Official Pack Member

1377 Words
    I was at the lake, I don’t know why I decided to walk here but I’m here. I sat at the edge of the lake submerging my feet, the pain in my side grew and every breath was a sharp pain. The cut on my face was still bleeding and bruises started to form all over my upper body.  I heard a twig snap and I turned around to see a tall figure. I quickly stood up letting out a wince from the pain in my rib cage. “Hello? Who’s there?” I shouted but all I heard was this low raspy growl. I know this is no animal it is clearly standing on two legs, it was tall around 6 feet and was wide built like a body builder.     “I haven’t seen a fairy in nearly 50 years.” This dark figured growled. Is that what I am? A fairy? How is this possible and what is he? It started walking towards me and stopped about two feet away. “What do you want?” I stuttered. It started walking closer this time I could see him...He..He was green with sharp pointed teeth. His ears were pointed like an elf and his eyes were blood red. I stumbled back losing my footing causing me to fall to the ground. “What...what are you?” I said in horror. “I am Occisor! I am considered a lord among my kind! And I plan on eating every last inch of you.” He smirked licking his lips. My eyes grew wide as I looked up at this foul creature.  He picked me up by the neck dangling me over the lake. “You’re all dirty” he said as he threw me into the water, jumping in after me. He held me under the water and I started kicking and thrashing trying to escape his grip. I managed to kick him in the face which caused him to let go of me and I swam to the surface taking in a deep breath. He quickly pulled me back down and started swimming deeper. He stopped and grabbed my neck bringing my face close to his and he smiled.     Is this how I die? By some random ugly creature. I’m going to die and there will be no one to miss one to keep my memory alive. But then again what memories am I leaving behind. I’m going to die the same way I lived...unnoticed. Everything slowly started fading away and darkness filled the space. ‘FIGHT’ a female voice yelled. ‘LIVE’ she said as I felt this energy build up in my chest. ‘WAKE UP!’  Third Person POV-     Aiko’s eyes shot open, they were a vibrant fiery pink her hair started slowly matching the color of her eyes. Her translucent pink wings spread out wide, they seemed to be admitting pink flames. Occisor looked frightened as Aiko smiled. She grabbed the hand that was still gripping her throat and flames traveled up Occisor arms. He looked unaffected and began digging his nails in Aiko’s neck. She held on to Occisor’s arm and screamed. As she screamed dark pink flames engulfed both Aiko and Occisor. The flames grew larger and larger soon taking over the whole lake. The once large dark creature was now screaming as his body slowly started disintegrating.  Aiko’s POV   I let go of the creature and the flames soon vanished, and so did the water. I looked down at the creature he was trying to crawl away. “Leaving already? We haven’t even gotten dessert.” I said walking towards him stopping him from going any further. “How are you going to come after me, then run away when things don’t go your way. You think you can just hurt me and then leave? I am tired of being a punching bag. Let’s see how you like it.” I said as balls of pink fire started forming in my hands. “Here’s your meal.” I said as I thrusted my hands forward sending a stream of flames his way, causing him to completely vanish. I fell to my knees as I started breathing shallow and heavy. My vision was getting blurry, I touched my neck and noticed I was bleeding heavily. I fell on my back and looked up at the sky. “So I still end up dying?” I mumbled. “Oh no you don’t.” This voice said, my Vision was too blurry to make out the six figures that were running towards me.  Third Person POV    “She’s dying!” Jada screamed out, her eyes were white and a tear rolled down her cheek. The pack quickly got quiet and looked at Jada. “Where is she babe?” Jason asked grabbing his keys. “The lake, there’s a goblin and he’s drowning her.” She angrily said as they ran out of the lake house. “Spencer and Nova you are with me, Elina ride with Jason and Jada. Let’s go.” Scott commanded and everyone followed without hesitation. Scott, Spencer, and Nova arrived first Jason, Jada, and Elina arrived soon after. “What’s happening now Jada?” Scott asked, Jada’s eyes turned white. “I...I don’t know. Everything is engulfed in pink flames.” She said as her eyes returned to her natural color. “Let’s go.”  Scott instructed and they ran towards the lake. They all stopped in their tracks when they noticed the lake was gone. “What happened...” Nova said as they approached the lake. There laid Aiko bleeding out, “so I still end up dying?” Aiko mumbled. “Oh no you don’t.” Jada said running towards Aiko. Aiko’s eyes looked empty as she looked up towards the sky. A smile slowly crept its way on Aiko’s face. “Death isn’t so bad. This is the most peace I’ve felt in a while. I just...I wish I could have more” Aiko whispered. Tears filled Jada’s eyes as she watched Aiko gaze into the sky. “Your peace has only just begun. When you set foot in our town our souls connected and I saw a glimpse of the future. You have too much to live for! The world owes you happiness and it’s time to cash in!” Jada screamed as she laid one of her hands over Aiko’s neck and the other over her chest. Jada’s eyes turned white illuminating the area around her. A white light started admitting from Jada’s hands and flowed over Aiko’s body. You could see Aiko’s wounds healing as the white light completely covered her.     The white light slowly started turning into pink flames, Jada stood up and backed away with a smile. “What’s happening? Is she okay?” Scott asked with a worried look on his face. “She’s perfect.” Jada said with a twinkle in her eye. Aiko’s body started lifting off the ground as the flames grew stronger. As she floated in the air her wings emerged, her hair started turning dark pink and when her eyes shot open they deep fiery pink. Aiko flapped her wings and landed back on the ground.        The  sunflower and moon on Aiko’s necklace started shining a silver ray of light turning Aiko’s hair, eyes, and wings silver. “Thank you sister Starlight for awakening Aiko’s soul. We were afraid our bloodline was coming to an end. I have faith you will help Aiko reach her full potential, and she will help you as well. All of your lives have changed, and even though she doesn’t know this. Aiko has changed all of your lives for the better. From the Suzuya family to yours our last Fairy Aiko Hana Suzuya.” The sliver flames returned to the deep pink they once were then vanished.      Aiko fell to the ground, she was drained from the fight she had with the goblin. The whole pack just looked at Aiko in amazement. They circled around Aiko taking a knee and placing their right hands over their hearts. “I promise to protect you with my life, as I know you will with yours. I promise to be here when you feel the most alone and I promise you will never have to be alone. As you are apart of the pack, our lives are forever intwined.” The pack said in unison officially accepting Aiko into the pack. Scott stood up and walked over to Aiko and picked her up bridal style. “Everyone go home and get some sleep. I’ll take Aiko to Damion.” 
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