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12 ‘Not just any silver,’ said Jay helpfully. ‘I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same kind as the lyre.’ ‘That is entirely—’ said Luan, and stopped. ‘What kind of a hound circumvents my defences and finds its way straight to the most valuable artefacts in the building?’ ‘She’s a nose-for-gold,’ I said quickly, remembering too late that I had glossed over Pup’s presence before. His face set into disapproving lines. ‘I think you said you were not treasure hunters?’ ‘We aren’t. It’s just Pup that has a few bad habits…’ ‘And what manner of scholar keeps a nose-for-gold?’ A fair question. ‘She’s an academic oddity where we come from,’ I said, trying my best smile. ‘We aren’t here to steal your silver,’ said Jay irritably. ‘We came looking for Torvaston’s project, that’s all.’

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