New Beginning

1794 Words
     *Beep! Beep! Beep!* My alarm sung to me pulling me out of my sweet escape. I swung my legs over and off the bed and slowly began to stand up. Today was my first day at this new school, and I just... I don't want to pretend anymore, what is the point? To help him out? He doesn't deserve my help, people find out he is a monster so be it...i'm done protecting a person who see's me as less than human.      I put on a simple long sleeved black dress that stopped above my knees, I brushed my hair out and put on my black headband, slipped on my black flats and left the house. I am not sure what happened to me last night, I don't remember anything after I walked into the lake, but all I know is that I feel different. I got to the School and took a deep breathe in before I walked on the campus, I could feel so many eyes on me but I had decided to keep my head held high. I walked into the office to see a middle aged woman typing on a computer. "Hello" I softly said making her look up. "Oh hello, you must be the beautiful daughter of our new Principle Mr. Suzuya." She smiled. "Yes ma'am I am Aiko Suzuya." I responded back as she got up and headed to the printer. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you. I am sure you will be a great addition to our school. Now if you would follow me I have set up a tour of the school for you. Our very own sophomore class president will show you around. I figured that would be a great way for you to make your first new friend." She said as we walked back into a room where this girl sat on the desk popping her gum and talking on the phone. "Aiko this is Jada Starlight. Jada this is Aiko Suzuya." Jada smiled and hung up her phone, she had shoulder length curly white hair, she had freckles all over her face, her eyes were the blackest I have ever seen and her skin was a beautiful light brown. She was really beautiful. She hopped off the desk pulling me back into reality and walked around me in a circle looking me up and down. "Well aren't you just a cute little shortie?" She laughed. "Well come on now. I have a whole school to show you." She said wrapping her arm with mine and dragging me out of the room.      "So, what brings you to our small little town?" she asked as we walked down the main hall. "Oh, my father got the job of the new school principle" I softly said. "Oh." She responded. I could tell she was thinking but I am not sure of what. "Well, besides being the principles daughter tell me a little about yourself." she said as she looked at my schedule. "Uh, well there really isn't much to tell. I love art and reading and well that’s all there is to tell.” She looked up at me and raised her eyebrow. “A girl of mystery. I like it. I can tell we are going to be the best of friends. Call it instinct. But I can feel it.” She laughed as she handed me back my schedule. “Oh and we have every class together but our last class. You have your last class with my boyfriend Jason. So you’ll at least know someone.” She smiled as we continued walking.       “Oh and our home room. My whole pack is in there.” I stopped walking. “Pack?” She turned around and laughed. “Yeah. You know like my group of friends.” I laughed. “Yeah okay. Just I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone call it a pack though.” She just smiled and opened a class room door. “Well here it is homeroom sweet homeroom.” I looked in the class and everyone was just talking amongst themselves even the teacher was having a conversation with a group of students. “Come on.” Jada Said grabbing my hand and walking me into the back of the class where a group of five sat. “Guys this is Aiko. Aiko this is Jason, Spencer, Nova, Elina, and Scott.” They all smiled and said hi to me. I sat down at the desk right next to Jada, and noticed they were all just looking at me. “You are so small and cute. I could just take you home.” The girl named Nova said. “Nov, don’t you already have a girlfriend?” Jason laughed. “What!? I didn’t mean it like that!” Nova said her cheeks turning a slight shade of red. They all laughed, but Scott he was just looking at me. It made me feel nervous but at the same time it made me feel calm. It was a confusing feeling, but I’ve been having a lot of those lately.     School went by pretty fast, I actually really like spending time with Jada and her friends...I mean their pack. I noticed that Scott seemed to be the one everyone looked up to. Like he was the leader and in charge. I was walking out of the building when Jada screamed my name and ran towards me. “Where are you off to shortie?” She asked as she walked with me. “Oh. I was just heading home.” I quietly said while looking down. “You okay? You seem sad?” She asked and I looked up and smiled. “Oh yeah I am fine. Was just thinking about how today went a lot better than I thought” I laughed trying to seem happy. She gave me a quick glance and then laughed. “Well. The pact and I like to hangout after school for a couple of hours. Want to join?” I turned to the parking lot and saw that my dads car was still there, and I knew at the very least he’s be at school for another three hours. “Ok.” And with that Jada grabbed my hand and we started walking towards a Jeep where Jason sat. “Hello there ladies. Are we ready?” He smiled as Jada opened the door for me. We drove for about ten minutes and stopped at this lake house. I got out of the Jeep and just took in the beautiful view. “This is Elian’s families lake house. They don’t use it anymore and said we could use it as a club house.” Jada said to me as we walked towards the door. “Feel free to come here anytime you need” she said as she handed me a key. “But you just meet me. Why?” I asked looking at the key in my hand. “As I said before. I just feel that we are going to be best friends.” She smiled as we walked in the house. Elina and Spencer were playing cards, while Nova was in the kitchen where Jason joined her. I couldn’t see Scott though. “Make yourself at home. I’m going to go help with the food.” Jada said walking to the kitchen. “Do you play?” Elina asked while pointing to the chair next to her. “Uh, a little.” “Great, hopefully you are better then Spenser over here. It’s like playing against a baby.” Elina laughed as Spencer glared at her. After a few hands of poker, Jada, Jason, and Nova brought out pots of food. “Come on guys time to eat!” Nova said with excitement. I stood up when I felt my phone buzz I got a text from my father.             “You better have dinner made when I get home. I’ll be there soon.”   My heart sunk, as that was a reminder that nothing has changed. That as soon as I walk out of this door the next door I walk in will lead to my own personal hell. “Sorry guys...I have to go home. My father needs my help with something.” Jada made a sad face “aww okay. Well tomorrow?” She smiled. “Yeah. Tomorrow.” I smiled. “Do you want a ride?” Jason asked as he took a bite of pasta. “I’m good thank your. I enjoy walking.” I smiled as I grabbed my bag and waved bye. I started walking home, the sun felt so nice on my skin. It was warm and pleasant. Halfway home I got the feeling that someone was watching me, possibly following me. I turned around and of course saw no one. I shook it off and continued walking home. I got home and saw that my dad was here. Great. I thought to myself.    I walked into the house and as soon as I closed the door I felt a hand grab the back of my head and push me down to the ground. “Why weren’t you home!” He yelled as he began to kick my side. He grabbed my neck and picked me up, I was gasping for air as I tried to get him to let go. I started scratching at his face causing him to throw me across the living room. I looked up at him and felt nothing but rage. No more fear. I was angry. I got up and he laughed. “Oh you want more?” He said as he took his belt off and wrapped it around his hand. I let out a scream of frustration as I ran towards him he swung his hand back and whipped the belt across my face. I fell to the ground as blood trickled down my face and I began to laugh. “That’s all you got? What, getting weak?” I spat out. He started to repeatedly hit me with the belt, I eventually grabbed the belt and looked up at him. “You’re going to have to kill me this time.” He looked shocked and backed up for a second, giving me time to stand up. “That’s what I thought. You’re just pathetic.” I said throwing the belt at his feet. I started walking towards the front door when his words made me turn around. “Where are you going?” I spat out some blood and looked at him. “Why does it matter?” When I turned back to the door I caught my reflection, I noticed my eyes were that fiery pink from the other night. When I touched the door I heard my name being called. It was a woman’s voice coming from my room. I walked to my room and that necklace was just sitting on my bed. I put it on and walked to the door where my dad stood with a bottle of whiskey. “Where’d you get that?” He said pointing to my necklace. “Mom” I coldly responded as I pushed past him leaving.
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