Changes in the Air

1980 Words
Laurel “There. I think that will work.” I tell Ellis as he finishes helping me set up my office. They finally completed all the construction on it today. It took two weeks instead of the three days after they found she had somehow cracked the flooring too all the way to the base. Psycho woman. “You don’t have to help you know.” “I need a break from staring at the computer. Besides it is my fault this was not ready to go before you started. I let it fall through the cracks.” He frowns and in helping me move the furniture, his hair is no longer slicked to the side. Instead, a few tendrils drape over his forehead. He looks younger and more relaxed that way. “That’s why you have me right? So I can help you not need to monitor every little thing.” I grin at him. It’s weird how well we get along. More like old friends though I make sure to keep it professional. “Definitely. I am more than grateful that I hired you.” He steps back nodding at our work. “I left the Delvecchio project notes on your desk for Monday’s afternoon meeting. I’ll have all the color designs printed by then too. The designer should have them to me by tomorrow. He decided to tweak the front entrance like you suggested.” And I told him he had better change it. Ellis’s idea was much more functional. I get a notification on my phone and see the bank letting me know my paycheck was deposited. I frown though seeing the amount. I open the app quickly to see if it’s some kind of mistake on the notification. It’s not. Almost five times the amount I am supposed to be paid. “Umm Ellis, I just got notification my check was deposited.” His eyes dart to mine quickly but his face remains impassive otherwise. “It’s way over. Do I call the payroll department for that?” “No you don’t. That’s what you earned. Your work was way above par and you helped us secure the Delvecchio account. Your check is the standard percentage for acquiring something like that as an executive.” “But I’m not an executive. You did all the work.” I protest appalled. “And yet when you spoke with the company head he seemed to love your suggestions. Those secondary ones you had drawn up without me asking. I believe in paying people for the effort they put in Laurel. Accept it please. You earned it. Know your worth.” “Thank you then.” I say softly. He’s nothing like his grandfather that’s for sure. I shake my head grabbing my things. It’s Friday afternoon and I have Kevin all weekend while Kyle goes out of town. With one last glance at my new desk, I turn to walk out through Ellis’s office. He stands waiting for me. “What are your plans this weekend?” I ask him curiously. What does the driven CEO do in his free time? While working so closely together this past week, he hadn’t given away anything about his life away from work other than a few remarks about Henry or Klein. If I didn’t know he was a sought after bachelor he could have a wife and six kids hiding at home and I wouldn’t have an inkling. “I don’t really have any.” He admits reluctantly. “Not even some big bachelor guy’s sports weekend? Big feast with a game on in the background.” He frowns hard. “I used to do that but got away from it the last few years. Too busy working.” “Life’s too short Ellis. I’m out. Enjoy your weekend once you find something to do.” I say with a wave. Ellis Frowning as I make the drive to my grandfather’s estate, I think over the last two weeks. I really wanted to stay home today and maybe watch the hockey game on tv. I haven’t done that in forever. Confessing it to Laurel yesterday made me realize how much I miss that. Klein, Henry, and I used to watch them all on weekends. Maybe next weekend I can have them over. Daphne and Brad can come and maybe Brad will make dessert. Laurel can come too….I’ll have Henry invite her. I wonder if she likes hockey. I groan as I park in front of the large white stone mansion. I wonder who else he’s invited tonight. His butler, River greets me at the door. “Mr. Ellis, how good to see you this evening. He’s in the drawing room with his other guests.” “Hello River. Do you know who his guests are?” I may need to mentally prepare. “Mr. Charles Blair, his wife Sarah and their daughter, Aria Blair.” He whispers. “Thank you, River.” Great another of his forced setups with someone who would benefit the business. “I will visit the restroom first then make my way there.” I lock the door and lean against the wall texting Henry and Klein. “Need help. Granddad is trying to set me up again with some Aria Blair.” I give them a few minutes. Henry is quick tonight. “Oh she’s a socialite. Has a social media following and that appears to be her only job. Her father owns a bunch of textile factories in China.” Klein “You need to get out early?” “Yes one hour. All I can handle tonight.” “We’ll both text you. Make it look like a real emergency.” I walk into the drawing room. It’s all heavily decorated in dark burgundy and wood. Yellow lamps glow around the room but I feel