Chapter 1 - Unexpected news

1301 Words
Kathryn's Point of View You never realise how slowly time moves when you are on edge, 3 minutes feels like an eternity. I look at the clock again, there is still 2 minutes left. My period has always been on time, so when I realized I was late a week I decided to take a test. But now waiting for it was making me agitated, I wasn't sure what I wanted the test to show. I slowly exhale and look at my friend who smiles at me. "Just relax Kat. You got this." I smile back. "Thank you for doing this with me Ames." Amy gives me a side hug. "Of course that's what best friends are for." We sit in silence once again until the timer on Amy's phone goes off. "The moment of truth. Are you ready?" I take a deep breath before walking over to the counter and picking up the pregnancy test. But I put it down again quickly. "What does it say?" Amy asks quietly. "I don't know. I am scared." "I know, but you have to look at the test. You have to know what the results are." Nodding I pick it up again. I take a deep breath before turning it over. There it is. Staring back at me. Two red lines. "What does it say? Don't do this to my. My nails can't take anymore nervous chewing." "It's positive.. I am having a baby." I say softly with tears in my eyes. "Oh sweety! How are you feeling?" "I honestly don't know if I should smile or cry." Amy comes over, giving me hug. "Well I am super excited. When are you going to tell Elijah?" "Oh god.. I don't know.. I'm not even sure how he is going to take this." "I am sure it will be fine. You guys have been together since high-school. You have talked about kids right?" "Yes we've talked about it. But later, after we got married.. Not this early. What if he doesn't want me anymore? What if he doesn't want us?" "Hey, no don't think like that. You guys love each other. You just have to tell him. " Amy hugged me again. Nodding I hugged her back, "Your right. Thank you. Maybe I should make a doctor's appointment, you know just to be sure. Sometimes these test give a false positive" "Yes, I think that's a good idea, make an appointment and just get conformation from a professional." "You"ll come with me right?" "Of course. No matter what happens you know I've always got your back. We will get through this together." "Thank you Ames. Now let me call and make an appointment before I talk myself out of it." I couldn't sleep at all last night. I kept tossing and turning. Different scenarios running through my mind. A part of me was hoping it was a false positive. That I was not pregnant. But another part of me was sure I was pregnant and wanted this. I got up exhausted but went on with my day, waiting for 3 o'clock to come. And now here I am back from my appointment, sitting in my car in front of my apartment holding on to the steering wheel tightly, contemplating my life choices thus far and the decisions I needed to make. The doctor's word ringing in my head. "Congratulations! You are having a baby." It wasn't a false positive. I was really pregnant. I wasn't sure if at 23 I was ready to be a mother. I had just started working at a school in town, and started taking control of my life..But I knew I was keeping this baby. I just hoped Elijah would feel the same and support me. We have been together since I was 18. He's 2 years older than me, but we went to the same school. I've always had a small crush on him but he never really paid any attention to me. I transferred schools at the end of 10th grade and didn't see him again until the Christmas break before I started 12th grade. He asked for my number and we started talking and the rest was history. We recently started talking about moving in together, and we have talked about marriage and children but neither of us planned on having a baby right now but here we are. We didn't plan it but in 9 months we are having a baby. I lean forward, restig my head on my steering wheel, accidentally honking it and starting myself and the people walking by. I lay my head down again, carefully this time. I just need to breath and think. I had no idea how but I needed to tell hom as soon as possible, he needed to know because I don't think I can do this alone. I will tell him tonight. Suddenly my phone started ringing, making me jerk my head up. I slowly lift up my phone and take a deap breath before I answered. "Hi!" I said not even trying to sound happy. "Are you home? Are you okay? You didn't let me know if you got home okay." Amy accused.. "Yes. Sorry. I'm here just sitting in my car contemplating. I still don't really know what to feel." "You need to tell him." "I know, but... What if he.. I can already see him reacting badly." "You're judging him before you have even spoken to hom." "I know it's just.. I know him... This is not part of his plan.. And I honestly don't know what to expect." "Stop over thinking. I'm sure he'll be happy." "I don't know. I don't know if I can do this alone." "So what if he says no? What are you going to do? Abort the baby?" Her words sent a shiver down my spine. Eventhough I am not sure about being a mom, the thought of disposing my pregnancy never even came to mind. I knew this would change alot of my plans and my entire life, but abortion was not an option. "No. Of course not. I would never be able to do that. I have a job. I can take care of myself. And if need be I will raise this baby on my own. I'm sure if I can take care of myself I can take care of a baby." "There you go! I know you can do this, I just wanted to hear you say it yourself. And you know if you ever need anything, I will always be there for you. I am just one phone call away." "Thank you Amy. I don't know what I would do without you." "Of course sweety! Now go call him, and tell him the great news." "No. He is coming over tonight. I will tell him then. I think it would be better to have this conversation face to face. This is not something he should find out over the phone." "It is your choice. Just the sooner the better. Don't wait too long. Tell him as soon as he gets there. Just rip of the band-aid. I am sure he'll be happy, he can't stay away from you." I gave out a chuckle, eventhough I am nervous. I hope it will be that easy. I let out a deep sigh after the phone call ended, I knew I needed to get inside so I slowly got out of my car and started walking to my apartment. It was almost 5 in the afternoon and I was tired and hungry. He wouldn't be here until later. I would have some time to rest and think about how I should tell him we are having a baby. Maybe sleeping on it would help. .
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