
2148 Words
Another day, another beginning. Sunlight once again crept through the window and Kara looked up to the glass quietly. She remembered Trent's visit to her room, and his carefully worded statements. Lately, he had seemed to be coming down more and more frequently, but she could not fathom why. It was a schism in her life she could not quite comprehend. In the light of day, in front of others and his family, Trent continued with the act. He was a cruel in his words as the rest, even if they lacked the heat of true anger and hatred she sensed from the rest of his family. Anytime he took part in her punishments, there was a lack of conviction and she always seemed to hurt less. It hurt her that in the quiet of the night he could treat her with such concern, and yet, when she needed it most he was quietly observant without helping her in any way. He was the closest thing to a friend she had, but she had no idea if that was something she could trust or not. Hell, she didn't even know or remember what having a friend was like. Exhaling a little, Kara turned to place her feet on the cold floor once more. Her body shivering a bit as she felt the icy surface on the soles of her feet. Frowning, she flexed her fingers, expecting to feel the painful, raw wounds on her fingers. Instead, finding only a dull ache, she slowly moved to lift her hands towards her face for a closer look. Where they had been swollen and red, with splits in the flesh the night before, now there was nothing. No evidence of the cleaning agents or chemicals that had seared her skin as she scrubbed the floors. No tell tale marks that indicated the harsh pad of steel wool she had been forced to use on the metallic etchings, moldings, and vents of the house. How they had healed over so fast, she was unsure. Perhaps, Trent had put some ointment on her hands once she had fallen asleep? Not that it mattered sense she had to get up and start her day as it would typically begin. Moving across the room ro her small corner, she turned on the water in the wash sink, letting it warm while she hastily began to brush her teeth. Using a broken piece of mirror, she did what she could to make herself presentable and do a thorough cleansing. Once the water was warm enough she dipped a washcloth under the faucet and rolled it over a small bar of soap. Lathering what she could before wiping down her skin. Shivering as she was forced to do so in the chilly air of the basement. In a matter of minutes she had scrubbed herself clean, before rinsing the suds off as best she could. Film from the soap clung to her skin, making it itch in places. Peering at the clock on the wall, seeing the time and knowing she did not have the luxury of trying to rinse off the rest, she sighed. Grabbing her worn jeans and an oversized purple t-shirt stained by bleach and leaving spots white or yellow at odd points on the cloth, she moved to creep up the stairs. The rush of warm air as she stepped out onto the first floor made her close her eyes. Her body quickly beginning to thaw out as she moved through the house towards the kitchen. As was to be expected, no one was up yet, so she had the house to herself at least for a few moments. Kara moved stealthily through the kitchen, pulling down pots and pans before grabbing the flatware to set the table for the Martins. Only when the table was set, did she set about making breakfast. If there was one thing that Kara could count on, it was the fact that the Martins would not be stirring in the time she made their breakfast. It was something she herself didn't understand. Considering what they were, she had always thought their hearing would make them aware of her movements, and for a long time had moved as quietly as she could in fear of disturbing them. Still, every time she made breakfast they seemed to be oblivious, never hearing her and running down to enact punishment. She was not sure whether to be grateful, or worried about that small little fact. Stepping over to the refrigerator, she pulled out eggs, bacon, sausage, milk, cheese, fruit, and a small can of cinnamon rolls. Setting them out on the counter she set to work on preparing the food. Bacon and sausage were placed in pans to begin frying, while she took out a bowl and began to slice fruit into it. Kara worked quickly and efficiently, finishing the fruit salad and moving to place it in the center of the table. The routine was one that she had mastered, and within a half an hour she already had the meal prepared. Grabbing serving dishes and moving them to the table just as the first of the Martins made their way downstairs. Kara's stomach rumbled loudly, the sound echoing in the small kitchen, only to b e met by the sound of Miss Vanessa Martins as she came around the corner. "Girl, you best learn to control that stomach, no one wants to hear your pathetic begging for food. You could stand to skip a few more meals, just look at you." One hand waved lazily in Kara's direction, "Big as you are, I'm sure that missing a meal will stop you from shooting up or out anymore than you already have." "You're right. my love." Alex Martins descended, kissing his wife on the top of the head, "She is wearing those atrocious clothes. Perhaps a little less weight and we could put her in decent clothes for a female." Turning to Kara he gave a slow, cold smile. His eyes a hard coal color even as they glittered with maliciousness. Karaline remained silent, knowing full well if she argued with either of the Martins she would only be served an explosion of pain. Shifting slightly, she bowed her head, stuttering out her reply as she moved to begin clearing the counters, "Y-y-yes, M-m-m-miss Vanessa. Y-y-y-you're right." Her words a soft murmur as she bowed her head even lower, flinching as Alex Martin drew closer to her, pressing her against the counter with