like I’m walking into some kind of 1800’s clandestine meeting with a mob boss. “Ah Ellis you are here. Come say hello to my guests.” He introduces them and I don’t miss the way Charles’s eyes gleam as his daughter steps up to meet me. She’s young maybe twenty-one and I can tell she’s been told to catch my attention. “Oh I’ve so wanted to meet you for years Ellis!” She gushes and I start to ask if that was what she really thought during her senior prom. Granddad makes things more awkward than normal “Ellis went to Bennington too. Aria graduates in the spring with a major in what was it my dear?” I wasn’t wrong on the age. She leans forward placing one hand on the table practically bouncing in her seat. “Sociology. But I’m mostly going to focus on my social media influencer role.” Granddad “I’m sure you don’t want to work forever though right? Perhaps when you get married…..” I continue to eat my chicken not looking at them. “Oh of course. Then I could do it for fun. Or hopefully my wealthy husband would let me model clothing for one of the designers he owns.” Her foot suddenly slides up my ankle and I jerk my leg back before glaring at her coldly. “It would be only tasteful things of course. No lingerie.” She licks her lips as she stares at me. Yeah not happening…..ever. My phone begins to go off like crazy and I say “excuse me, that’s my emergency chimes.” I stand up and excuse myself laughing at Henry’s messages. “Help!” “save me, some vapid socialite is after me!” “don’t let her get me she might make me pose for a photo!” I walk back in. “Sorry everyone, I have to get back. Problem with a contract. I’ll call you later Granddad.” He narrows his eyes at me. “You could tell our guests goodbye Ellis. Perhaps you have time to take Aria out tomorrow.” “No I have plans tomorrow. Sorry.” “Who texted you?” He asks suspiciously. “My assistant, Laurel.” I smile at him and leave refusing to bid those people goodbye. The next day I am restless and decide to walk to my favorite coffee shop after lunch. I am absentmindedly strolling with my cup of coffee when I hear a laugh. “Re…Relly no!” A little boy shrieks and I find his laughing face. I only know of one Relly but surely it’s not her. I see her. She is pretending to steal his ice cream and laughing as much as he is. She smooshes her lips to his cheek in a smacking kiss making him giggle more. I watch mesmerized. I didn’t know she had a kid. Unable to look away I watch them until they are ready to leave. She scoops him up and they walk away in the opposite direction. No dad though. Is she a single mom and didn’t want to tell me? The boy had light brown hair and didn’t resemble her much. I frown and spin around to walk quickly to my car. I run through all the possibilities as I drive. I shouldn’t let this bother me so much. Unable to resist, I hit the button on the steering wheel. “Call Henry.” “What’s up Ellis? You want to come watch the ultimate bakeoff championship marathon with us. It might keep Brad and I from killing each other.” I laugh. “No thanks.” Then in a dramatic whisper “Please for the love of your car tell me you need my help or me to come into the office. Pleeeaaseeee!” Brad’s mutters are loud enough they reach my ears. “Does Laurel have a son?” Dead silence. Well there’s my answer. “No. She has a nephew. Or at least she’s close enough to the parents she calls him her nephew.” “Got it.” I almost slump down in relief. I should have thought of that. He didn’t call her mommy. I got ahead of myself which I never do. She’s messing with my head. “Whyyyyy?” “I saw her at an ice cream place with a little boy. Got worried she was a single mom and didn’t mention it.” Henry clucks his tongue. “Hmm. And you didn’t want to go say hello; introduce yourself to the little boy?” “No they were walking away as I spotted them. I didn’t want her to quit next week because I flag her down in public.” “Hmmm.” “Would you stop doing that Henry. What is your deal?” He laughs as Brad yells. “She’s single and has no kids.. I asked…” “I wasn’t asking that.” Brad mutters “oh thought you were. Sorry my hearing isn’t the best. Or eyesight…” Henry’s loud chuckles muffle whatever else he says. Grantham I am fuming as I bid the Blairs goodbye. Ellis and his damned excuses. He always finds some way to leave even if I don’t tell him I have guests. I even ordered River not to tell him there was an eligible young lady here this evening. It’s such hard work to find eligible young ladies that would be a beneficial pairing to our family and business. That don’t have scandals attached to their name. I’ve had to go younger and younger. Aria was a great option. It would be a business market we aren’t widely involved in when Ellis took over their family business. Aria was a pretty blonde and personable. Knows how to conduct herself too. Ellis thinks he escaped but the company’s charity ball is next week and I’ll be making some additions to the guest list.
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