Finally A Family

2722 Words
 After hours of Dr. Damion crushing different herbs, and applying it all over my body, it was like I was never injured. "How'd you know?" I asked as I laid on the table, "When you have been alive for as long as I have you have seen a lot and you just develop this third eye. Plus I have an actually medical degree and X-rays don't lie." He said pointing to his degree hanging on the wall. "Someone was listing all along..." I whispered. "What do you mean by that?" Dr. Damion asked as he began wrapping my body with bandages. "A few nights ago, after my father had-" I stopped as I felt a knot in my stomach. "I went to the lake and I guess I was speaking to the universe and I asked for help and for someone to see me. But I didn't know the universe was actually listening let alone knew I existed." I said as a few tears rolled down my face. Dr. Damion handed me some tissues and rolled his seat next to the bed. "The world may be cruel at times, and you have experienced that more than most, but that doesn't mean you aren't seen. That doesn't make you any less worthy of love. If anything the pain you have experienced has made your soul all the more beautiful. In all the hundred of years I have been alive I have never meet a soul as strong and vibrant as yours. The fact that your soul isn't corrupted, well it is astonishing. So of course the universe was listing, and you can bet your ass it see's you." Dr. Damion said giving me a soft smile. "Thank you Dr. Damion." He laughed,"You can call me Damion" I looked at his medical degree "I'll call you Doc. You have a medical degree after all." I chuckled. "That works You get some rest and later we will talk about your living arrangements."      I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. "Come in" I groggily said as I sat up. Jada walked in with a smile on her face and took a seat on the bed. "I thought you were a fairy, not a mummy." Jada joked. "I thought I tried to start a new trend, I call it the ancient collection, comes in four colors." Jada laughed, then lightly grabbed my hand. "How are you feeling?" I thought about it for a second, and realized for the first time in years I didn't wake up feeling like death. "I feel great...better than I have ever felt." I smiled and I saw a hint of sadness in her eyes "Well that's great." She smiled and she was about to say something else when someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Jada screamed and Doc and Scott walked in. "Nice to see you are feeling better." Doc said as he leaned on a counter. "Oh, here I was supposed to hand you this when I first walked in." Jada smiled as she handed me a bag. "It's some clothes" I said thank you and went to the restroom to change. She brought me a pink sundress. It was really pretty honestly and fit perfectly. I walked out of the bathroom and Jada tarted clapping. "Yas  Queen Yas! Give us a turn." She said energetically as she moved her index finger in a circle motion. I laughed and did as she asked making her clap even louder. "I will never understand where you get all that energy from Jada." Scott said shaking his head at her and laughing. "We should get going though, everyone will be at the lake house pretty soon." Scott said looking at his phone. "Okay, just make sure Aiko takes it easy, You may feel great, but your body is still very much so healing. Push yourself too far and you'll have to spend another night in my doctor office." Doc said smiling at me then he looked at Scott and Jada to make sure they understood and they nodded their heads.     "This is exciting, we haven't had a new pack member for nearly a year. Spencer was the newest member till you." Jada said as she drove. We pulled up to the lake house and Jason walked outside with a huge grin waving his hand through the air. They all seem so very happy, I guess that's what a person would look like having a group of people who love you. We got out of the car and Jason walked up to Jada giving her a kiss. "Good morning fire bug" Jason said to me. "Fire bug?" I said confused as we walked into the house. "Yes, Fire bug. You know because you were on fire and all last night." He smiled. "Oh,  okay. well good morning....well I don't really have a nickname for you at the moment." Jason just laughed "I like her." I took a seat on the couch in the living room along with everyone else and Scott stood in the middle of the living room. "As everyone knows, we have a new pack member. Aiko Suzuya, and she doesn't really know us so, Aiko we are going to formally introduce ourselves. I am Scott Lykos, and I am an alpha wolf." Scott said as he took a seat. I can tell he's not an open book and he keeps to himself, because that was the driest introduction I have ever heard. I thought to myself as Jada stood up. "Well I have no clue how i'm going to follow that introduction" Jada mockingly said making everyone laugh even Scott. "I am Jada Starlight as you know, your new best friend. Just making that clear. But what you don't know is that I am a cosmic-twilight witch. Wow, what is that you ask?" Jada said as she smiled. She held her hands palm up and a ball of light formed in her right hand, and a ball of darkness formed in her left. "Well you see the twilight part of it is because I use both shadow and light magic, and as for the cosmic part." She said with a huge grin. The two balls vanished and she closed her eyes and put her hands together. She opened her eyes and they were white, when she opened her hand and there sat a star. "You see I thrive off of planetary and celestial energy, and I can make stars, which if you ask me makes me awesome by default." Jada smirked, that girl has such an epic personality. Jason stood up and sat Jada down. "Hey I wasn't done!" she laughed. "Babe if I just let you keep talking Fire Bug will never get to know the rest of us." He laughed and Jada jokingly rolled her eyes.      "Well, Ms. Fire Bug my name is Jason Phoenix. And I know what you are thinking. The answer is no I am not a phoenix, just have an epic last name. But I will call my self a ninja, because I have the martial art skills of one. But I am no supernatural creature. Unless you count a ninja as one, because my skills are out of this world." I let out a laugh as he sat down. Nova stood up, "I'm Nova Proelium, I don't really have anything crazy and witty to say" she laughed as she looked at Jada and Jason. "But I am an Omega wolf, and I have to say after seeing you the other night I can tell you are one bad ass. I am happy you will be joining our little family." She smiled and sat down. Spencer stood up next, "Hi Aiko, i'm Spencer Geno. Not to sound full of myself like a certain two." Spencer laughed as Jada and Jason both said what. "But, I am the pack genius. I know almost any and everything, oh and I am a beta wolf." Elina stood up and showed her fangs. "Don't worry I won't bite." she winked. "I am Elina Sanguis your average day-walker vampire." Everyone just looked at her and Jada stood up. "There is nothing average about a damn vamp." Elina shrugged her shoulders "Hey like Spenc said, I am not full of myself like others" Elina said sticking her tongue out. Jada just laughed and playfully pushed Elina. "Would you like to go?" she asked holding her hand out to help me up. I nodded and took her hand. "Well as you all know my name is Aiko and my last name is Suzuya. I am a fairy and I am not sure what that exactly means, but I am excited to find out. Especially to find out with the help of all of you." I smiled and everyone but Scott said aww and went in for a group hug. I looked over at Scott and he was just staring at me, he gave me a smile, and I swear this time I felt a jolt of electricity travel through my body.      