couldn't find the words. I was expecting this to happen but the flat-out rejection still hurt. I looked at him and I saw something in his eyes that I didn't want to see. He didn't want this child. Looking at him I knew I had already lost this battle. My hand raised and a hard slap landed against his cheek again. "Get out." I pointed at the door, my chest heaving. Without a word he grabbed his shirt on the chair pulling it over his head before he grabbed his car keys and rushed out my door. Slamming it shut after him.
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