The Bet

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KILLIAN I was truly amused by the way the transfer student had reacted to Vera. Normally, I could have sentenced her to some punishment but strangely, I didn't want to. She was the first person that ever challenged Vera's rudeness and arrogance. It suddenly got me seeking a challenge. She seemed all strong-hearted and stern as she returned Vera's threats and I suddenly wanted to know how far she could go with that. "I'm I the only one who thinks the new girl wants a challenge?" Jace muttered beside me, his gaze fixed on her empty chair. "I think so too, dude" Legend replied, blinking repeatedly. "She's all buttoned up. No one can get under her skin" Ryan added. "I could stand up for a challenge" I muttered silently and they shot me a surprised look. "I don't think you can do that after being a jerk to her in the lobby," Ryan said immediately and the other two nodded. "You even broke her screen" Jace added, stressing the word 'broke' "How about we bet on it?" I muttered aloud, cutting them short as they kept giving deficiencies. "Look who's confident over here," Legend said in amusement. "I'll get on with my game and if I succeed in bringing down her euphoria, You'll be giving me 200$ and a ticket to the ONCE A SEASON VARIETY SHOW but if I don't, I'll be giving you all 200$ and a ticket each to the variety show" I planned it carefully and they all agreed to it. "Go dude" Ryan hailed in amusement. I immediately stood to leave after settling the terms of the freaking game. "What are you up to?" Jace asked as he saw me leave. "I should be on good terms with her first, don't you think?" I murmured and he nodded once. "That's right" he mouthed as he patted my shoulders. "I think you're on the losing team this time though" Jace added funnily as he walked out of the classroom. ESMERALDA I left for the library with Nela immediately after sorting out my books, but my conscience wouldn't leave me after lashing out at Mr. Marcus. It was particularly rude of me to have talked to him that way even if it was the truth. "Do you think I overstepped my bounds with Mr. Marcus?" I found myself asking Nela. She sniffed once as if trying to recall the scene properly. "You said the truth, Esme, so I don't think you were too harsh" Nela replied thoughtfully. "Give me a minute, Nel" I murmured and left the library before she could say another word. My words hurt him, and I didn't want to be the cause of someone's sadness or pain. I knew I should make things right by apologizing. I walked to his office hurriedly and peeped in to see if he was there. I caught him standing with his back to the entrance. He was facing the windows behind his desk. "Hello, Mr. Marcus" I murmured silently as I pushed myself into his office. "Yes, what do you want… " the words got stuck in his throat as he turned to see me standing very close to his desk. "What are you doing here" he asked as calmly as he could but I felt the hatred in that question. "I wanted to apologize" His eyes widened in shock but he was quick to keep his face neutral like he wasn't surprised. "Why would you apologize when you said the truth?" Mr. Marcus retorted, his voice threatening to strangle me any minute. "It was rude of me to say that to your face and still come back to apologize. I'm sorry for saying that in the first place but even sorrier for coming to apologize like this" I replied quickly. "I understand that you had no choice but to do what she wants but I think you just need courage to face her as long as you do your job well" I added with a slight bow and scurried out of the office without waiting for his answer. I shut his door gently and let out a heavy sigh before walking down to the library. The last thing I wanted right now was to run into some sexy piece of arrogance after reliving my guilt but here I was, facing the demi-jerk. I felt nervous standing in front of him but I didn't want anything to do with him after what I went through in the lobby. Only God knows what he was about to destroy this time. "What do you want from me?" I asked silently, gazing straight up into his eyes. "I just wanted to see you" he replied simply, putting his hands in his pockets, giving him a bad boy stance. "Wait… what?" I exclaimed in shock and he c****d his head. Did I just hear him say he wants to see me? Like for what f*****g reason? "W… why would you want to see me?" I said quickly in total disbelief. "Just because?" He replied more like a statement than a question. "What?" I muttered in disbelief. "Catch you later, flower" he whispered with a smile before walking away. "Holy hell… Flower? What the f**k?" I almost yelled but I wanted to act rational and sane right now. I walked back to the library, looking back now and then as different thoughts crossed my mind. "What in the s**t name is he trying to pull now? Why was he acting like a possessive boyfriend all of a sudden?" I kept thinking but I couldn't come up with one reasonable answer. I settled in my seat silently and Nela wheeled her chair towards mine. "You went to his office, didn't you?" She inquired in a whisper and I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I knew it. You couldn't bear staying with the guilt of getting a hurtful expression" Nela said, nudging me with a smile. "Maybe I couldn't" I replied with a nod. "So how did it go?" Nela nudged and I sighed. "I have no idea. I mean he just kept gaping at me till I was out of sight, He probably thinks of me as one cheap rookie" I replied but she shook her head. "I bet you did great, Esme, You're a good person," she said gently and I felt relieved. I finally had someone who cared about me and thought highly of me apart from my grandma and brother. "Thanks, Nela" I whispered and quickly faced my textbook with a flushed face. I didn't know how to explain my encounter with the demi-jerk. "The guy you stood up for during the first class, who is he?" I found myself asking. "Killian Maverick" Nela replied silently and my eyes widened. "The first ranking first-class candidate?" I asked in disbelief and she nodded. "Yes, it's him. Isn't he so hot?" Nela smiled and I scoffed inwardly. Hot my foot. More like the exact opposite! "How can you consider him hot when he made you leave your chair because he was around?" I muttered gently even though I badly wanted to scream some sense into her skull. We are in the library, so there should be little or no noise. "Hmmm, talk of hotness, he has it but he's just a jerk sometimes" Nela replied almost in a whisper. "No Nela, he's always a jerk. He has always been a jerk since I saw him" I replied nonchalantly. "Why? What do you mean? Apart from making me swap chairs during class he's not a bully to me" Nela said innocently and I scoffed. There's nothing she could say to prove that he's not a bully. "Hey... He's a complete nutjob" I insisted but she crossed her arms in disagreement. "He's not, Esmeralda. Killian punishes anyone who rebels against Vera but he did nothing to you. Don't you think he finds you special?" Nela whispered thoughtfully and I frowned. This one got under my skin but I didn't want to admit it. My mind went back to the lobby, where he had made my heart flutter. I couldn't help but wonder if Nela was right about him. Killian Maverick! What the hell was his deal?
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