First Sights

1235 Words
I was so angry right now; I do not know what the hell just happened or why Thomas would ever act like that. Then my thoughts just went straight back to the two strange guys. Why did Thomas have such a reaction to them, and why was Mr Dreamy looking at me with apologetic eyes? I didn’t get a very good look at them, but I know they held power just from how Thomas reacted to them. And how did that power just radiate off Thomas? and why did he growl?  I sat down on a bed so confused and there it was again, that same stupid feeling that kept creeping up in the back of my mind. “Aargh” I scream, throwing my pillow at the door. I’ve had enough of this crap and this stupid sinking feeling I need answers and I am going to get them today or there will be hell to pay. “Audrey, can we please talk? I am really sorry for acting that way and for talking to you like that.” Thomas spoke so softly and with so much pain in his voice. “Rack off, Thomas. I am so pissed off at you at the moment. Don’t think it would be the best idea to talk. I need to calm down.” “Addie, open the goddamn door.” Thomas pleads “Please.” He never calls me Addie anymore, only when he seriously wants to apologize for something. I get up and go to the door to open it. Thomas’s face had such a look of devastation on it. I just grabbed him and pulled him in for the biggest hug. He sighed after a minute and said,  “Guess we gotta talk, hey,”  “Yeah, we do.” I said. He grabbed my hand in a hard grip, like he was trying to stop me from running away. Odd was all I could think. He leads us into the kitchen and told me to sit down at the table. “Coffee Addie?” he says, Since when did he drink coffee. “Yeah, Tommy, please.” I say. He takes out two cups and makes the coffee. Damn, it smells so good. He knows my weakness is coffee. He sits down at the table and looks at me, waiting for me to start grilling him. But I didn’t want to ask just yet. I was enjoying my coffee too much. “Addie, I’m sorry really, that doesn’t happen very often for me to lose my temper like that.” “Um, losing your temper is an understatement.” I lace my voice with thick sarcasm. “Tommy, what the hell just happened? Seriously? Who the hell were those guys?” Something was telling me not to tell Thomas about the moment I had with that strange guy. “Audrey, I can’t tell you everything but I’ll tell you what I can.” he sighed “I know them guys from around school. They are seriously bad news,” he shudders when talking about them. “Well, one of them is worse than the other. The other guy gets a bad rep for hanging out with him. He has done some s**t, Addie, bad s**t!” “Um, ok, but why the reaction? Why the hell did you growl? it seemed like you guys were having a standoff with each other.” “You were radiating so much power off you Tommy and all I could do was whimper and try to get away from you.” I hated to admit that I was weak at that moment, and I wanted more answers. “I’m sorry hey it's complicated and I can’t tell you anything about that,” he says “Aargh, I’m so sick of this s**t THOMAS,” I scream. “All the secrets from our parents and now you. I can’t stand this s**t anymore. You won’t tell me anything, or Mum and Dad. I’m done. And I can’t get rid of this feeling that something big is about to happen and change everything I know.” I say before I even realize what I said. “Audrey, calm down. I’m sorry for keeping secrets, but I can not tell you yet. We need to talk to Mum and Dad. And that feeling you are having is right and honestly you do not know how much your world is gonna change soon.” What the hell is going on? I’m so confused that I can’t even be angry anymore. I get up and walk off to my room; I needed to think. Mum, we gotta talk addie xx I close my phone after sending a quick text to Mum ok sweetie, talk when we get home love you xx Mum replied, wow that’s weird. She never does that. ding ding my phone goes off again, Sweetie, are you at school? No, Mum Thomas said I couldn’t go after he had an episode  at school, talk to him about it I reply to the message. Why the hell is everyone acting so god damn weird. Addie, where are you?? you need to come to school  there are the hottest guys ever here  And they have classes with us  ;) Audrey, get your ass to school  you need to see these guys btw you ok? I laugh, trust my two best friends to send these. They most of seen the guys. Abigail and Elizabeth are very interested in guys a lot more than me. They have both had s*x already and we are turning seventeen, but I haven’t. I want to wait till I meet someone that doesn’t think I’m easy. Of course I’ve done stuff, god I’m only human. of course you would notice fresh meat, Abbi Tommy had another weird moment talk to you laterz about it then I replied to Lizzie as well yeah babes I’m fine Tommy had a freak out talk to ya laterz  Huh, trust Abbi and Lizzie to go after the fresh meat. Well, it seemed like once again I was going to be in for a long day. I decided I might as well get comfy and watch a movie. I went to my DVDS and picked out one of my favourites. Time to watch some Twilight. I just remembered Mum left money for pizza. “Thomas want to order some pizza and watch Twilight with your favourite Sis, since you're the reason I’m home and not at school. So you owe me.” We really had a close relationship, Thomas and I. We were two years apart. So because of that, we had grown pretty close while we were growing up. And I know he has his moments, but he is a pretty cool older brother. “Does it have to be Twilight?” he whines, “Of course Edward is a heart throb I would love to be Bella.” I sighed. If only right. “Dirty vamps dunno why you like Edward Addie? it’s all Jacob and his wolves.” “If I ever had to pick I’d pick to become a vamp.” I said, joking around. Thomas let out a little growl again. “No, you would not.” he said sternly. “Whatever Tommy, lighten up, would ya. It’s all fake, anyway.” I just laughed at him.
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