Episode 7 : Run baby Run 1

996 Words
James was shocked with her response ! He’s offering her a job in just 2 months with a salary that no one can dream of , she will be under his protection all the time , respected by everyone , she will travel with him to places she can’t even imagine of !!!! And most importantly : she will work for HIM . Isn’t all this enough for her to sign the contract blindly and willingly !!! James is used to women throwing themselves at him ! Except this stubborn girl ignoring him . “Ok then , as you wish” he replied as she said nothing . He won’t beg her to work for him . After his reply , she felt relieved ! This man scares her . She can scratch this day from her memory and start fresh . Certainly she’ll find another training program in another company , her resume is outstanding according to Mr. Hugh , so certainly someone will be interested in her to work for their company . She nodded at James , thanked him for the breakfast and head to the door . Still not believing she’s leaving him and torn between his ego , his feelings and his wolf who started pacing back and forth in his mind restlessly he said : “let my driver take you home miss Williams “ She looked at him calmly and said :”no need , I’ll take a cab” “I insist “ he added “Ok fine “ she said rolling her eyes at him . He looked at her angrily and said in a firm seducing tone :”don’t you dare roll your eyes at me Lily !” To her shock , she swallowed and remained silent . This man … this man is crazy !!! One minute he’s cold and professional , and one minute he’s talking and acting like her boyfriend … hell !!! Like her husband ! She gotta get out if this place before she loses her minds around this guy !!! She was offended today like never before in her entire life ! First this social parasite called Thomas and now this dominating commando called James Hugh ! What a day ! She needs to get home and forget all about today . She said while leaving :”goodbye Mr.Hugh” He strolled quickly to her grabbing her arm before she leaves , closes the door with his other hand and he pins her at the door framing her and towering over her with his tall body , his voice low and husky being so close to her with their faces inches apart he said :”why are you defying me ?!” She swallowed hard , feeling nervous with his proximity, her heart pounds fast like she was running a marathon , their eyes locked , she tried to say something , all she managed to say :”I …I … I …” “You’re what ?!” Asked James in a low amused voice , he knows his effect on her . “I …I…” she kept stuttering trying to complete her sentence , still can’t get away from his intoxicating smell and his warm breath brushing near her ears , he says like almost a whisper : “you are going to wait with me till my driver comes back and drives you home . Understood?!” Lily didn‘t understand why is he so obssessed about controlling her , but she feared him , she feared his stares and right now with his closeness to her she feels something else she can’t quite explain . She took a deep breath inhaling all of his smell and collected her courage , closed her eyes and said in one breathless sound : “I don’t like to be bossed around , let alone be controlled but some super rich guy I only met a couple of hours ago , you have no right to touch me , threaten me or force to do me something that I don’t want to ! Please stay away from me ! I don’t want even to meet you by coincidence ! Today was too intense for me and I just can’t handle being around you for a couple of hours …. So how am I supposed to work for you ?! I’m sorry if my rejection made you feel offended but I’ll make sure you never see my face again !” After finishing her sentence , she kept panting , gasping for air . James left her arm … stepped away from her , chuckled loudly in what can Lily only call (a rich guy chuckle) and said : “ I like your little fighting spirit Ms. Williams … I must admit Lily , you’re quite challenging and surprising me every single minute ! About your previously mentioned promise that you will never work for me or even see your pretty face again … we’ll see about that !” And he turned around giving her his back , heading to his desk and pointing to her with his fingers saying nonchalantly : “You’re free to go !” She couldn’t believe her ears ! Her eyes ! OMG ! He’s letting her go ! She thought this day will never end ! She opened the door and made a bolt out of his office like a bat out a hell ! She ran to the huge elevators pressing on the button to the main entrance . Poor little thing thinks she’s saved , not knowing that James Hugh only likes to hunt … that’s his hobby : long and slow , waiting for his prey to feel safe enough just to snatch it for good . “Run baby , Run !” murmured James in amusement to himself .
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