Blue Eyed Wolf

1080 Words

"So Audrey, it’s only your second day here, and this is my second call out for you already. What happened? “Sorry about that Doc, honestly didn’t mean it, I was having a box with Ricker, I threw a punch, heard a crack thought nothing of it, then I throw a wicked combo at him and when my punch landed on his face, well my wrist was left hanging.” I say, trying to laugh it off. Dr Calder gives me a massive smile. Think he must have liked my pun. He comes over to me, picks up my arm to look at my wrist. He was having a look at it, as I off in my own little world, “Audrey, hello are you listening to me?” “Sorry doc, I was in my own world then. What did you ask me, sorry?” “Audrey, have a look at your wrist.” He says to me. I look down. “Holy s**t, doc, what did you do? How did you fix it

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