Episode 4 : it’s all in your head 2

1396 Words
“I like her !” Said Jack . James said furiously to his wolf : “ until we find out who she is and what she is … sit still and don’t bother me anymore !” “I’m not doing anything , it’s her scent that makes you like this … poor James , you really thought we won’t get our mate !” Yawned Jack carelessly . “Stop saying this word ! She’s human and we don’t know that for sure , we know nothing about her … stop insinuating ideas in my mind !!!” Shouted James in his mind . “Ok fine fine … but treat her well for me ! Please , she looks so … innocent and beautiful and we must protect her , she’s ours !” Begged Jack . James cut off the mind link between him and his wolf and he felt the exact same feelings as his wolf but he denies them all … but at the end of the day , they are one . After finishing his speech James sat down on his chair on the stage near his moderators and Mathew . The program manager took the microphone and started to talk about the program , the process of getting the IDs and so on . After finishing his speech , the crowd started to move out the room , some went to the coffee corner to get a coffee … they have 20 minutes free before regrouping in the company’s main entrance to get their IDs and start their day . Lily went to get another coffee cause she didn’t feel like she drank the last one . When she was pouring her coffee , this jerk Thomas came near to her in a very uncomfortable distance and looked at her neck and hair falling on her back and leaned down to whisper in her ear : “Almost pissed your pants right here half an hour ago , princess … right ?!” While chuckling with a group of his friends , a bunch of jerks like him . Lily doesn’t want to make a scene in front of everyone especially the moderators and the CEO who are all still in the room . She knows that Thomas is revenging for his wounded pride after their little talk in the morning . She won’t give him the satisfaction to upset her . She turned slowly and faced him , a smile on her face : “ barely made it out with my life out there ! Anything else ?!” She knows his type , she knows what makes such an arrogant man extremely angry : ignore him . She turned her back to him and continued pouring milk and sugar in her coffee . Thomas was furious , angry and fool . He doesn’t take a no for an answer , let alone being ignored and humiliated twice . The f*ck with the internship and everyone in the room . She’ll pay . He grabbed her arm violently and turned her to face him startling her and everyone in the room. She spilled the coffee on herself burning her chest and stomach , wincing from pain . Thomas still holding her arm and squeezing it hurting her . This will definitely bruise . —————————————————————- Following her every movement with lustful gazes , James noticed that the girl got up to get a coffee … he wondered if she had anything to eat before drinking 2 coffees in the morning within an hour . James is very healthy , sporty , drinks rarely and likes those who he cares for to be also healthy , eat well , sleep well and exercise . Does he care about her ?! Why is she on his mind ?! Why didn’t he leave already and head up to his office ?! Questions questions … but his instinct told him to stay , in fact he decided to cancel his schedule today and attend the whole orientation day . He told Mathew what he intends to do and Mathew rises his eyebrows in astonishment !!! For five years now since this internship program was launched , James never … like never ever spent another minute after the candidates left the conference room . Sometimes , he leaves mid manager’s speech and head to his office when he had a busy schedule ! And today is … was very busy ! Until he cancelled it all . James followed the girl with hungry eyes , suddenly he felt danger ! He started to move slowly in her direction , she was standing by the coffee corner below the stage faraway from him . Suddenly a blonde tall man came near her in a very close intimate way from behind her in a way that James didn’t like . James felt jealous , angry , furious and possessive ! If this man could see the murderous look on James’ face towards him , he would run for his life ! “Who is he ?! Is he her boyfriend ?!” James asked himself furiously . No it can’t be , she looks annoyed by the man’s presence ! Now she looks calm and smiles to him after whispering something in her ear ! Son of a b*tch ! How does he dare to come that close to her ?!!!! James felt the blood boiling in his veins ! He can’t hide his angry face anymore ! Mathew has noticed James’ looks and looked towards the girl and saw what looks like a man harassing her . What does James care ?! But his instinct told him that this girl is important to James , so he walked towards James on the stage … leaned in and asked him in a firm tone : “Shall I interfere ?!” When James was about to answer , the blonde man yanked the girl by her arm causing her to spill the hot coffee all over her shirt , probably burning her and turned her to face him . Before the man starts to speak or yell and shout in this case , in a blink of an eye James was standing between him and the girl !!! Facing the blonde man and looking like he could murder someone ! Loosening the blonde man’s grip on the girl’s arm , placing himself as a shield between her and her attacker . Lily was scared , like really scared … she didn’t expect that this man called Thomas might be this crazy to assault her that way in front of everyone ! And how fast did the CEO come between them to save her !!! Lost in her thoughts she felt her chest and stomach burning from pain . Her skin was scalded , the coffee was still boiling when this bastard yanked her arm . James looked with feisty fire eyes to Thomas who felt like he’s done something terribly wrong ! Now his father will punish him for screwing up this opportunity . James ordered in a calm firm tone :” Mathew , please follow this man out the premises and make sure I never see his face again !” He controlled his temper to the maximum not to kill this man and tear him apart with his bare hands in front of everyone ! When Mathew dragged Thomas outside , Thomas was throwing murderous looks towards Lily and mumbling under his breath :”this is all her fault … this is all her fault !” When James turned to look at the terrified Lily behind him , he asked her :” are you ok ?!” She nodded her head while looking at her feet , he lifted her chin with his finger to look into her eyes , he saw fear and pain . Something tugged at his heart , he felt like he was burnt and hurt not her . He said while grabbing her hand and dragging her with him outside the room : “ No you’re not . Come with me .”
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