his long, lean body as he made a grab for the coffee pot. "Yes, she is right, little beast." He hissed in her ear, deliberately dragging the bottom of the coffee carafe off the burner and across her forearm. Between the lack of food, her hunger, and the weakness pervading her body her arms shook, making her loose her grip on the pan she was moving to sink and causing it to clatter on the counter. The loud report of the metal hitting the marble surface sounded like a crack of thunder in the kitchen. "Damn it, girl! I swear if you ruin any of my cookware because of your clumsiness." Vanessa stalked over, one arm raised to strike. Knowing full well that she could not avoid the blow without it being obvious she was trying to avoid the punishment, Kara braced herself. Her head bowed low, a whimper escaping her lips as the clumsy sound of the twins descending the stairs echoed just outside the kitchen. "Breakfast ready, Mom?" The voice sounded and Kara breathed a sigh of relief. In that moment, she was grateful to Trent for providing a distraction as both Vanessa and Alex turned to greet their children. Quietly, Kara moved to the sink, making quick work of doing the dishes before her. Even as she began the clean up, the Martin's were already sitting down and divvying up the food she had provided. It did no good to cast glances towards them, she knew she would not be allowed any of the food since her actions had already placed her at odds with Vanessa for the day. With the cookware finished, she ran up another sink of dishwater before moving to bus the plates off the table as the Martins dined. More than once she tripped over her own feet as weakness pervaded her system and her stomach began to gnash and twist with the need for sustenance. Kara did her best to avoid catching the attention of anyone at the table. Her mind focusing on anything but food, or the thought of it so she could avoid bringing their focus onto her. One by one, they all finished and began to file out of the room, except for Vanessa. Her slender form sat at the head of the table while Karaline silently collected the last of their dishes. Moving to the kitchen, she scraped off the leftover food on the plates before her and silently began washing the plates in the sink. She remained silent, not making any sort of sound or speaking a word that would generate more ire from her guardian. Pulling out a dish towel, she moved to dry the dishes she had already cleaned before putting them back in the cabinets. It was only when she moved to get the serving dishes off the table that Vanessa spoke. As Kara was lifting the platter with bacon and sausage her hand began to tremble visibly and it caught the woman's attention. "When was the last time you ate, girl?" Vanessa asked, her voice pitched up an octave as she leaned forward, giving Kara a sickly sweet smile. "I d-d-d-don't r-r-remember Miss Vanessa." Kara answered honestly, curling her arm to hold the serving platter against her body so she did not break it as well. Small fingers curling over the ridge to keep the item secure against her body. "Mmmmmm." Kara moved quietly, turning to the kitchen to continue her chores while keeping as much distance between herself and Vanessa as possible. Scraping the leftovers into the garbage, Kara's stomach twisted again in hunger, but thankfully made no sound. Kara continued working quietly for the next several minutes before Vanessa spoke again, "Go get your bookbag." The command made Kara flinch, but she nodded her head as she quietly moved to the hallway to grab her bag. Turning the corner, she picked it up off the floor and just prayed that Tre had not tried to sneak her something yet. Turning on her heel, she moved towards the table and set her bag in front of Vanessa quietly. The moment seemed to stretch forever as she watched Vanessa pull the zipper back and open the bag. A breath of relief choked in her throat as she saw that only her worn school books and notebooks remained inside. Vanessa made a show of going through every pocket and pulling out her books to scatter along the table. "It seems that you have learned your lesson about taking advantage. Tonight, if there is any food left over at dinner you may have some." Vanessa's voice cut through the air icily. "Thank you, Ma'am." Kara bowed her head once. With that, Vanessa moved to stand, sneering down at Kara. "Finish cleaning this up and then finish the kitchen. Do not leave for school until it's done." The clipped words lashed out on the air as Kara bowed her head once more in assent. The soft click of heels sounded on the floor indicating her guardian had finally left and for the first time in a good hour, Kara breathed a sigh of relief. Moving to gather her books and place them back in her bag, she quickly returned it to the hall near the front door. While Kara cleaned the kitchen, she heard the sounds of the others moving about the house. Alex Martins leaving to head to work. Travis and Trent wrestling as they got ready for school before stumbling back downstairs to head out. When the house fell silent, Kara meticulously dried the last of the dishes and wiped down the counters. Turning to look at the display on the microwave and seeing the time, moved to head out for school. Turning the corner to the hallway, she picked up her bag, noticing the bulging side pocket and wondering just what she had missed. Stepping out the door, Kara slung her bag off her right shoulder and headed for the woods. It was only when she made it in the treeline that she unzipped the bulging side pocket and found a cereal bar tucked inside. Silently, she whispered a small prayer of thanks and gratitude for Tre. Shaking her head, she unwrapped one end and started nibbling at the treat slowly as she made her way back towards the school.
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