Ill-fated encounter

1642 Words
ESMERALDA It was another day at Locci High. A day with enough information that'll help me survive the strange world of wealth and power. I hurried into the classroom before the arrival of the teacher in charge. "Hi," I heard from a distance beside me. I glanced sideways and saw Nela. "Hey," I said in excitement. So she was seated beside me? My excitement didn't last for long as two demigods walked into the classroom through the backdoor. One of them stopped right in front of Nela and she was forced to stand up from her chair. "Heck!" I cursed within myself as the urge to strangle this overbearing hot guy flooded in. "Wait a second! Was he one of the four off-limit candidates?" I suddenly thought to myself, a line forming on my forehead. I glanced back at him and our eyes met. Gosh! He had the most beautiful face I had ever seen. I wasn't able to fantasize much as a smirk formed on his lips, cutting short my trance. "The hell?" "How could he smirk after such an odd behavior?" The teacher came in and we extended our greetings. All except this freaking guy beside me. It's expected as long as he was among the four candidates. But which of them was he? The first ranking? Second? Third? Nela had clearly warned me to avoid these candidates but now I'm curious about what the other three were like. Shitty rude brats like Vera, huh? Or even worse? Because this one right beside me is a shitty definition of worse! The lesson commenced with my full attention on the teacher and my jotter. I completely ignored the rude ass. The teacher was done within ninety minutes and I sighed gently, recalling all that she had explained in line with my jottings. I brought chicken chips from my bag and ate slowly as I studied. Nela suddenly pulled her chair towards me and I smiled at her. "You're probably one big genius who doesn't need all these studies," I said sadly and she laughed. "Of course, I need them very well, important enough for my wardrobe to depend on them," Nela said and I giggled. "Lucky you" "You mind taking some?" I asked, extending my snacks to her without looking up. I didn't realize she was gone until a hand snatched the chips from me and poured the whole content to the ground. "Hi, ugly duckling," Vera said slowly with a wicked smile plastered on her face. I was tongue-tied. She just disposed of my precious snacks without offending her for once? Then she expects me to just be cool about it the next second? Who the hell does that??? "I need you to get me a coffee at the cafeteria. An iced Americano" Vera said calmly and I kept staring at her dolled-up face, not muttering a single word. "Would you leave now or have your notes in shreds?" She whispered to my ears and my eyes twitched. Her hands dropped to my desk and she made to pick up my notes but I couldn't let my hard-earned writing go to waste. I quickly collected her card and went to get her the coffee. I was all sweaty and tired by the time I came back. I gave her the coffee only for her to take a sip and tell me it wasn't to her taste. "Can you go to the restaurant across the school building instead?" Vera asked without looking up from whatever she was doing on her phone. "But… It's against the school rules" I protested and she shot me a glare. "You won't get caught, and even if you do tell the teacher I put you up to it" she replied sternly and my eyes almost bulged out of their socket. Only God knows how much I wanted to slap some sense into her right now. I walked out of the class to go somewhere else. Who was she kidding? I should go against the school rules on my second day. I texted Nela to pack my books into my backpack and keep them safe until the next class since I didn't plan on running some crazy errands. "Figured" Nela texted back and I smiled. I made to tuck the phone back into my pocket when I suddenly bumped into someone. My breath hitched as the cologne hit my nose. My phone dropped and my eyes widened. I glanced up at whoever it was to give them a piece of my mind only for me to see the rude jerk from the last class. Forget about arrogance. This guy was the perfect definition of sexy. Everything about his body was perfect. His physique, his pink lips, his fine raven hair, his sharp jawline even the proud smirk on his face were just perfect. "Looks like someone's lost in wild imagination here," the guy on his right side said mockingly. "Will you please move your piggy body out of my way?" he asked arrogantly and I blinked twice. Before I could process what was happening, he walked past me, hitting me away in the process. I snapped out of my foolish thoughts and quickly picked up my phone from the ground. The screen has been shattered by his damned foot. How could he act so blind and step over my phone? My tears threatened to fall as I thought of how hard I had worked to get the phone. How could I possibly get another one? 'Everyone in this freaking school are devils! Everyone except Nela' I muttered silently as I made my way to the cafeteria to get a snack for myself. I sat in one corner, patiently waiting for the time to hit 11 a.m., then I'd head to the class with the victory of my first rebel. Then… tick! It was time. I walked back quickly to class with another coffee from the cafeteria. I entered the class quickly, extending pleasantries to the teacher before heading to my seat but Vera's voice stopped me. "Excuse me, teacher! I hope you do your job well in the future" Vera said sarcastically as she shifted glances from me to the teacher. "This piggy thing is just coming back from the restaurant across the school but you didn't even question her for coming late when she's already around the school" Vera accused me directly to my face when she had clearly ordered me to go. "I promise you, sir, I didn't go outside the school" I tried defending myself but it seemed like a suspect of murder trying to prove herself innocent when there was no proof. "So where have you been, miss… " "Esmeralda" I corrected unfazed. "I was at the cafeteria" I replied sternly, shooting a look of surprise her way. I was shocked she would do this when she had ordered me to get her coffee there, but it didn't hurt because it was expected from someone like her. 'The cunny witch!' I almost cursed aloud. "You have no proof that you're just coming back from the school cafeteria, do you?" Vera asked and I scoffed. "Why the hell are you doing this?" I suddenly asked dropping the coffee in my hand. "I can't let one transfer student, create a negative impact on the school" Vera explained with a shrug. "Transfer student my foot, you worry too much about new students and don't even have time to check yourself" I uttered without blinking and I could hear whispers from behind. "You ordered me to get you coffee across the street, just because the one in the school isn't your taste, and now this?" "So you went outside the school because she ordered you to get her coffee?" The teacher asked in awe. "Who wouldn't? She just brought up the subject and you took it up in her way, I'm sure you'd take orders from her if she puts your job in the freaking line" I replied briskly and the whispers from the student grew louder. The look on his face told me he'd have hit me if it wasn't for good riddance. "For trying to prove yourself right by lying against me will take a huge toll on you, Esmeralda" Vera said silently as she walked up to me. "I told you, didn't I? A single word of my mouth could destroy you" she whispered into my ears and my anger butt in. "Fine then, do whatever you want with me, Queenie. I'll be very okay out of the school with this" I said lowly, raising her black card to her face. She blinked twice, shocked to see me blackmail her the same way she was doing with me. "You have no access to my black card, piggy. It's highly secured" Vera mused proudly and I scoffed. "Why do you think I'm so confident about getting to use this card? You must have thought a big fat teenager like me can't be of any use but I'm sorry to burst your ass because I can hack into anything and I mean any freaking thing as long as I have my phone and laptop" I said all at once and I could see her lips tremble slightly. "I could easily accuse you of stealing that" Vera whispered back as if unfazed by my threat. "Go ahead and see what this baby would do," I said silently waving my phone to her face. "Case closed, Mr. Marcus," she said in a scratchy groan as she walked out of the classroom. A huge smile formed within my stomach, but my face was whacked with fury. "That'll be all for today" Mr. Marcus muttered and walked out of the classroom. "We hardly did anything in his class today, thanks to someone" the demijerk muttered, his eyes boring into mine…
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