Episode 11 : it must be a nightmare 1

1934 Words
A couple of days later Lily was about to start her training in the Hamlin‘s and co company … a prestigious development company and after finishing her training for 6 months , she‘ll guarantee a position as the assistant of the chief department of accounting . Which is very into her field of studies , provides a respectful salary and a very good position that guarantees her good promotions in the future if she works hard enough . On the first day of her training Lily wore a white button down less expensive than the one she wore to the Hugh company in expectation of any unfortunate coffee accidents , she had a tweed grey blazer , black classic pants , simple black pumps , her black Chanel classic flap , put her silky hair into a low ponytail , wore her stud diamond earrings , an elegant office friendly perfume (le labo bergamot 22) it‘s her favorite perfume these days , wore her daily no makeup makeup which is literally nothing : she has beautiful smooth skin with natural blush and pink rosy lips … so all she really needs is lip balm and she loves a brown eye pencil wing and she brushes her eyebrows and uses from time to time a bit of under eye concealer when she didn’t sleep well the night before . She took a cab to the company full of hopes and high expectations , nervous and anxious . She thought of her brother , he didn’t call her as he promised a couple of days ago … he’s probably busy with his studies and rounds . If today goes well , she’ll call him and tell him the whole story . She smiled when she remembered her brother . All what she does right now , apart from earning her life is to be with him whenever she wants without suffering from money shortage . She thought of selling all of her luxury items to have some good some of money on her as insurance , but that’s all is left from her parents , of their lifetime together … it seems like she was living in a dream , a life that doesn’t belong to her anymore but she coped with her new life . Her mother raised no b*tch , she always said to herself . She’s strong or that’s what she thought of herself . She can become rich again and no uncle or relative can take away that ! She’ll work hard , very hard to make her parents proud of her . To be rich , to support her brother . She looked at her Chanel bag smiling :"I’ll be able to keep you!” She whispered to her bag . She looked cute and adorable at this moment … her dreams are quite simple and legitimate . Even her uncle who denied her her inheritance , she doesn’t hold a grudge against him . When the cab arrived at the company entrance … Lily was in awe ! It’s a very prestigious name to work for . God has given her another chance . She walked through the front door confidently heading to the receptionist : “Good morning … my name is Lily Williams and today is my first day of training in the accounting department … can you tell me on which floor is that ?!” The receptionist who was a very handsome guy was mesmerized for a second by Lily’s beauty and chic attire … he hesitated : “ummm … miss Williams , right … Mr Hamlin is waiting for you in his office … I can show you the way” smiling in awe at her . Lily noticed the way the receptionist is talking to her and looking at her … it’s always like that when she’s around men , but she doesn’t understand what’s wrong with her so that they keep staring that way , it makes her uncomfortable … is it her hair , definitely her makeup … does she have dandruff or something between her teeth ?! WHAT ?!!!! WHY IS EVERYONE LOOKING AT HER THIS WAY !!!!! ESPECIALLY MEN ! She was screaming inside her head . She nodded shyly and responded : “no need … thank you , where can I find his office ?!” She felt awkward that the CEO wants to meet her on her first day ! But he probably wants to greet her on her first day as he wasn’t present during the interview . The receptionist answered her disappointed : “ fifth floor to the right is his secretary office “ she thanked him and headed to the elevators feeling the guy’s eyes piercing a hole in her back following her movements till she disappeared into the elevator . With every floor number that pops up in front of her in the elevator , she hopes her bosses are good and kind … that’s her first real world job , she hopes she can prove herself , she feels her heart is racing from the stress and the nervousness . It’s like going through her college final year exams all over again . She hopes she leaves a good impression on her first day . What if someone said some weird term she didn’t understand ?! What the hell Lily , get a grip of yourself ! You got this ! She kept telling herself til he got to the fifth floor . When the elevator doors opened she stepped out , walked to the right aisle as