Talks With The Doctor

1032 Words

“Ok, if it is ok with the both of you, I would like to take some bloods and do some tests and see if we can’t find anything in your DNA that can help us. Also, if you could come back in the morning, then I will have some books that we can go through and see if we can pick anything up.” We both nod at the same in agreement with him. “No worries Doc, we will be here in the morning at eight, is that ok?” “OK, go now and I will do my tests and research and I will see you in the morning. One more thing Audrey, Athena if you want more information talk to Amira about Ethan ok.” “Um Doc, don’t you need to take some blood?” I say to him. He holds up a vile and then turns around and starts pouring into something else. Athena pulls back and I can feel my face go back to normal. Well, this h

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