Words of the Council

2046 Words
Kylen sat silently next to his mother while the council spoke softly amongst themselves. The elders casting glances his way every few minutes. At any other time, Ky may have been able to focus on their whispered conversations, but tonight his mind was in uproar. The day had been a long one, and the events that had taken place upon his return to the packhouse had thrown him for a loop. Never, in the years of their training and friendship, would he have believed Erik was capable of displaying such a lack of trust in him. Let alone, doing something so blatantly disrespectful to disregard a request. Now, there was no helping things and the council had been brought into play. The decision as to what to do about his mate would no longer be in his hands. It irked him and made his wolf howl in discontent. While he was aware that they could consider his plea about learning more before taking action, he knew the outcome of this night would be far different. Erik sat across the room, his head bowed as he himself waited. Kylen held no regrets in letting the other wolf know that there would be no forgiveness for these actions. For hours he had felt Erik trying to connect through mindlink, only to find he had been completely cut off. Sadly, it had not stopped the beta, as he'd started using the pack link to try and get the response he wanted. It had only been when he had started to hint at just what was taking place that Ky had ordered him to silence. Then the council had called them into the hall and all communication had ceased. It did not however, stop Erik from trying to solidify their personal mindlink once more. Something he was trying in vain as Ky continued to ignore his presence once more. Turning to peer at his mother, he saw the lines of strain at the corners of her mouth. She had become more than aware, that the girl in question was actually his true mate. For years, they had all instilled a loyalty and respect in the new generations for the mate the Moon Goddess chose for them. It was a well known fact, that only when you had found your chosen mate, that your wolf would be whole. Increasing your skills, strength, speed, powers, and abilities were common effects that came from such a momentous occasion. Ky's display when he had stormed out of her office, had made it clear that his abilities were increasing. His strength slowly beginning to emerge. That had been with just meeting his mate for the first time. Now, he was in danger of losing it all because of Erik's sharp tongue and foolhardy actions. Staring across the table now, Ky knew his eyes were black as night as Coda hovered near the surface. His gaze locked on the wolf he considered the root of all his problems. Without even focusing on the conversation about the table, he knew what the council would tell him to do. His body ached, his heart hurt. And Erik, would never be forgiven. Starting the moment the Council passed sentence. You cannot punish him for doing what he was trained to do, Ky. His mother's reprimand sounded in his mind, causing him to cut his gaze to the woman sitting beside him. I am punishing him for not trusting my judgment and moving against me. My beta is supposed to support me. Allow me time to gather the information needed to make the right choice. He disregarded that request and acted against me. You know as well as I do, if this had been another wolf, the council may have erred on the side of caution. Yet, because this girl is human and they do not trust them, they will order me to break the bond. I will have no choice in the matter. Even now he growled under his breath. The thought of breaking the fragile new bond making his body ache and his heart shudder in his chest. I think...you are correct. A human is not something they can abide. With all of the...small inconsistencies you have encountered with the girl, they will see her as a threat. No amount of power you have gained from meeting her will change their mind. A frown pulled at Felicity's lips as her hand moved to grip her son's arm. Perhaps, it is for the best and your second-chance mate will be... Don't. If they rule the way I think they will, there will never be a second chance mate. You know as well as I, she's my destiny and in rejecting her it is likely that the Moon Goddess will turn her back on me for rejecting such a gift. Turning his head away from his mother, he watched the council as they moved back to their seats. He observed as two moved by Erik, patting his shoulder in a form of consoling. "Alpha Kylen," Elder Fallchrist stepped forward, moving to lean against the table and sighing, "While I have sympathy for your position, you know that it is practically unheard of for anyone to find a mate who is human. There are questions as to how just such a relationship would work. We are blessed with extremely long lives, far surpassing that of humans, so your questionable mate would eventually be a source of pain for you. "That is not to say, there could not be answers to that particular situation, but it would require knowledge that we are not privy to at the moment. With that in mind, we are torn as to what to do about the girl." There was a murmured assent from the other members of the council, bringing Ky's head around to look over each and every person standing there before him. With each word, the pounding of Kylen's heart increased, anticipation of the judgment to come settling over him