
1209 Words
       *Boom!* I sprung up from bed and looked over to my nightstand "ugh, it's 2 in the morning." I groaned as I got out of bed and headed downstairs. I sighed as I looked towards the front door, there in a pile of throw-up was my father. Passed out drunk, this was nothing but normal for my family, if you can even call us that, a family. But ever since my mother disappeared he just broke, he has become a violent stranger. The man I once called daddy is just a mean old drunk.      I dragged him to his room and barley got him on his bed, I put a bottle of water and some medicine on his nightstand. I left his room and went back to the front door and began cleaning his mess when I heard his door swing open. "WHATS GOING ON OUT HERE?!?!?!" he drunkenly screamed. I closed my eyes, hung my head down, and let out a small sigh as I knew what was about to happen. "ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME?" he growled as he got closer to me. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. What was I supposed to say. "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT. YOU ARE JUST A NO GOOD PIECE SHI-" everything went silent as he slapped my face. A ringing soon filled my ears as I tried to regain my footing. I could see him screaming at me but all i could hear was that ringing as he made his hand into a fist and began hitting me in the stomach. Always where no one could see, that wouldn't be good for him if anyone saw. Seeing he was the assistant principle at my high school. I was on the ground gasping for air as blood trickled out of my mouth, I looked up at my father and he just laughed. I read his lips as he whipped my blood of his knuckles. "Clean this up." Then he went back to his bedroom.      I woke up at 7:30 gasping in pain as I sat up, my father always left earlier than me which I was thankful for and he never went straight home after school, always stopped at the bar and stayed till closing. So I was alone for the most part, which was better than the alternative. Sometimes I wonder why I just don't give up, but whenever I am about to...I just freeze and it feels as if someone is giving me a hug and I can never go through with it. That feeling reminds me of my mother, she always use to say hugs were like magic, and her's were. I finally got the strength to get out of bed ad get dressed. My father was all about appearances so I always had to look my best. I put on one of my favorite floral dress, it was this soft pastel blue, it had wavy ruffles and stopped right above my knees. I always wore my long black wavy hair down, along with a matching headband. I looked in the mirror and my eyes filled with tears. "How could such a pretty girl have such a broken heart?" I whispered as I dried my face off and walked out of the house.     School was the same as usual, I made small chit chat with all the people who call me their friend. I get to pretend to be normal for eight hours of the day, which use to be heaven to me, but now it seems to be an addition to my never ending hell. I was now at home doing my homework when i heard the front door open. 'what is he doing here?' i asked myself as i slowly walked out of my room and down the stairs. He had a bunch of cardboard boxes in his hands. He threw them down and looked up at me, "start packing. I got a new job in some town called Silver Creek. Pays more and they are making me principle. I expect this house to be packed by the time i get home." He hissed as he walked out the house slamming the door behind him.      I started packing the living room and made my way through the house, five hours later I had one room left, his room. I walked in his room and i swear a cold rush of air passed my body giving me the chills. I began packing his dressers and moved on to the closet where I found this beautiful metal box with a crescent moon and a sunflower emboarded onto it. I tried to open it but it seemed to be locked, I was about to pack it away when I ran my fingers over the moon and sunflower. I heard a pop and the box opened. I found pictures of my mom, tears filled my eyes. It has been almost six years since I last seen a picture of my mother. My father took them all down as year after she was reported missing. Her face was becoming blurry every time i dreamed of her, seeing her face warmed my heart. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time, I continued to look through the box finding more and more pictures of my mother. I picked up one of the pictures and it was a little girl standing in front of a sign, i had no doubt that it was my mother. I looked closer and read the sign it said 'Welcome to Silver Creek A Magical Place To Call Home' The name Silver Creek ran through my head and my eyes grew wide as I realized that's where I  was moving. I grabbed the box and dumped it out and saw a necklace. It was the same as the picture on the box a crescent moon and a sunflower. I picked it up and there was a big white flash, i looked around and everything was white. i looked ahead and saw a ball of light coming my way i stood up and walked towards it. When i got close to hit I felt safe and i felt love, "Aiko, your life is about to change. It is up to you yo make it for the better." This strange orb told me. "Who are you? what are you?" I asked looking around once more. "That's for you to discover." Everything went black.     I opened my eyes and sat up, I looked around and I was in my room laying in bed. I looked at the time it was 11:30. "What the hell happened?" I mumbled as i touched my neck, i felt something cold i looked down and saw i was wearing the necklace. "Was it all a dream?" I whispered as I got up, I walked towards my fathers room and saw that it was all packed. I don't recall finishing it, I must have been exhausted not to have remembered. That orb really stuck with me though, real or not seeing that picture of my mother was more than enough to give me hope. Maybe Silver Creek is my saving grace.         
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