Whispers in The Dark

1166 Words
Karaline lay on her small cot, the silver streams of moonlight streaming through the window to bathe her body in it's light. Her body ached, her arms and legs sore from the chores of cleaning the upstairs all night after she served dinner to the family. Again, she had been denied food before being ordered to scrub and polish each of the floors in all the rooms above. Now, she lay in bed, her body aching and her heart feeling heavy as she lay silently on the small cot that was her bed. The temperature had dropped once more, and the room was chilly. The lack of heat causing her teeth to chatter as she shivered under the thin blanket she had been allowed to keep for herself. Her eyes drifted closed as she settled in the moment. There was a peace she felt under the light of the moon that was making her forget the ache in her body, the rumble of her stomach, and the bleeding tips of her fingers from the work she had done for the day. If only it could all be so simple. But soon, dawn would come and with it a new day with new demands. Demands that Kara was sure she would one day fail to meet. What that would mean for her exactly, she was unsure. Opening her eyes, she peered out the small window that settled over her, looking to the moon as it hung in the sky overhead. It was while she did so, that the soft sound of the door to her small basement opened. A soft whisper of sound, but one she recognized almost instantly. Slowly, she closed her eyes once again, feigning sleep as she waited for the one descending the stairs to reveal themselves. It was only as she heard the second stair creak she relaxed, knowing full well who was making their way down into the basement. "You should try to be a little more quiet or they will know you are coming down here, Tre." She spoke softly, her voice not even loud enough to qualify as a whisper. The moonlight spilling through the window easing the pain in her aching fingers as if helping along with healing them from the arduous work earlier. "Yes, well...Even considering what we are, they don't seem to hear the things you do, little angel." The softly spoken words came just before a set of large hands rested on her shoulder, gently pulling her upright to sit. Tired as she was, this brief moment was enough as she settled back against the larger frame weakly as she was adjusted in the bed. A sigh sounded over her head, and she let her head fall back to peer up at the face of Trent Martin as he scowled. She watched, numb as he lifted one hand and gently traced her cheek where he had hit her that morning, "I tried to be as gentle as I could. I'm sorry." "I know." She spoke softly, her eyes half closed, her body shaking in Trent's hold. "We both have our parts to play." She said it robotically, the emotion in her voice non-existant as she let her gaze roll towards the window. It was easier, to consider him an enemy, to forget these brief moments where he stole away to try and check on her. Still, backhanded or cowardly as it was that he never stood for her with his family, these small moments where he showed her consideration gave her a small respite. "No, it's not enough anymore, Karebear." The small nickname he had developed when she had been younger made her lips twitch a little. Still, it was not enough to undo years of abandonment and abuse. "You will not survive much longer if this keeps up. You haven't eaten in days, and you were already too slender by far." "I cannot risk your mother finding out I defied her orders. I am human, Tre. I won't stand under her punishments." Even as she spoke, her eyes began t o ache, trying to form tears that would not come. A soft exhalation from him broke the silence of the room. Kara could feel Trent tense behind her and she slowly drew in a small, shaky breath. One small hand moved to rest on his arm, soothing the agitation she felt coiling in him, or trying to. Thinking that he had let the comment slide, she let her eyes drift closed before he spoke. "Kara, you can survive it...her...my mother... maybe more." He exhaled on a rush of air and bowed his head, "Listen to me. We don't have much time. The things you have been told, the things my mother has said, the things she's done, it was for a reason. You aren't just a normal human. There is so much more to it than that. Sadly, I cannot tell you everything, not right now. For the moment, we just have to get through the day to day." Kara stilled, hearing the soft note in his voice pleading for her to hear him. Slowly her head fell back, her body moving weakly as she adjusted to be able to look at him, "What are you saying, Tre?" "Karebear, for right now, we just have to bide our time. Until then, stay as far from my brother as you can. I'm holding him off as best I can, but it won't be easy. Tomorrow is my day to watch you at lunch, so I want you to sneak to your spot in the courtyard, I will leave something there for you too eat. And on your way to school, check your backpack, I'll find something to sneak to you. Make sure it's finished before you reach school." Kara felt more than registered Tre's arms tightening around her. "Tre, you can't..." Kara began, only to be silenced as Trent pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I can and I will. It's the least I can do for you with all you have to endure. I'm sorry I'm not a better man, a better wolf." He growled softly, and laid his head on top of hers. "Trent, what do you know?" She asked softly, her brows drawing together. "Far more than I ever wanted to. I know you deserve answers, but I'm still trying to figure it out. For now, promise me, no matter what happens or the demands my parents make, you will sleep in the moonlight whenever you can." He spoke softly, the tone of his voice urgent. "I promise, Tre. Don't worry so much about me, I always make it." She whispered softly, the warmth of his body settling her shivering form as she began to drift off. "I really hope that is true, Karebear. Soon, you will need to be able to survive far worse than this." Those words were the last thing Kara heard as she slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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