2020 Words

11 ‘Hippogriff, I think,’ said Luan calmly, and pointed to Jay’s feet. Hooves. Dead giveaway. Jay said something beaky. ‘Oh, dear,’ I sighed. ‘Your associate?’ said Luan. ‘Yes. And I would love to know where he’s been this past hour or so, but I think I’ll have to get him out of here to find out. He was okay outside.’ ‘Magickal dissonance,’ said Luan, nodding. ‘It has been harder to maintain a balance since the Heart was lost.’ His eyes narrowed, fixed upon me. ‘How is it that your companion is so much affected, while you are not?’ I had not yet got around to telling him that part of my increasingly complicated story. ‘It all started in Vale,’ I said, trying unsuccessfully to soothe a visibly alarmed Jay. ‘Vale?’ echoed Luan sharply. ‘What were you doing up there?’ ‘Looking for t

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