Episode 9 : Hot and cold 1

1486 Words
Lily woke up the next morning very tired , she felt like she never slept ! The dream she had last night felt so real , that she felt like she was really kidnapped , she felt like she might really die in the dream ! And weird enough , she remembers every single detail of her dream like it was seconds ago ! Anyway , she got up … she washed her face , started her skincare routine , she was wearing her comfy PJs and she’s not planning to take them off today ! She will order takeout and stay at home and chill . She needs to have a day to reset and restart to have a clear head to think about her next move . Her next step . Why must everything be so complicated for her ! She thought to herself . When she got out of the bathroom , she went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee . Her eyes fell on the contract on the counter top . It looks like yesterday was a dream ! Even her burn is getting better ! She feels like she was in a trance yesterday . Good ! She’ll take the day off and starting from tomorrow she’ll look for new companies that offer a good training program and may be offer her a job . She couldn’t throw the contract in the garbage though . Something told her to keep it as a last resort ! Is Mathew’s talk yesterday got into her ?! Has it affected her Judgement ?! She thought to herself . So .. She doesn’t like bullies especially rich ones who remind her of her uncle !!! And James fells in the category perfectly ! But the offer can’t be gone unnoticed to be honest . With this salary !!! She can visit her brother in 2 months and not to wait till Christmas or new year ! Oh how much she missed him ! He was her only friend , her best friend ! While she was lost in her thought she decided to text her brother : “Good morning dumb head !” Followed with a smiley face . Yeah that’s how they communicate she and her brother … always insulting each other . She grinned widely when she looked at the screen as he replied back immediately : “Good morning silly Lily” that’s his nickname for her . “I have a surgery round right now , call you in the lunch break ?!” He replied “How was your orientation day yesterday ?! Did you start the internship already ?!” He asked She doesn’t want to make him sad for her so she answered : “ yeah ! I had a great day yesterday ! I’m reconsidering the internship thing though ! I might look for a direct training program with a job offer somewhere else !” He replied : “ why ?! Is this company not big enough for you sis ?! (Wink smiley face) … no really tell me all about it when I call you … Love ya :*” “Liar” she typed back smiling widely . “Love you too dumb head :*” She left her phone and went to make her coffee when suddenly she heard the door bell ! She looked at the time , it’s 8 o’clock in the morning ! Who would be ringing her door right now ?! She didn’t order anything , she doesn’t expect anyone to visit ! She literally knows no one here ! She went to the intercom to answer the door bell : “ who is it ?!” She asked through the microphone . “A delivery to miss Williams” answered a guy . She buzzed the delivery guy into the building trying to remember if she ordered something and totally forgot about it . When she opened the door of her apartment a UPS guy showed up with a white roses bouquet in his hand and a huge bag of a fancy NYC grocery store in the other . He handed the roses and the bag to Lily , got out an electronic device from his pocket to collect her signature , wished her a nice day and left . Closing the door after him , she put the roses on the kitchen island and the bag too . She opened the bag to find expensive old cheese , fruits , fresh bakeries : croissants , baguettes , pain aux raisins , olive oil , olives from Spain , premium nuts , honey , jam and cold cuts from all sorts from the finest german brands !!! Everything is so finely wrapped and looks delicious and sophisticated . She felt instantly hungry smelling the fresh bakeries and looking at the delicious appetizing strawberries … her favorite fruit . She went to the roses and smelled them …. Oh My God ! They smell incredible ! She thought to herself . On the bouquet she found a card written on it : “I apologize for the way I spoke to you yesterday please accept this little gift the delicatessen and the roses as my apology … James Hugh” She held the card in her hand and was immediately lost in her thoughts ! This man is confusing her ! Yesterday he acted like a possessive man who owned her , but spoke arrogantly like a rich douche bag who plays humiliating others for sports ! Today he sends her gifts and apologizes ! These hot and cold signals are confusing her ! Is this man interested in her personally or just in her to work for him or as he stated before he’s afraid that she would sue his company ?! But he looked sincere when he was concerned about her … convinced Lily herself , thinking about his handsome face , broad shoulders and dominant aura … Aaaaah ! Focus Lily ! It’s not the time to think about the guy’s looks rather than his intentions ! Are you willing to forget what happened and consider working for the guy ?! She looked at the contract and held it while looking at the card . She got out her phone and typed his number and saved it just in case … in case of what Lily ?! She asked herself ! She didn’t have an answer for that . But no way she’ll text him to thank him and no way she’ll work for him ! That will be too stressful for her to be around this guy everyday ! She fears his temper and she fears his inexplicable actions ! She wants a smooth, friendly ambiance workplace to work in . She had her fair share of drama and heartbreak after losing her parents and before them her grandma who raised her and now her brother who is in another continent to be left alone in this world ! She might be considered a quitter to refuse such an opportunity just because she fears the boss ! But hello !!! She’ll be his personal assistant ! Daily contact with him will drive her crazy ! So without any further ado … she threw the contract in the garbage along with his card . She kept the flowers because she doesn’t have the heart to ruin such a pretty thing , she loves roses especially white . She kept the food cause she earned that apology … in fact she started to drink her coffee eating the beautiful croissant he sent her … in your face James Hugh ! One thing left to do to cut all ties with is arrogant man : clean his shirt and send it back to him ! After she finished her breakfast , she got up took a shower , made her bed , dressed in simple blue jeans and an old white sweatshirt cause it’s chilly today , did a little no-makeup makeup , wore her new balance white sneakers , put her wallet and keys in her Louis Vuitton small speedy , wore her small gold hoop earrings … she looks basic but sophisticated … it’s in her blood , she got her mother’s beauty and body … her mother was gorgeous and a fashion icon . Lily knows how to dress thanks to her . She took the dirty white shirt , her phone and left the apartment . She strolled down the street , the sun was out and she forget all about yesterday already … she went to the laundry in the neighborhood gave them the shirt to clean and the company address to deliver it there with a note saying : “Thanks for the shirt . Lily”
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