Chapter 4

1174 Words
Kathryn's Point of View 9 months later It's Friday and the bell just rang, indicating the end of the school week. I am standing outside waving goodbye at the children and their parents with a smile on my face. Today is my last day here before my maternity leave starts. I'm going to miss my class but I am ready to go on leave. Being pregnant is tiring. I turn to go back to my classroom but stop as I suddenly feel a slight discomfort again and rub my stomach, waiting for it to pass. I look down. I can't believe time flew by so quickly. We are nearing my due date and I can't wait to hold my little boy. Yes I am having a boy, and we are so excited for him to come. Amy was going to came stay with me next week to be there for when I go into labour. I've been lucky. My pregnancy has been going great, no morning sickness or weird cravings. And my little bub was developing perfectly. He is a busy little thing, always moving around, took us a while before we could see the gender. "Hey, are you okay?" I look up to see Ryan, a colleague and friend approaching, looking at me in concern because I was rubbing my stomach. I give him a smile. "Yes. I think so. It's just Broxton Hicks. I've been having them all day." He frowned. "Are you sure? Maybe we should get you to the hospital?" I laughed at his expression. "No it's fine, don't fret so much. You'll get wrinkles on that handsome face of yours." I teased, trying to ease his mind. He laughs as he wraps his arm around me and pulls my into his side as we start walking back to my classroom. "I have to worry about you and that little one. It's almost his time." "Yes I know. I was just thinking that I can't believe time flew by so fast." "I know.. It feels like just yesterday you came here. There wasn't even a bump yet and now he is almost here with us." "I honestly can't wait to hold him." I say while starting to pack up my things. "I can just imagine what you must be feeling, seeing as how excited we all are to meet this little one. So what do you want to do today? Let's do something for your last day before you start maternity leave." He watched me lock the doors before taking my bag and walking me to his car. This has been our routine for a while now, seeing as he lives close to me. We made turns driving to and from work but the closer I got to my due date, and I wasn't allowed to drive anymore he took it upon himself to be my own personal chauffeur for the foreseeable future. I shrugged my shoulders as I got into the car. "I don't know? Maybe go get something to eat? We are starving over here." I say dramatically. He laughs and shakes his head as he closes my door and heads over to his side. "Always so very hungry!" "Hey, it's not my fault. I have a big boy in here that needs lots of food to grow!" "Yes, yes I know. So do you fancy anything specific?" I put my finger against my chin, pretending to think. "Hmmm let me think.. Macdonald's?" I ask with a smile. He shakes his head. "Honestly, why do I even bother asking? I knew you were going to say that." "You know I love my Macdonald's fries." "That you do. So do you want to go in and sit down? Or go home?" "Honestly can we go through the drive-through and just go home? I'm beat. " "Yes of course. You sure you're okay?" He asked with that concerned look on his face again. "Yes Ryan, I promise. I'm okay." He nods, but doesn't look convinced. But he doesn't have time to retort as we have pulled up to the drive-through. After we ordered we drove home and ate our food while chatting and watching a movie. I walked Ryan to the door after the movie. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay tonight?" I shake my head and smile. "No it's fine. I will call you if something happens." "Okay.. Call me anytime okay? I mean it." "I will. Thank you. Now go so I can take a bath and go sleep." I pretend to push him out the door. He laughs. "Yes, yes woman! I am leaving!" He hugs me. "Remember, call me if something happens." I smile and nod. "I promise I will but you are worried about nothing. I will see you tomorrow." I wave him goodbye and close the door before I lock it and make my way to the bathroom. I need a long warm bath and then straight to bed. It has been a long week. --------------------------- I just up slowly in bed, not sure what woke me when suddenly it hits me again. I suck in a deep breath as I feel the contraction. I immediately realize this is no longer Braxton Hicks. This is the real deal. I think I am going into labor. I reach for my phone on the night stand, finding Ryan's number before I dail. It only takes a few seconds before he picks up. "Kat? What's wrong?" "Ryan, I'm pretty sure I'm going into labor." I hiss as another contraction hit me. "s**t!" He curse on the other side, I hear feet hitting the ground as he gets out of bed. "Get dressed okay? I'm coming!" I nod, eventhough he can't see me. "Okay. I'll see you soon." I slowly get out of bed, making my way to the bathroom. After I've finished in the bathroom I walk to my closet to get dressed. "Hi baby boy! You're a little early, but that's okay. I am excited to meet you too!" I say to my bump while getting dressed. I just finished putting on my shoes when I hear the urgent knocks on my door. I go to opened it, seeing a flushed Ryan. "Are you okay? Did your water break?" He asks coming into my apartment. I shake my head. "No not yet, but I am definitely having contractions." He nods. "Okay, let me just grab your bags and then we'll head to the hospital yeah? Have you called Amy and your Doctor?" I shake my head again. Holding my stomach. "No, but I have my phone, I'll call them on the way." He nodded his head as he held the bags in one hand and helped me out to the car. After he got in he looked at me and smiled. "So are you ready to meet your little one?" I smiled back and rubbed my stomach. "I am more than ready to meet my little one. I can't wait to hold him."
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