
1152 Words
    Silver Creek was a pretty small town, was one of those towns where everyone knew everyone. Thinking about that put a pit in my stomach, I know all eyes will be on me as the new girl meaning that I have to be extra careful making sure no one finds out about my dad. We arrived at our new house and it looked beautiful like something you'd see in a movie. white picket fence, flowers blooming in the front yard, a cute little tree that provides shade. It was beautiful, but i knew it was just a pretty shell for the same hell i have always known. "Wait for the movers, and start unpacking everything. i'll be back." My father said as he waited for me to get out of the car. I walked into the house and it was empty and silent, I sat in the middle of the living room enjoying the peace while it was here, because i knew it would soon vanish. Most likely by the end of this night.      About thirty minutes later I heard a knock on the door, it was the movers. "Well hello there pretty lady. Are your parents home?" the mover asked. "Oh no, sorry. My father had to go" I smiled. "You can just drop the boxes off in here and i'll put them where they go." The mover looked down at me and back at the truck. "Now what kind of business man would I be if i let a pretty young girl move heavy boxes by herself? You can just point us in the directions of the rooms and we will handle the rest." He smiled and I nodded. The movers began bringing everything in and with two hours all the furniture was in place and only thing left to do was to put up the small things like dishes and our clothes. "Thank you all so much." I said as they drove off, they all smiled and waved.      It was late in the evening the sun had about an hour and a half before it was going to set, so i decided  to go on a walk. I grabbed a sweater and headed out of the house, the air felt so nice on my skin as i walked down the road. After about a mile I came across a park with a trail that seemed to lead into some woods, I felt like the woods was calling my name so i started to walk down the path. The more i walked the more i felt, i felt free. The further I went the more that feeling grew so I started running, my heart began pounding as i got closer, closer to what? I am not sure but i didn't care, it was giving me this feeling and that is all i needed. I finally reached this lake and I stopped at the edge of the water as this feeling filled my body, I fell to my knees and let out this scream as tears rushed down my face. I was being swallowed by all of the memories of my father beating me.  I looked down at my reflection in the water and my eyes were glowing pink. I jumped back and held my head as it felt like it was being split open. I dug my nails into the dirt as the pain grew, I looked up into the sky at the moon. A crescent. I let out one final scream, and i felt a burst of energy rush through my body and the pain stopped. I crawled over to the edge of the water and looked at my reflection again. My eyes were glowing a fiery pink, my hair matched, and...and i had these huge transparent pink wings...they were so beautiful. "What..what am i?" i whispered as i stood up. I looked up into the sky with tears in my eyes. "Please..please help me." I cried I am not sure who i was talking to, honestly i don't care who hears it, as long as someone does.      I turned around looking behind me, it felt as if someone was there but i couldn't see anything. My phone started ringing and i knew it was him. "Yes father?" I answered. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" He screamed. "Sorry...I just went for a walk.." I said quietly as  I started walking back. "YOU BETTER GET HOME FAST.. MATTER OF FACT I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU WHEN YOU GET BACK." he screamed, he was clearly drunk. I took a deep breathe in trying to prepare for what i know is to come. I felt the energy fade away, my eyes and hair returned to their natural color, and my wings went away. "I wish...I wish I was dead. No life is better than this life." I yelled before i started to run home. I walked into the house and my father was drinking whisky straight out of the bottle. "Who did you let in your pants huh? Just moved here and you are already sleeping around? What will this town think of me if they found out my daughter was sleeping around, huh?" He slurred as he stood up and walked closer to me. He put his hand on my cheek and sighed. "God you look so much like her....I hate it... I hate you." he said as he moved his hand around my throat. he started squeezing my throat and pushed me into the wall. "What am i going to have to do to teach you to not open your legs." He said as he started to undo his belt. I started to push him away which made him angry so he bashed my head into the wall. i fell to the ground and he started kicking and stomping my back.      He dragged me to his room and threw me on his bed. "Since you want to give it to everyone I might as well try it before it gets worn out." he said as he took his pants off and climbed on top of me. "Please! No! Stop!!!" I cried out as he forced himself into me. he put his hand over my mouth muffling my screams as he took my innocents. After what seemed like forever, 43 minutes, i got off of me and picked up another bottle of whisky. "Get the f**k out of my face." I slowly got up my legs were shaking, blood was running down my thighs and I turned to him "Your- you're a monster." I sobbed then walked out of the room. I walked out of the house, slowly down the road and back to the lake. I walked into the water, my heart racing with what had just happened. "Will no one help me? Is it too much to ask that...that i just be seen?"    
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