Episode 3 : it’s all in your head 1

2010 Words
Lily slightly turned around very aware of the coffee in her hands , not to spill it all over herself or over the intoxicating man behind her … she looked up to see a tall handsome man with black hair , blue piercing eyes towering over her , very muscular , very handsome , very dark . She was mesmerized , she could not speak . His gaze has never left hers . She opened her mouth to say something but she couldn’t . Words escaped her mouth , her tongue can’t articulate words and sounds . How could someone have such an effect on her ! How could she her heart beats so fast that it could stop any moment . She has seen and met so many handsome men , but this one is different … not only he’s handsome but dominant ! She felt small and weak in front of him . She only managed to drag herself slowly back to her seat without a word , his gaze never leaving hers , following her every movement , and the entire room was silent watching this inexplicable scene . James smirked a little , his eyes glazing at poor Lily , his smile reminds her of that’s of a wolf ! Hmmmm , strange comparison she thought to herself . On the other side of the room James turned and walked confidently towards the stage while adjusting his suit buttons when suddenly his wolf (Jack) came in the picture , and started to pace back and forth in his mind … James felt uneasy for the first time in his life throwing a public speech . He told his wolf to sit tight and not to make a fuss to have a clear mind to begin his speech , but his wolf won’t budge. He keeps pacing his mind in fear , worry , excitement , not understanding what’s going on and what’s happening to him . James paused for a moment and gave a side look to the girl who he just startled on his way in , he noticed her scent once he entered to the room and was drawn to her like a bee drawn to a flower . He couldn’t resist to come closer to her and to sniff her hair and her smell , to cover his weird action he had to tell her to sit down as if her existence near the door formed an obstacle to his entrance and when he saw the fear in her eyes , he was relieved that she didn’t notice him sniffing her hair when she turned to face him . His aura gives people chills . He couldn’t explain his action even to himself , why did he catch only her smell among 100 other candidates ! Why was he drawn to her like that and he feels that he must be near her at that moment … even worse , he wanted so badly to touch her , to run his fingers in her golden brown hair , but he contained himself . The moment she turned to face him , he saw the most beautiful girl he ever saw , a pair of clear green eyes , innocent doe eyes , small nose with some freckles , blushed cheeks from his voice effect , and the most adorable plump kissable lips … this girl’s face is imprinted in his mind . He will never forget her face . Her tiny thin body feels so small compared to his build . She was elegant but simple . Something about her drives him crazy in a fraction of a second , he can’t understand !!!!! Good for him she started to escape his personal space and retreat back to her seat only then when her scent is getting a bit away from him he got back to his senses , adjusted his suit and started to walk to the stage . When he was looking at her all the time he’s wolf was pacing crazily in his mind , his wolf never shows up in the human world unless he senses danger nearby ! But his wolf doesn’t feel danger , he’s confused …. Just like James ! James tried to calm his wolf down , to push him away deep in his mind till he’s done with this damn speech and then try to understand what just happened to both of them . James had never been mated , 2 years now as an alpha … no woman attracted him like this girl , no one caught his attention like the girl sitting astonished in the front row looking at him right now . “Who is she ?! “ He asked himself . Jack his wolf said in astonishment :” MATE ! “ James’ eyes widened suddenly and looked shocked and mesmerized , he threw another glance to the girl in front of him and murmurs to himself : “it can’t be …” ————————————————————— Mathew was just behind James when he entered the room , he saw something shifted in him once he stepped his foot into the room … something he never saw in his friend’s eyes before : lust and hunger … like his wolf is going for a hunt . Mathew witnessed James shifting and his pack hunting in the woods back in his realm so many times . He felt like James was about to shift ! That’s impossible , he’ll be exposed in front of all these people . Mathew’s brain topped working momentarily! He doesn’t know what to do , how to protect his boss and his friend from being exposed , will he really shift ?! The look on James’ face doesn’t look promising ! Is there some sort of danger in the room that might threaten his boss’s life ?! What the hell is going on ?!!!!! Leaving