History Lesson

1945 Words
Aiko's POV     "Are you sure she's a fairy? Better yet are you sure she's from the Suzuya family?" I heard a voice say as I awoken in a black room. where the hell am I....I wondered as I attempted to get up, as I put my foot on the ground a sharp pain traveled from my chest down my back. I let out a wince moving my hands to my mouth, as I didn't want to be heard because I have no clue where I am. I barley remember that creature, all I can really recall is getting free from him...and if i'm not crazy I am pretty sure I evaporated the whole lake. I finally reached a door nob, and before I opened it I took a deep breath in, who's to say what's on the other side. I opened the door and squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Aiko, you should be laying down." A familiar voice softly said, my eyes had adjusted to the light and I saw Scott and some bald man in a lab coat. "Where...where am I?" I asked as I looked around what looked like a doctor office. I walked forward letting out another wince, Scott ran over to me wrapping his arm around my waist helping me over to a chair.      Scott knelled in front of me, I looked from the doctor down to Scott. "Do you remember anything?" Scott asked as he moved out the way so the doctor could examine me. As the doctor shined a light in my eyes I recalled the last memory I had. "Uhh, well what i remember makes me sound crazy." I shyly answered. "I promise we will not think you are crazy." the doctor said. I looked at Scott and he gave a soft smile, i'm not sure why but it sent chills down my spin. "Well, if that's the case. The last thing I remember is a green disturbing creature, I think he said his name was Occisor. And he threw me in the lake and was drowning me....and I felt something overcome my body and i'm not sure how, but I made the entire lake evaporate and everything goes dark from there." I said while looking down at my feet. "Why were you at the lake?" The doctor asked as he began taking my blood. "uh, well first I felt something calling me so I ran towards the direction and well, I just thought the view was pretty." I quietly said. "Dear, you aren't in any trouble. I just want to make sure of a few things."      "Why am I here?" I asked and Scott and the doctor looked at each other. "Well before I tell you everything, why don't I introduce myself. I am Dr. Damion Medicus, and I am a Djinn or in other words a genie." I just looked at him with raised eye brows. "I thought genies were trapped in lamps and were tricksters?" I asked as Dr. Damion took a seat. "Well i'll admit, maybe in my beginning years I wasn't the best. But that was till I met your great great great great grandmother, Lux Suzuya. I haven't told this story to anyone, and who better to hear this story then a Suzuya?" He said with a smile. "Would you like to know some of your family history?" He asked and I just looked him in the eyes, something looked familiar in them, his eyes were trusting. "Okay." I said not breaking eye contact.  "Great, lets go." He said getting up grabbing me and Scott's arm, and before I could say anything everything went white.      When my eyes opened we were at the lake. I looked around and I saw this woman sitting down with her feet in the water. "No one can see or hear us. Go ahead." Dr. Damion said. I slowly walked up to the woman, and when I saw her face I froze. "She looks like me." I said looking to Dr. Damion not taking my eyes off the woman. "Well technically you look like her. Aiko meet Lux Suzuya." Lux looked up towards the sky, but she was staring right at me and she smiled. "Oh what a beautiful day. would't you say so Djinn." Lux said, I looked around but there was no one. Then a cloud of red smoke appeared a few feet behind Lux, revealing this creature who looked like a man on top and had a ghost like lower body that was a tail. "What are you? How did you sense me?" The Djinn snarled making the ground vibrate. "Don't you just love the warm kiss from the sun?" Lux said as she stood up, wiping her dress off. "Are you just suicidal or dumb?" The Djinn laughed as he threw some type of red ball of smoke her way. Without even turning around Lux spun her index finger through the air and the ball of smoke just vanished. The Djinn had a look of confusion on his face, and that soon turned to anger.      Lux turned around and gave the Djinn a smile as she started walking towards him. She walked with so much grace and power. The Djinn started forming a bigger ball of smoke in his hands, the smoke started flowing towards the ground slowly crawling closer and closer to Lux. But she kept walking and each step she took more and more smoke vanished. She stopped about a foot away from the Djinn and held her arms out. As she did that she started radiating and her once black hair was this silver purple, along with her eyes and she had wings. "You are no match for me, I am free and I will do as I wish. And I wish to kill you."  