2006 Words

10 So much for my brilliant theory. Torvaston came here to perfect his magick-regulating device, I’d thought, so that he could someday go home and repair the damage he had helped to cause at Farringale. True, I had come up with no ideas as to why he never had gone back — except that the device, perhaps, never worked. To hear that he had actively chosen not to go back, and indeed to hide the thing from everyone who might come looking for him… well, that changed things. ‘I don’t understand,’ I said. The elderly troll straightened. ‘If I tell you that your purpose in coming here cannot be fulfilled, and Torvaston’s work will never be released to you. Do you, then, still wish to ask questions of me?’ ‘Of course,’ I said, frowning. He nodded once, and held out his hand, Torvaston’s compas

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