Episode 10 : hot and cold 2

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The next few days James was occupied with his pack trainings , he must train his twin brothers with his beta and second in command : Caleb . Caleb looks like James when it comes to looks except for the eyes , he got his mother eyes and affectionate reasoning … James has his father’s eyes and heated temper ! But both of them are called the unbreakable duo among their pack and in the entire werewolf world . As their pack is the strongest among all packs the alpha of the pack is automatically the alpha king and rules all the other alphas and their packs , the war call is only his … like the kings of the human world . In this case it’s the eternal war between werewolves and vampires . Actually after a couple of movies and books released in the human world in the past couple of years , they are more fascinated about the werewolves and the vampires …some things are true , some are extreme Bullsh*t in James’ opinion. But under any condition both worlds must not be exposed to the human world . And who breaks this rule first will declare war . So both vampires and werewolves are waiting for the mistake of the other party , both have spies on both sides , both run a Cold War no one can really puts a finger on . Another problem that faces James right now that since he became alpha and alpha king other alphas are fighting him and want to throw a coup against him and his family monarchy that lasted for decades but as he’s more ruthless than his father who ruled with blood and fire …He executed traitors in a public court , where traitor’s blood was shed in the streets in front of the eyes of all the other alphas and no one dared to interfere and defend his werewolf , his omega or even his beta if he was condemned for treason to the werewolves’ world … Hell ! Hugh the former alpha king once killed another alpha who dared to challenge him for the alpha king title ! And made an example of him for all the other alphas ! So if anyone tried to just even think about challenging James will face more dangerous consequences than their former King , his father King Hugh . So James was 99% sure that no one will betray him as king or challenge him … he ruled these past 2 years through fear and fire . No mercy for the traitors , no mercy for the rule breakers … sometimes you must use war to achieve peace . That was James’ rule and his brother Caleb agreed . Only his assistant Mathew the only human in the entire world who knows James’ truth and he made him take a blood oath in front of the alpha council … if he says a word about James’ truth or the werewolves’ world , he’ll be condemned to death and a representative from the vampires’ world attended that council . But James kept himself always prepared for the 1% that might attack him, his family , his position , his throne and his kingdom . And if he’s 100% sure of the other alphas and the alpha council , he can’t guarantee the vampires’ king , he has zero trust in him . That’s why he keeps trainings going daily , ruthlessly , hunting , missions … always prepared , always awake in the entire kingdom … he has eyes everywhere . And when he’s busy in the human world , Caleb takes control … he’s even more frantic than his brother when it comes to training … he keeps his pack training from dawn till midnight ! And he’s harsher on the twins than James … James has a soft spot for them . Caleb always challenges James in the training rink and he’s a true rival to him , the young werewolves watch them always with awe and amazement when they fight ! Especially the ladies ! Young female werewolves adore Caleb ! They can’t even dream to look to alpha James … but each one of them dreams to be mated to Caleb . And Caleb is a player boy unlike his brother , he likes to give the ladies a good show . When James entered his vast mansion after today’s training , Mathew was waiting for him in the hall . “Oh hi Mathew ! Any good news ?!” He asked while fixing his hand bands . “She applied for a training in Hamlin’s and Co and she got accepted , she returned your shirt cleaned and ironed to the company with this card attached to it !” said Mathew neutrally while handing him the card . He knows how these news will affect James and he doesn’t trust his temper with such annoying news . James was dumbfounded! He took the card from his hand and read the words wrote bluntly : “Thanks for the shirt . Lily “ Really !!! That’s all she could manage ! He f*cking apologized to her ! He sent roses and food which is not his thing ! He specifically picked the delicatessen himself when he knew she’s originally German and loves local delis , he sent her the croissants she tasted in his office and liked so badly which became HIS FAVORITE CROISSANT ! And to put the cherry on top : she refused his generous offer by applying for another job in another company . James was turning red with anger ! He’s mad , he’s furious , he feels like he can murder someone . Growling in a menacing tone . He tore apart the card , looked to Mathew in the eye and asked him : “is that everything ?!” Mathew never saw him in this state before , nothing never ever made James that furious and this mad ! Mathew swallowed hard and replied :”yes boss” James said murderously :” very well then , thank you Mathew for informing me “ And that was Mathew’s signal to leave , he turned on his heel and left for the door . James told him while he’s leaving : “keep watching her … closely!” Mathew was surprised with James’ request and thought he’ll forget all about her after what he just told him ! As he couldn’t manage to say something in return … he nodded his head and left . James was furious , his blood was boiling … no one especially a woman has ignored him the way this Lily does !!! She refuses anything related to him ! Even his shirt that he told her clearly to keep it ! He was pacing the Hall of the mansion like the wounded wolf he is , his wolf was not in a better condition . Caleb came down the hall and saw his brother in this condition and knew something was off . He put a hand on his brother’s shoulders to calm him down asking : “what’s wrong ?!” James answered with two words : “The rink .Now.” Caleb smirked amused , this should be fun … whenever his brother is furious , he doesn’t take it easy on Caleb … a real challenge this time not just training and educational purposes . “Fine … just come down and focus or I’ll kick your ass hard this time “ said Caleb amused . James nodded his head furiously lost in his thought . Caleb thought that whatever is bothering his brother must be real serious cause normally he would retaliate when Caleb threatens him kicking his ass in the rink and humor him more . Caleb went to set up the rink and change his clothes . James does really need to blow off some steam . He’s getting angrier and angrier when he remembers Lily’s note . “Fine Lily Williams … very Fine . If hot and cold is what you want … two can play this game” he murmured under his breath and he let out a low growl heading to the training rink .
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