The Djinn laughed maniacally as he lifted his arms above his head, red smoke pouring from his hands filling the whole area. Lux snapped her fingers and the Djinn looked like he was struggling as his arms were being pulled down. "What are you doing?!"  He screamed as he tried to move his arms. Lux walked towards him inches from his face. "You have been causing trouble throughout my kingdom and I just cannot have that. So I will present you two choices, and I will let you decided your fate." The Djinn started cursing Lux and she swiped her hand through the air and the Djinn went silent. It was as if something was covering his mouth. "Now that you are listing I well give you your two options. You can either agree to stop causing unlawful pain and destruction and promise your loyalty to the Suzuya council. Or you can be imprisoned for the rest of eternity."      Lux swiped her hand in the air again and the Djinn just smiled. "Who do you think you are? And what makes you think you could imprison me?" The Djinn started laughing as red smoke started funneling around the both of them. He got his hands free from Lux's hold and the red smoke started moving more violently. The Djinn grew in size as the smoke got thicker and darker. "I see you are a fairy of wind, but you are no match for me. I will do as I please and I will not bend to the well of no man, or woman, again." He screamed as the smoke climbed up Lux's leg. The smoke completely covered Lux and the Djinn laughed with joy. The smoke exploded and when it cleared away Lux was gone. "What did I say, you were no match for me. You should have just stayed home little girl." The Djinn laughed, then a bright light flashed behind the Djinn and Lux appeared. She placed her hands on the Djinn's head and a white light traveled down his body causing him to fall to the ground. He sat there unable to move his body as Lux walked around him. She stopped in front of him leaning down, "I don't think you understand who I am. My family is the Suzuya Council we are among the strongest creatures in existence.For centuries my family has ensured peace and protection for our kingdom. I believe you asked who I was, I am Queen Lux Suzuya, Ruler of the great Kingdom Sliver Creek. And you are right I am no match for you. I am stronger." Lux said as her eyes began to glow brighter.      "Choose your fate now Djinn, or have it chosen for you." Lux said as her voice echoed through the woods. A purple light started surrounding the Djinn and he started screaming as the light started consuming him and then traveling into a Lamp that Lux made appear. "FINE! MY LOYALTY! I PROMISE MY LOYALTY! JUST PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY FREEDOM!" The Djinn cried out. The lamp and purple light vanished and Lux held her hand out. The Djinn took her hand and stood up, bowing down to Lux. "You're wish is my command." The Djinn said with defeat and sadness in his voice. Lux knelled down and the Djinn looked up at her confused. "You are free Djinn, you don't have to serve anyone. And as long as you promise not to cause pain and chaos to innocent people things shall remain that way. You promised your loyalty to the Suzuya Council and we promise your freedom." They both stood there looking at one another. "Why give me my freedom after all the pain and chaos I have caused?" Lux smiled as she returned to her human form. "Because not all creatures are born evil, some are made. So shouldn't it be possible to make a once evil being good? Especially one who was born without any options or free will?" Lux said as she walked away. "Thank you." The Djinn said. "You're welcome. and know, you always have a home in the Kingdom of Silver Creek." A white light flashed and we were back in the doctor office.     I looked at Dr. Damion and recalling what he looked like in that...whatever it was, a vision I guess. "So that was you?" I asked and Dr. Damion shook his head yes. I just leaned back in the chair taking a deep breath as the pain I forgot I had traveled through my body, the funny thing is I don't think any of it was caused from the creature, but from my dad. "Before we talk anymore I think you should go home and get some rest, you've been through a lot today." Scott said with that warming smile that sends chills through my body. My stomach turned though at the thought of having to go back home. "Actually I think it's best if Aiko stay's here tonight so I can monitor her. She has a lot of injuries and I should be able to heal most of them by morning. Is that okay with you Aiko?" Dr. Damion asked, I looked at him and I got this feeling like he knew. "Yeah, that's fine with me." I answered. Scott nodded and said goodbye promising to come back in the morning. When Scott left Dr. Damion sat in front of me with a file. "Who did this to you?" He asked as he pulled out x-ray's. I just sat there unable to talk and he gave a comforting smile. "Whenever you're ready to talk i'll be here. And if you need it, my home is yours."                            
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