the receptionist told her , she found a middle aged woman sitting on her desk typing something on her computer in the secretary office … she knocked lightly the open door , the woman said politely :”come in” She walked to the secretary’s office and introduced herself … the secretary answered : “Oh yes , hi Ms. Williams , please follow me … she walked to a huge wooden door , knocked on it and opened it guiding her inside a huge old money styled office with fine English style that felt cozy and warm . Behind the desk sits a middle aged man with a few grey hairs but he looks fit , so chic and he reminded her of her father . He stood up to greet Lily , shook her hand and ushered her to sit in front of him . “Mr. Hamlin , good morning .” She said . “Good morning Ms. Williams , very pleased to meet you .” “The pleasure is mine , I’m very excited to start my first day in your company .” He looked a bit off after she spoke … like something’s wrong . “Well … about that …” he tried to speak , “miss Williams , your resume is impeccable … I can assure you that even without the training , we would love to hire you but …” After she heard the word but … she started to feel uneasy . Is she getting fired ?! ON HER FIRST DAY !!!! Is the universe kidding her now ?! But wait a second he’s saying that her resume is impeccable! WHAT’S GOING ON ?! She can’t understand anything but she tries to look composed to the max and not to give her worries away. He resumed : “I’m afraid we can’t offer you this training opportunity and we can’t hire you … and the reason behind that can’t be exposed !” It was a shocker to Lily ! WHAT IS JUST HAPPENING !!!!!! She’s losing her second training/job offer in a week ! Although she has an outstanding/impeccable resume !!! What a blast Lily … bravo !!! Keep it up and you’ll be homeless in 2 months !!! She was dumbfounded, she couldn’t answer . All she could manage to say : “but you’re saying that my resume …” “ … is truly impeccable , I agree on that and all the managers .. but it’s out of my hand … we can’t hire you . I’m sorry “ he interrupted her . “ I think I deserve an explanation… Mr. Hamlin !” She said trying to remain calm as she can , may be this situation is a test ?! May be this call is negotiable . “I’m sorry I can’t tell you the reason behind this call !” He said looking empathetically into her eyes . “How can’t you explain when you’re the CEO !!! It is your call and I need to know the reason behind this … I won’t leave before knowing the truth !” She started to raise her tone a bit , feeling stronger that her gut tells her there’s something fishy behind this decision . The CEO of Hamlin’s and co straightened his tie and looked nervous feeling guilty … she feels like she affected him by her words , he opened his mouth to say something then paused looked into her eyes and saw his little daughter who is just about her age and who just graduated her college to start her career , he saw the despair in her eyes and felt her soul and dreams crushed brutally in this corporate world . He decided that this poor girl deserves the truth … he finally managed to say : “someone with grotesque influence in the business world , ordered all the companies similar to ours not to hire you and if someone disobeys … they’ll face their fate of seeing their company torn apart , sold and their business crushes in a couple of days ! The name can’t be told … but take a fatherly advice from me Ms. Williams … don’t get on the bad side if this man or you’ll be crushed … please don’t get this too personal , just settle down your problem s with him so you can find a job somewhere … whatever you’ve done , I’m sure it can be fixed … I guess now you know whom I’m talking about , aren’t you ?!” She looked in shock with her eyes widened not believing what she just heard but she managed to be professional as much as she can … it’s not the time to go hysterical now Lily , she said calmly “Yes I know whom you’re talking about and no … I guess the damage I made is beyond repair if these are his instructions to all New York companies against me “ She thanked the CEO , shook his hand and managed to get out of his office to the elevators to outside the building … when she got out she kept walking down the street not believing what she just heard , not knowing what to do ! Did this James really threaten all the companies not to hire her ! ALL OF THEM ! Of course not … the Hamlin’s CEO must be exaggerating ! It can’t be . What did she do in her life to deserve this . After forgetting all about this guy and his company , he goes after her like this !! Who the hell does he think he is ?! And most importantly what does he want from her !! This can’t be true … it must be a nightmare !
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