like an oppressive fog. "She is my mate, Fallchrist." Kylen spoke softly, working to keep the growl out of his voice, "She is a gift." "That could very well be, young Alpha. Sadly, there are too many unknowns." The older man sighed, rolling a hand down his face before settling back against the table, "It is our fear, that a lack of knowledge about this girl and her past, could make her a liability in your case. As such, we..." "You, what?" "Our judgment is one you will not like. It is our belief that because she is human, the mate bond cannot be particularly strong as of yet. You will reject her as soon as you learn her name." He heard his mother gasp, her hand moving to grip his arm as anger sparked and flared through his entire being. Ky moved to stand, kicking his chair back and giving a low growl. "She...is...mine!" Fallchrist shrank back, the walls trembling under the authority in the young alpha's voice, but it did no good. The elder stood before him, quietly waiting before he tilted his head and continued to speak. "You did not let me finish." His words causing Ky to tense and huff before nodding his head. The signal taken, Fallchrist then continued, "We wish to observe her and learn more of her origins once you do. If what you say is correct and she is human, she will not know how to accept your rejection. The bond will remain on her part and we will have the time to do some research both into the girl and how to handle it if you two actually mated." Ky unleashed a snarl, "So you will subject her to torture? You know that the mate bond can kill those that are rejected." "A small price to pay. If she is meant to be Luna, she will survive that time. We will keep an eye on her and learn all we can, both about her origins and her character. During that time, your contact with her will be limited." Fallchrist continued, "You will be watched as well, in this you will not interfere. It has been decided that we will assign a couple of wolves to watch the girl, while we look into the matter." "If she dies, if she is harmed in anyway, I will make all of you regret what you decided here today." Ky's chest ached. His wolf howled at the edges of his consciousness. There was absolutely no way that he could agree to any of this. "Let us hope, it does not come to that. Erik will be one of the wolves assigned..." "NO." The yell resounded about the hall, the table shaking under the force of his wrath. Turning his head, black eyes narrowed on Erik as he moved to stalk forward. "You will keep him as far away from myself and her as you can manage. I don't even want him in the same school with me." Ky snarled, spitting the words into the open so everyone was aware of the ire he held for his former friend. Each word, seemed to cause Erik to grow more pale, losing color with each passing moment. "Alpha, we need to assign people we trust to watch..." "Not him. I do not trust him. Not anymore. And I want to petition the council to strip him of his beta rank until such time as he earns it back, or leaves the Black Moon Pack." Ky snarled as a collective gasp shook the hall. "Ky, son, he's your beta...this is a bit...rash..." His mother began, only to be cut off as Ky continued. "He was my beta. However, the moment he ignored my request and stepped past me to force a subject between the Luna and the Council, he betrayed my trust. He disregarded a command and now, he has cost me my mate. For that, there is no repentance. If he wishes to stay in our pack, he can do so, but I will not place my trust in someone that will not show me the same in return. Considering what you are asking me to do, considering I am about to rip myself in two by rejecting my mate, you can and will give me this." Ky snarled as he looked around the room. The elders all staring at him wide eyed. It was unheard of for any Alpha to willingly strip his chosen beta of their position, yet now, Ky was doing so. "Alpha, surely you understand that..." Fallchrist began only to be cut off by a small voice from across the room. "I accept the stripping of rank." Erik's voice sounded monotone, lacking any feeling or warmth as he looked up at Ky. Gray eyes glinted with moisture as he moved to stand. "I did this, and did so without his permission. I disregarded the wish of my alpha and spoke out of turn. However, it is my wish to remain on the detail guarding the human. That way if I should fail, he can take my life for all that has taken place." Kylen turned his head and growled, the sound full of menace as he stalked towards Erik. "Please, Ky. Let me try to make this right. I can help you...help her." The plea was whispered even as Erik bared his throat to show his submission. "You lost the right to call me by that name. You better pray nothing happens to her. I know I will not be given a choice now, the council will be sure you remain to observe her. I swear by the Moon Goddess, if anything at all happens to her, you will pay with your life. Especially after today." Ky snarled and turned to look to Fallchrist, then shook his head. Turning on his heel, Kylen moved to his mother, looking down at her where she sat. Her hand lifted, coming to rest on his forearm as she shook her head, speaking softly, "We will fix this, my son. I promise." "I hope you are right, Mother. Because I feel like now, I'm on the clock to something devastating taking place, not just for me, but for our pack."
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