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So we sat down eating pizza and watching twilight. Man, I wish sometimes I could just transform into a wolf and run away. “But Addie, you can.” What the hell just happened? I just heard the most alluring voice I have ever heard in my head. “Um, am I just going insane?” I say in my head. “No, Addie, you're not. I’m a very special person and I can talk to you in your head.” The man replies. “Look, I don’t know if I have fallen asleep or hit my head pretty bad. But this is pretty scary. Who are you? And why are you in my head?” I say. “That you will find out soon, my love. You are a very special person Audrey and we are meant to be together. You saw me this morning when your Alpha brother had a standoff with me.” he says. “Um, what, get the hell out of my head.” I scream in my head, freaking out. I thought I had kept my cool, but my face said something else. “Um Addie, are you ok? What just happened?” Thomas says reaching out to touch my forehead to make sure I was ok. I swat his hand away.  “Thomas, get off me. I’m fine. I just thought I saw a ghost.” He looked at me with the oddest look on his face. But he didn’t press the matter. Thank God for that. “What time are Mum and Dad meant to be home?” I asked Tommy. “Not sure Addie probably late again I would say.” He says to me. “For God’s sake, they are never around anymore. I’ve had enough of this crap.” I sighed, “What is more important than spending time with their kid?” “Lay off them Addie, they have good reason and now you're just pissing me off acting like a child.” Thomas basically screams at me. “GET STUFFED THOMAS. YOU ARE SO SELFISH!” I scream in his face. He was standing there with the wildest look on his face. His eyes are black. He took a step toward me and I backed away. SMACK, he just slapped me across the face. I stumbled back and fall over. I had tears brimming in my eyes, ready to fall over. He went to take another step towards, his hand raised again. I jump up off the ground as fast as I can as he was coming towards me. I punched him clean in his nose and heard a snap. I scream at him, “HOW f*****g DARE YOU HIT ME THOMAS. f**k OFF I HOPE YOUR NOSE IS BROKEN.” That seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He looked up at me like he didn’t know what happened. “Addie, please, I didn’t mean it. I couldn’t control myself. It wasn’t my fault.” He pleads. “Don’t give me that s**t. If you ever touch me again, I will destroy you.” I say as I shrugged my shoulders and went to walk out. He grabbed my shoulder, and I grabbed his hand and throw him to the ground. I stormed out of the house. What the hell just happened. He has never done that before. And how was I so strong? But now what I am going to do or where am I going to go? Then that’s when I saw him. The guy from this morning. “Come with me Addie, I can give you answers.” I heard in my head again. As though I couldn’t stop myself, I walked across the road and went straight to him. I look up at this strange guy. He must be at least six foot five. He has long blonde hair, the lightest blue eyes I have ever seen. His face reminds me of vikings. He is very tall and slender, but has very broad shoulders. He is wearing tight black jeans and a white button down top, with the top few buttons undone so you can see some of his chest. I found myself just wanting to touch his chest. There is something in the back of my head. A feeling that is telling me to run away that this dangerous. I try to move, but I am so focused on this guy I can’t bring myself to move. He is standing there with his piercing blue eyes just staring at me. He has his hand out like I should take it. “Who are you?” I ask. My voice sounds very hoarse. “Addie, my name is Alexander. You can call me Alex if you like.” He says in the most alluring, calm voice I have ever heard. “Ok Alexander, who are you? And why can I hear you in my head?” I’m sounding more like myself now. I feel like I can actually move and make sense of things now. “All those questions I will answer, but you need to come with me. We will go somewhere private because it’s a not conversation to have in public. Will you come with me Addie?” His voice is so alluring, like I don’t have a choice but to obey him. But there is that feeling again.. “Run Audrey, do not go with him. He is dangerous. You must resist him.” I hear another voice in my head. What is going on with me? I must be going crazy. Maybe I need to get a psych test, I think. “Audrey, listen to me. Trust me. You will find out who I am and all the answers to your questions. YOU NEED TO GET HOME NOW TO YOUR MUM AND DAD.” the voice screams in my head. It breaks me from whatever trance I seem to be in. “When I tell you to run, you must run.” Ok, I think to myself. I can do this. “RUN” is all I hear in my head. I turn around and run; I don’t know if Alexander is following me. But something tells me not to look back and to get to my parents now. I run to the house. It must have been a couple km run, but I’m not tired at all. I’ve always been a very fit person. I go to the front door to open it. “Stop Addie. Before you go in there, you must promise not to tell your parents or even your brother you have heard me.” The voice says to me. Ok this seems so strange, but I feeling that I need to trust this voice. “Ok, I won’t say anything. I have a feeling that I can trust you, which is odd.” I say in my head. “You can Audrey. We are very special you and I. It will make more sense after you talk to your parents. But be very careful of your brother, he is becoming quite dangerous.” She says to me. “What is your name?” I ask. But then there is nothing. This has been the strangest day I have ever had in my life. What the hell was going on? Who was Alexander? Who was the female voice in my head? And why can’t I tell anyone. I put my hand on the door to turn the handle when the door opens. Thomas is staring at me. Anger and regret fill his eyes. He goes to take a step towards me. “f**k off Thomas. Don’t you dare lay another finger on me.” I say with as much venom in my voice as I can muster. He lets out a low growl and starts to shake. I found myself backing up away from the door. “Stand there Audrey. Do not let him push you around. This is about dominance.” that same voice tells me. I walk up to the steps again. “Stare at him Addie, like you are trying to make him submit.” She says. “I’m confused.” I say. “Stand as tall as you can and stare at him and make him submit to you.” she says again. So I try to do what she says. I stand on the step and look at my brother. He lets out another growl. I stare at him and something weird happens. I can feel the power roll off me. It feels so powerful. I just stare at him.  “You will submit to me Thomas and get the f**k out of my way.” I say it with so much power and authority his mouth just drops open and he falls to his knees. What the hell just happened? I started thinking with the biggest smile on my face. “Well done Addie, I told you we are both very special.” She says in my head again. I walk into the kitchen to find Mum and Dad at the table, just staring at me. “Audrey, I can’t believe you just made your brother submit. You are amazing and so powerful,” she says, smiling and looking at me like she is so proud. She gets up and pulls me into a hug. “Addie, you are amazing. You are going to be the most powerful person yet.” Dad says in his deep husky voice, with nothing but love and admiration on his face. “Sit down, sweetie, we have to some stuff to talk about.” Mum says in a very sweet and calm voice. I take a seat and feel like my life is about to change.
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