Episode 6 : what did I get myself into 2

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Once she closed the door she rested her back on it , her left hand holding the first aid kit and James’ shirt in one hand , her right hand over her heart … feeling it beating so fast like it’s gonna burst out her chest . She closed her eyes and thought to herself :”what did I get myself into !” After calming down for a moment , she regained herself and started to look around her to see that this is no ordinary office bathroom : OF COURSE ! She thought to herself while rolling her eyes . This man is filthy rich ! The bathroom was all marble floors to the ceiling , well lighted , beautifully scented and it was as big as her apartment !!! , so many black doors and cupboards , everything is black . Chic , rich but terrifying , like the man behind that door . There is a big mirror with headlights over it with a huge sink beneath it with expensive soap , perfume and hand towels all over the sink area . She walked slowly towards one of the doors to see it leads to a jacuzzi bathtub ! The second one leads to a spacious head shower , the third one leads to the toilet , finally !!! She needs to use the bathroom urgently . After finishing she washed her hands and went to open the fourth door which lead to a foyer and then a huge closet !!! That’s from where he got her the white shirt then ! The man has a luxurious apartment inside his office ! She started to take off her shirt that’s now completely dry with a huge beige stain in the middle over the chest area . Man! That was her favorite shirt and now it’s completely ruined and she’s about to ruin a more expensive one ! When she removed the shirt she can see a big red area on her chest over her ribs and breasts ! Damn it Lily ! Did you really needed that big cup of boiling coffee !!! She thought to herself . She always blames herself for whatever wrong happens to her or anyone else ! Never once she thought that it’s Thomas’ fault to come after her that way , no it’s her fault that she wanted to drink coffee . She took one of the hand towels , it was so soft , wet it with cold water and placed it on the burnt area … it felt so good and soothing , then she took a dry one and started to pat dry the burn . She opened the first aid kit and found the burn ointment and spread a generous layer over her burn with her fingers in a circular motion . After finishing , she splashed her face with cold water to refreshen a bit and looked at herself in the mirror and murmured : What did you get yourself into Lily ?! How does this long awaited day ends like that ?! Before it even begins ! Was I really harsh and rude in my response to that man called Thomas ?! Isn’t it my right to say no to any man when I want to ?! She felt weak again as the day she left her country with nothing but a little sum of money from her inheritance as a punishment to her for saying no to her uncle and standing up against him ! She felt tears swelling in her eyes when she heard a light knock on the door getting her out of her gloomy mood . “Are you ok in there ?!” Came James’ voice from the other side of the door . “Yeah … just a minute” said Lily in a hurry . She quickly put on his shirt , rolling up the sleeves to notice the bruise on her forearm from Thomas’s grip . Automatically she rolled the sleeve of her left arm back down to cover it . She doesn’t want James to notice it . She folded her shirt and walked out of the bathroom . When she stepped into the office she found a breakfast feast on the coffee table in front of the couch and James was sitting in front of his computer finishing some work . He got up , walked towards her , something in his look makes her feel uneasy … like he’s devouring her with his eyes . She stood still , her shirt in her hand , she tried to say something to distract herself from his gaze :” ummm … thank you for the shirt ! I will return it tomorrow !” “Keep it … it looks good on you .” Said James while approaching her in very dangerous dominating steps , his gaze never leaving hers . He came closer , held her left arm where she left the shirt’s sleeve rolled down and started to roll it up to match the other arm while saying : “let . me . just . fix . Your . Look …” when he suddenly paused , his breathing got higher and faster , full of anger when he saw the bruise on her forearm . He cursed gritting his teeth :”That son of a b*tch !!!” He kept caressing her arm in a circular soothing motion with his thumb sending chills down her spine . She was giving into the moment , closed her eyes to enjoy his gentle touch then she snapped out of it back to reality and withdrew her hand quickly ! He noticed her reaction and asked her in a deep but sympathetic tone :” does it hurt ?!” Lily nodded with her head no . He took her hand gently and lead her to the couch , she sat before the coffee table and James was beside her . There was every single breakfast food you can order in a fancy restaurant : orange juice , coffee , water , butter croissant , chocolatine or pain au chocolat , milk , toast , butter , jam , cheese platter , fruits … literally everything !!! And presented in a hotel service kinda a way with silver cutlery and Hermès plates and cups ! This man doesn’t have the word modest in his dictionary ! He looked at her amused and said :”Miss Williams , please be my guest … have a little something to eat ! Have you eaten anything today ?” She nodded her head no . He looked furious and said :” so you drink coffee in the morning on an a empty stomach , without having breakfast ?!” She doesn’t understand why he is upset ! She likes food … like a lot … but not all the time and breakfast is definitely not her favorite meal and what does he care anyway ! She remained silent . “Well ?!” He asked her impatiently waiting for an answer . “I don’t eat breakfast !” She answered feeling guilty somehow ! “Hm … that’s not accepted !” He said calmly , getting her a plate and adding a croissant in front of her . She nodded her head no . He firmly said :”eat” He was so calm and dominating , his voice was so firm that she could not resist and she got herself a napkin , put it down on her lap and took a bite of the croissant he just offered her . And OMG ! It was THE BEST croissant she ever tasted , so flaky , fresh , full of flavor and tastes very delicious . She closed her eyes to savor its taste . James looking at her intensively and his eyes become dark with lust … his is imagining her closing her eyes from pleasure of tasting something else . In a husky voice he asked her : “good ?” She realized he’s still sitting there watching her , she said shyly : “yeah ! Very ! Thank you , you’re very generous” He nodded his head , trying to focus on something else other than her lips . He got up and walked to his desk ordering her : “finish your food” She opened her eyes in shock ! What is she ?! Three years old ?! You can’t even order a child like that nowadays ! Her parents never bossed her around like that . He came back to sit beside her on the couch handing her the ID and a contract ! He said nonchalantly: “This is a contract to work for me as my personal assistant ! I read your resume and I’m impressed ! I’m offering you a salary that you can’t refuse . My personal assistant Mathew is also my guard and he attends to more other important stuff than planning my schedule ! So I need a skilled , polyglot personal assistant , you can start in 2 months after you get some training with Mathew and as for your internship consider it complete , I’ll sign your certificate myself . Take these 2 months training as a time to think about the job I’m offering you.” Wow the man knows how to do business and close deals ! She looked at the contract in her hands and first thing her eyes caught was the salary ! Holly Cow !!! Does anyone earn that amount of money with zero experience and as a personal assistant ! Something’s fishy !! She asked him innocently confused : “Why ?!” “Why what ?!” He asked confused . “Why me ?! Why this position ?! Why this salary ?!” She asked confused . He said carelessly : “ Well , the position was vacant , I had no time to run interviews neither does my assistant , your resume strands out so you’re suitable for the job , you were offended by technically someone who works for me , so to buy your silence not to press charges against my company or going to the press … hence is the salary … I leave nothing to chances !” Lily felt like she was slapped across her face ! What a snob ! Who does he think he is !!! She got up , threw the contract and the ID on the couch near her and calmly said : “Then I respectfully decline”
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