We all hung out for a couple of hours playing games and talking, I learned that Nova was the captain of the female soccer team, and that she dates a girl form their rival school. I learned that Elina likes to be called Eli and apparently she has a huge crush on Spencer, who is a comic book nerd. Soon just me, Jada, Jason, and Scott were left at the house. Scott cleared his throat getting our attention. "Okay. I wasn't sure how comfortable you would be discussing this in front of everyone so I waited till it was just us four." Scott said looking at me, for a second I was confused but then it clicked that he was talking about my father. How did he know, did doc tell him? Or dose he have that whole third eye thing? I just sat there quite as I looked at everyone, I could feel the pain in their eyes as they stared at me. I could feel my eyes watering, "what is there to discuss?" I said looking down at the ground holding back my tears. "For one, we want you to know that anything you need we are here." Jada said. "Secondly, you are not spending another night in that house, ever." Jason said. "and thirdly when you are ready we can get your stuff together, and we will move it it into Damion's house. Me and him talked this morning." Scott said as he handed me a box of tissues. I took a deep breath in and cleared my throat. "Could we do it now? I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible."      We pulled up to the house and I saw my fathers car, he was home. The knot in my stomach grew and my hands started shaking. I felt Jada grab my hand, I looked at her and she smiled and mouthed 'it's going to be okay.' I nodded my head and we got out of the car. I walked towards the door and I placed my hand on the door knob and I stood there for a few seconds. Every time I walk through the door that leads 'home' I get hurt. It's time to change that. I opened the door and walked in. Of course he was laying on the couch bottle in hand watching tv, acting like nothing was different. Did he even notice I was gone all night, better yet did he care. "Cam-came back home i see." he drunkenly stuttered. "Just came to get my things." I said making him stand up and turn towards me, he was surprised to see people with me. "oh. You brought friends with you. Whatever get your s**t and leave. You'll be back. They are bound to get tired of your stupid ass." He spat out as he sat back down. A weight lifted off my shoulders as he sat back down, i'm just glad he didn't get violent. "You okay fire bug?" Jason asked, he looked pissed. I nodded my head and lead them to my room.      "wow, did you paint these?" Jada asked as she looked at the painting on my walls. "Yeah, I think the night sky is beautiful and I wanted to capture it and I just feel a picture can only show so much." I said as I started packing my clothes. "Well we are definitely taking them." she said as she put them in a  box. In about thirty minutes my room was packed. I looked around my room, where was it. where was that metal box at, then I realized I saw it on the coffee table in the living room. I felt a rush of heat travel across my body, as I started walking towards the living room. "Aiko?!" heard Jada say, but I kept walking to the living room. He was just sitting there with the box in his lap. "Give it" I said as I stood in front of the TV. He looked at me with those dead cold eyes and smiled. "Give you what? this? My box?" He said waving it in the air. "How'd you get open? I've tried for years." He said as he picked up the pictures. "Just give it back to me." I spat out. He laughed and got up. "Oh yeah. I forgot you grew a back bone. So you think you're tough now huh?" he said as he dropped the box on the table. He grabbed his bottle of whisky and began pouring it all over the box. "What are you doing?!?! STOP!" I screamed as I ran towards the box, he pushed me to the ground and I saw Scott and Jason run in. "It's okay, i'm okay." I said and they stopped understanding I didn't want them to do anything. He pulled out a lighter and my eyes widen. I could feel anger grow in my body like a wild fire. "Don't you dare" I said clinching my fist. "Or what?" He said dropping the lighter in the box, as I watch it catch on fire I let out a scream of pure anger. I could see my hair had turned pink and it was on fire, matter of fact my whole body was covered in pink flames. I looked up at my father and he had pure fear on my face, and i smiled.      I got up and I slowly walked towards my father, with every step I took my flames grew larger, wider, and hotter. "Aiko, sweetie calm down." he said as he backed up into a wall. "Oh now i'm sweetie!" I screamed making my flames grow more. "Now you want to act like my father? Now that you are the scared little b***h. huh?!" I screamed as the ground around me and my father caught on fire. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned around to see Jada, here eyes were white and she had a white light covering her body. I guess it was protecting her from my fire. "Aiko, honey you need to calm down. You don't want to kill him. You'll regret it when you aren't mad anymore. Don't be like him." I looked at him and the rage in me was begging me to let it out. I fell to the ground and let out the biggest scream I could, surrounding myself in a blazing ball of fire. When I stopped screaming all the fire vanished. I could feel tears streaming down my face. I looked up at my father as he was catching his breathe. "I loath your existence, and even though I have the strong urge to just kill you. I hope you find help and get back the man that mom loved." I said as I got up and walked to my room to grab a box. We all carried the boxes to the car and they all just looked at me. "Aiko are you okay?" Scott asked as I felt my body go limp and everything faded black. The last thought I had was at least I finally found a family.           

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