Episode 5 : what did I get myself into 1

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James dragged Lily behind him like a child , careful enough not to hurt her wrist with his firm grip . He was furious and so insisting that she could not protest … she was afraid to protest ! So she followed him silently . She wished she could sink into the floor and hide from the over 100 people looking at her and following them with their gazes till they leave the conference room , Mathew following in wide steps to keep his pace with James . “Mr.Hugh , I …” said Lily trying to escape his firm grip . “Not a word till we get into my office !” Replied James firmly . He threw Lily a murderous look that made her silent till they got into his office . He drove her inside his office , entered behind her and closed the door behind them , blocking Mathew outside his office . “Show me the burns !” Said James in a firm commanding tone . “NO WAY !” Shouted Lily in disgust . Jack his wolf chimed in :” Whoa ! Whoa ! … how about asking about her name first handsome !… That’s the first thing you say when you meet our mate ?! Ask her to undress in your office !!! It’s all looks and no brains when you’re around her ! “ James murmured in a low voice after realizing his mistake :” I’m sorry , I didn’t mean to offend you , I was worried about your burn” Wow ! What an impression Lily ! You got yourself a scandal in front of everyone in this company and made the CEO ask you to undress and then apologize to you . Bravo ! And bye bye internship . Lily’s head was overwhelmed with her thoughts and ideas , she was embarrassed , in pain , soaked in coffee , frustrated , disappointed… all at once . Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment and lost in her thought , that she forgot the man standing in front of her . James thought to himself : “ she ignored me ! The first person on earth who dares to ignore me and hell ! She ignored my apology ! I never apologize !!!” Frustrated by her reaction , he walked to the door of the office , opened it and ushered Mathew to come in . When Mathew walked in , he saw Lily standing in the middle of the office , her cheeks flushed like tomatoes , her ears red and hot … her white shirt stained with coffee and her back hunched in an attempt to keep the shirt’s fabric away from her scalded skin . Poor girl . What a bad day for her . On the other hand , James was furious to the extent that he can murder someone ! But concern never left his eyes . “I want the name of that guy Mathew ! And if his family has a company dealing with ours , cut off all sorts of business with them and make sure he doesn’t get accepted in any internship program offered by fellow companies or competitors , I want to teach him and his family -who didn’t bother to raise him well- a lesson ! Understood ?!” Said James in a firm and confidant tone . “Yes sir ! I’m on it !” Answered Mathew . He got out of James’ office in order to fulfill James’ request , closing the door behind him . James looked at poor Lily with piercing eyes and said with a dominant voice :” what’s your name ?!” “Lily … Lily Williams !” Murmured Lily under her breath . Feeling like she’s been in this drama for a year ! Not just a couple of hours . “Sit down Lily !” Said James in a firm tone . She sat down on the leather big couch in his office . Feeling dizzy , more embarrassed and still in pain . He walked to a wooden side door near his office and came back in a moment with a white men’s shirt and a first aid kit in his hand . “Here . You can wear this , instead of your stained shirt . Here you’ll find what you need for your burns … shall we call a doctor for you ?!” Said James in an annoyed tone pointing to the shirt and the first aid kit he placed beside her on the couch . “No thanks , I’ll be fine !” Said Lily with an embarrassed tone . “You can use the bathroom if you want ! If you feel severe pain , we can call the company’s doctor or even the ambulance to take care of you “ said James , still looking uneasy and bothered . “No need , I’ll manage” said Lily with thankful eyes and a smile . James nodded and added : “ I volunteered with the Red Cross in so many refugees camps all over the world , I know first aid , especially burns … let me help you !” “And my brother is a doctor and I know how to suture a wound and change burn wounds dressings “ said Lily with a defying smirk . James rose his hands in surrender and chuckled : “alright then … help yourself !” “Thank you” murmured Lily , her cheeks turning red . Sometimes she speaks before she thinks and words burst out of her mouth . Silently she grabbed the first aid kit and the expensive white shirt looking at it in bewilderment. James was already on his computer typing something , looking unbothered by her . She said shyly : “ Um .. Mr. Hugh … this shirt will get stained from the burn ointment , beyond repair … I can’t accept it and I can’t afford getting you a new one !” He looked at her to see her confusion , biting her lip nervously! GOD … he wishes he could get up now from his desk and hug her tightly and see her wounds and take good care of her … he might not be able to control himself when he sees her undressed , so he might kiss her as well … Those plump innocent lips she keeps biting when nervous . He controlled his voice as much as he could :”that wouldn’t be a problem , I have many of them … you can wear it “ looking away from her face , from her lips . “Also one of my interns ruined your YSL shirt ! Consider it a compensation !” He added . “It’s not your fault !” She said shyly . “No it’s not , but it’s one of my interns inside my enterprise who assaulted another intern in front of my eyes … that won’t pass unnoticed and it’s unforgiven !” He replied “Are you pressing charges ?!” He asked suddenly . “Against whom ?! Thomas ?! I barely know him and I guess you’ve done enough !” She said impulsively. He glared at her with sharp eyes still biting that goddamn lip ! Gosh !!!! He looked back at his screen . “Is he your boyfriend ?!” He asked sharply . “Who ?! Thomas ?! Hell no … Ugh ! Ugh! I don’t date guys like him !”She answered like she was offended . “Like him … like what ?!” He asked her amused , now relaxed in his armchair and looking at her intensively. “Umm … wealthy rich jerks!” She snorted and then cringing when she remembered how close Thomas was near her . “You don’t seem very poor yourself Ms. YSL !” He said amused with a smirk . “I’m not rich , my parents are !” She snapped at him . “That’s what rich kids say !” He added , followed by a chuckle . “I’ll tell you what , you go inside fix your wounds and wear my shirt , my assistant will get you your ID and you can take the rest of the day off !” He added . “But today is the orientation day !” She answered with fear in her eyes ..”I won’t be able to catch up with the rest of the group !!!” And she kept biting her lip nervously . He moved towards her , his eyes dark and in a husky voice he added :” would you please stop biting your lip !” And he came closer to her and released her lip with his fingers . Lily was shocked with his closeness and his action but intoxicated with his smell , she couldn’t move … she couldn’t speak . When he released her lip , it was bleeding . He was tender in his touch and he wiped the drop of blood from her lip with his finger saying in a husky voice :” look what you’ve done !” And he reached his suit pocket and got out his handkerchief to wipe her mouth clean and his fingers . Lily was shocked and screaming internally but she stayed still like a statue … not able to speak or move . No one has ever touched her like that , or cared about her this way , she always repulsed men away and she could stand her ground . But with this man she can’t even blink . Seeing the reaction on her face , he smiled sideways, moved away from her , put the handkerchief back in his pocket . He said to her like nothing happened :” go now inside the bathroom … finish what you were supposed to do and when you get out wait for me on the couch here . Understood ?!” Lily nodded with her cheeks flushed , she feels like her legs are made of jelly… she managed to walk the little few steps to the bathroom , get inside and closed the door behind her .
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