nothing to coincidence , Mathew had his grip firm on his gun strapped to his waist . He gotta be fast . When he looked at whom his boss was staring at he saw a beautiful charming innocent girl holding her cup of coffee with her tiny hands like she’s holding to dear life … is she a threat ?! Looking closer at her face , she looks so beautiful and innocent … she can’t harm a fly . And of course the company’s security ran their background check on her like everyone else’s in the room . She’s clean . As a former psychology profiler in the CIA Mathew has good experience in sensing fear , danger , desperation in the humans before him … James sometimes calls him “ the human radar” and his human radar tells him that this girl is innocent like a like kitten ! So why is his boss acting so weird around her ?! Is it his wolf ?! There is something he doesn’t understand . He felt a little relief when the girl started to move slowly to her seat never leaving James’ gaze and his boss started to walk to the stage . Midway James stopped and looked sideways to the girl who looked completely shocked , Mathew had empathy for the poor girl and the effect of James’s looks on her . But something doesn’t seem right , James looks different , feels different … something’s odd in his look , his stance ! Not the dominant alpha he used to see conquer the stage with his confident stomping steps … he looked … he looked … confused ! To his shock Mathew went up to the stage to be beside his boss , covered the mic with his hand and asked his boss in a worried whisper : “is everything ok ?!” “Everything’s fine …” said James after returning to reality from his brief trance . Mathew looked worried but he knows James , he won’t tell him right now …after the speech , he’ll give him specific orders to do … Mathew knows his boss better than anyone else . ————————————————————— Lily regained her posture , adjusted herself and sit tight on her chair waiting for the speech to begin … she felt like she was in a trance . It’s all in her head : the CEO might be intimidating but he’s only human ! Nothing weird here … only the situation and her daydreams caused her this embarrassment. “It’s all in your head Lily … put yourself together” she murmured to herself . She looked calm and self contained , then she looked at the man standing on the stage … he looked like he saw a ghost ! For a fraction of a second , nobody noticed it except her and the man who accompanied him who might be his bodyguard or assistant she guessed . Then the CEO looked normal again , intimidating as ever and he started to talk : “Good Morning Everyone … My name is James Hugh and I’m the CEO of Hugh enterprises for those who don’t know me “ The entire room was silent , you could drop a pin and still hear it hitting the floor . He continued : “ Today is a remarkable day for our company to receive and welcome the most brilliant minds on the market , fresh graduates , new souls , full of ambition and eager to prove themselves and apply what they learnt in school in the real world .” While he was speaking he always glanced at Lily , curious glances , dark and full of inquiry but she never understood his glances , she felt he hated her for some reason . Maybe she disrespected him when he walked in and she didn’t notice him entering and was turning her back to him ?! But it was an honest mistake … really . She didn’t mean to ! Anyway , it’s all 6 months and with the qualifications she saw in her fellow colleagues she stands no chance to get in the top 10 . And honestly after her earlier encounter with the CEO , she feels relieved that she might miss her chance to work for this guy . This internship will also elevate her CV and can offer her a good job somewhere else . “Yes ! That’s good , we’re still on the right path Lily !” She said to herself . The CEO resumed : “ unfortunately our company can hire only the top 10 out of 100 candidates , the choice will be made through our moderators and the internship program managers , you’ll be in a state of continuous evaluation … everything you do , once you step your foot in the company at 8 o’clock in the morning till you leave the premises at 3 pm will be monitored , controlled and shares in our evaluation to you . So keep that in mind , work hard and good luck .” “Bossy much !” Lily thought to herself . After finishing his speech , the room bursts into a respectful , fearful clapping . Lily didn’t feel like clapping … the man literally said nothing new or impressive , he’s cold and intimidating and was openly threatening them ! So she didn’t clap . James felt like himself again when the crowd started to clap in fear and respect after he finished his speech and threw a final look to the girl sitting in front of him and to his surprise she didn’t chime in with the crowd !!! “Hmm , defying little one “ murmured James to himself .
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